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Ciil in is youth

Syahrir is a leading Indonesian economist who was one of the students sentenced to jail during the Malari demonstration in 1974, and now becomes the Economic Advisor to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. He was born in Kudus, Central Java, on the 24th of February 1945. He is married to Dr. Kartini Syahrir, a PhD in anthropology and chairman of the Indonesian Anthropological Association (Asosiasi Antropologi Indonesia/AAI). From the marriage, Syahrir and Kartini have a son, Pandu, and a daughter, Gita.

Syahrir was born as an only child to the Ma’amoen Al Rasyid and Roesma Malik couple. His father was a high-ranking government official in Central Java during the Dutch colonial time, while his mother was an official at the Inspectorate of Women Education, Department of Education. Even though his family is of the West Sumatran origin, his family spent most of its life in the island of Java; Kudus, Yogyakarta, Magelang, Surabaya and mostly Jakarta which is now the capital of Indonesia.

Syahrir is well known both as an economist and as a politician. While a student at the Faculty of Economics in the University of Indonesia in 1974, Syahrir became an activist, a background that led him to politics. In 2002, he founded the New Indonesia Alliance Party (Partai Perhimpunan Indonesia Baru) as his effort in offering a solution to the turbulent country.


[edit] As A Student

Syahrir received his early childhood education in a public school in Jakarta, although he got to spend a year in Dalton School Elementary School, Amsterdam. He continued to a catholic high school, Canisius College, in the same city. It was there that he discovered his love for economics. From Canisius College, he was accepted in the prestigious state university, University of Indonesia, where he studied economics.

During this period, he became active in an extra university organization, Djakarta Students Association (Ikatan Mahasiswa Djakarta/IMADA). His involvement at IMADA made him appointed as the head of United Actions of Indonesian Students (Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Indonesia/KAMI). Meanwhile, his activities in intra university organization made him appointed as General Secretary of Students Senate, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia.

Historically, the student body at University of Indonesia had some significant roles in the country’s political movement. In 1974, students demonstrated against the government’s policy regarding the role of foreign investment in Indonesia. The demonstration somehow led to a riot—the incident is known as Malari. Syahrir, who was just graduated as a Bachelor in Economics from the Faculty of Economy, University of Indonesia and was getting ready to leave the country for a master degree scholarship at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, was arrested, tried and sentenced to 6,5 years of prison for subversion and his involvement in Malari. However, he only spent almost 4 years in jail as political detainee.

Fortunately, after getting out of the prison, Ford Foundation, the sponsor of his scholarship, still granted him the opportunity to pursue his master degree. He graduated from Harvard University with a Ph. D in Political Economy & Government in 1983. It was in Harvard that he became friends with Ninoy Aquino and Kim Dae Jung. He returned home to Jakarta in the same year.

[edit] As An Economist

After earning his Ph. D, he shared his knowledge by becoming lecturer in his former faculty, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia. He founded an organization called Institute for Economic and Financial Research (Ecfin) with his fellow economists. One of them was Mari Elka Pangestu, the current Indonesian Minister of Trades. He also founded another organization called Yayasan Padi & Kapas, which focuses on research, education & public health.

During this time, he was active as a consultant and advisor for state banks and public companies. Having become guest speakers in economic seminars and published more than a dozen books on Indonesian economy in the political environment, Syahrir gained his status as prominent economic critic and analyst. He wrote, edited and contributed articles in more than 50 books as an economist (please see Publications)

[edit] As A Politician

Syahrir’s old days as an activist still follow him today. When the big monetary crisis hit Indonesia in 1997, the on going unfortunate situation that developed into economic and political crisis during the upcoming years motivated Syahrir to offer a solution for the nation. In 2001, during the Reformation era, Syahrir founded the New Indonesia Alliance (Perhimpunan Indonesia Baru). The main activity of the Alliance is to organize cabinet watch. The cabinet watch’s task is to monitor the government’s decisions on certain policies and then to announce the result of the observation to the public.

Not happy with the result of the Reformation process, Syahrir and like-minded people in New Indonesia Alliance declared the establishment of the New Indonesia Alliance Party (Partai Perhimpunan Indonesia Baru). This party tried to offer an alternative solution to Reformation era by aiming to participate in the next national parliament election. Syahrir himself had the opportunity to participate in the presidential election in 2004, but did not get sufficient vote needed to go to the next round. However, noticing that his economic expertise could be useful for the new government, the first directly elected president of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, appointed Syahrir as Economic Advisor to the President. Syahrir’s responsibility as Economic Advisor to the President includes being special envoys to other countries, fulfilling presidential missions.

[edit] Curriculum Vitae

Name  : Syahrir
Place & date of birth : Kudus, February 24, 1945
Citizenship  : Indonesia Marital Status  : Married (wife’s name: Kartini)
with 2 children (Pandu and Gita)

Ph.D Doctor in Political Economy & Government, Harvard University, 1983

Bachelor BC in Economic Science, Faculty of Economy, University of Indonesia, 1973

April 2005 – currently Advisor to the President of the Republic of Indonesia
2002 - currently Founder & Chairman of New Indonesia Alliance Party (Partai Perhimpunan Indonesia Baru)
1994 – 2004 Chairman of The Institute for Economic Studies, Research and Development (LP3E) of National Office of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Kamar Dagang dan Industri/KADIN)
September 1989 Founder of Economic and Financial Research (Ecfin)
1987 Founder of Yayasan Padi & Kapas

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1983 – currently Guest speaker as economic expert in local, national and international seminars
1996 - April 2005 CEO of PT SYAHRIR SECURITIES, a security company, Jakarta
1994 Lecturer at the Social & Politic Board of the Republic of Indonesia’s Armed Forces

POLITICAL EXPERIENCE 1965 – 1969 Member of United Actions of Indonesian Students (Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Indonesia/KAMI) with last position: Periodical Chairman of KAMI (National)
1974 – 1977 Arrested and tried as political detainee in the event of Malari demonstration (Malapetaka 15 Januari/the January 15th Riot)
2001 Founded New Indonesia Alliance (Perhimpunan Indonesia Baru/PIB)
2002 Declare the change of PIB’s status to be New Indonesia Alliance Party (Partai Perhimpunan Indonesia Baru)
2002 – currently Chairman of Partai PIB
Agustus 2006 Special Envoy of the President of Republic of Indonesia to USA
Oktober 2006 Special Envoy of the President of RI to Tokyo, Japan
Februari 2007 Special Envoy of the President of RI to Washington, DC., USA

Member of Indonesian Economists Association (Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia/ISEI)

Member American Economic Association (AEA)

[edit] Published Books

I. In Indonesian
A. As An Author
1. Ekonomi Politik Kebutuhan Pokok, LP3ES, Jakarta, 1986.

2. Kebijaksanaan Negara. Konsistensi dan Implementasi, LP3ES, 1987; cetakan kedua LP3ES, 1988.

3. Analisis Ekonomi Indonesia, Gramedia, 1990, cetakan kedua 1991, cetakan ketiga 1992, cetakan keempat 1995.

4. Dinamika Ekonomi Indonesia, Warta Ekonomi, 1992.

5. Refleksi Pembangunan, Gramedia, 1992.

6. Ekonomi Politik Indonesia, Yayasan Keluarga Bhakti Surabaya, PT. Gramedia, 1993.

7. Ekonomi Enak Dibaca dan Perlu, Pustaka Utama Grafiti, 1994.

8. Persoalan Ekonomi Indonesia: Moneter, Perkreditan dan Neraca Pembayaran, Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 1995.

9. Kebijakan Negara Mengantisipasi Masa Depan, Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 1994.

10. Analisis Bursa Efek, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1995.

11. Pikiran Politik Sjahrir, Pustaka LP3ES Indonesia, 1994.

12. Ekonomi Indonesia dalam Perspektif Bisnis, Jurnalindo Aksara Grafika, 1995.

13. Formasi Mikro-Makro Ekonomi Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia Press, 1995.

14. Catatan Ekonomi Indonesia, Adhiprint Indonesia, 1995.

15. Spektrum Ekonomi Politik Indonesia, Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, 1995.

16. Ekonomi Politik Konglomerasi Indonesia, Warta Ekonomi, 1995.

17. Tinjauan Pasar Modal, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1995.

18. Meramal Ekonomi di Tengah Ketidakpastian, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1995.

A1. Books Published During the Era of Reformation
19. Masuk Krisis Keluar Krisis: Para Tokoh Menggugat, Erlangga, 1999

20. Krisis Ekonomi Menuju Reformasi Total, Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Yayasan Padi & Kapas, 1999

21. Membangun Indonesia Baru, Perhimpunan Indonesia Baru, 2002

22. Transisi Menuju Indonesia Baru, Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2004

B. As Editor or Co-Editor

23. Menuju Masyarakat Adil Makmur. 70 Tahun Prof. Sarbini Sumawinata, Gramedia, 1989 (editor).

24. Mobilisasi Dana dalam Era Deregulasi, Yayasan Padi dan Kapas, 1989; cetakan kedua, 1990 (editor).

25. Analisis dan Metodologi Ekonomi Indonesia, Gramedia, 1991 (editor).

26. Pembiayaan Investasi. Kendala dan Prospek, ISEI Jaya, 1990 (editor).

27. Pendewasaan Pasar Modal, Editor Sjahrir dan Marzuki Usman, ISEI Jakarta, 1991 (editor).

28. Pembangunan Berdimensi Kerakyatan, Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 1988 (co-editor).

29. Ekonomi Ubi Kayu di Jawa, editor terjemahan dari The Cassava Economy of Java (Editors: W.P. falcon, et. al), PSH, 1984 (editor terjemahan).

C. As A Contributor in Several Books

30. Perempuan, Politik dan Jurnalisme. Tujuh Puluh Tahun Toety Azis, Daniel Dhakedae (editor). Yayasan Padi dan Kapas 1994; dengan tulisan Pakar Ekonomi, Kebijaksanaan dan Ekonomi Politik.

31. Sistem Ekonomi Kita, dalam buku Saya adalah Orang yang Berhutang. 70 Tahun Dr. T.B. Simatupang, PSH, 1990.

32. Konglomerat Indonesia: Persepsi Masyarakat dan Perspektif Masa Depan, dalam buku Konglomerat Indonesia Permasalahan dan Sepak Terjangnya, PSH, 1990.

33. Menuju Masyarakat Baru Indonesia. Antisipasi terhadap Tantangan Abad XXI, GPU, 1990

34. Pemberian Keterangan yang Tidak Benar. Suatu Telaah Ekonomi Umum dalam buku Praktek Pemberian Keterangan yang Tidak Benar. Suatu Modus Penyimpangan Ekonomi, UI Press, 1991.

35. Industrialisasi Pedesaan, editor Sayogyo dan Mangara Tambunan sebagai pembahas hal. 415-419, Penerbit PT Sekindo Eka Jaya, Agustus 1990, untuk Pusat Studi Pembangunan Lembaga Penelitian IPB dan ISEI Cabang Jakarta.

36. Sosok Demokrasi Ekonomi Indonesia, Yayasan Keluarga Bhakti Surabaya, PT Gramedia, 1993.

37. Politik Ekonomi Kesehatan Indonesia, Yayasan Padi dan Kapas, editor Dr. Gulardi H. Wignjosastro, 1993

D. As Contributor in Other Authors’ Book’s Prefaces
38. Ekonomi Indonesia, Gustav F. Papanek (Ed.), Gramedia, 1988.

39. Pemikiran ke Arah Demokrasi Ekonomi, Didik J. Rachbini (Ed.), LP3ES, 1990.

40. Krisis Teori Ekonomi, Daniel Bell & Irving Kristol (Eds.), LP3ES, 1988.

41. Perusahaan Trans Nasional, Pieter Kuin (Ed.), Yayasan Obor Indonesia & Gramedia, 1987.

42. Demokrasi Ekonomi, LP3ES, 1990.

43. Konglomerasi, Taipan, dan Koneksi Bisnis, Djafar H. Assegaff, Warta Ekonomi, 1994.

E. Biography

44. Sjahrir (comic book), Masmimar Mangiang, Benny Rachmadi, Muhammad Misrad, Perhimpunan Indonesian Baru, 2004

II. In English
A. . As An Author

45. Basic Needs in Indonesia. Economics, Politics, and Public Policy, ISEAS, Singapore, 1986.

46. Building A New Indonesia, Perhimpunan Indonesia Baru, 2002

B. As A Contributor in Several Books
47. The Indonesian Economy Facing the 1990’s. Structural Transformation and Economic Deregulation, dalam buku Southeast Asian Affair 1990, ISEAS, Singapore, 1990.

48. The Indonesian Deregulation Process: Problems, Constraints and Prospects, dalam buku Economic Policy-Making in the Asia Pacific Region, John W. Langford & K. Lorne Brownsey (Eds.), The Institute for Research on Public Policy, Quebec, Kanada, 1990.

49. Problems and Prospects for Inter-Governmental Cooperation in US-ASEAN Trade: The Indonesia Perspective, dalam buku US-ASEAN Trade. Current Issues and Future Strategies, Pamela Sodhy (Ed.), Malaysian Association for American Studies, Kuala Lumpur, 1988.

50. Adjustment Policies of Small Open Economics, the Experience of Indonesia, dalam buku Economic Reform and Internationalization: China and the Pacific Region, Ross Garnaut, Lin Guogang, Allen & Unwin (Eds.), ANV, 1992.

51. Challenging Business As Usual, dalam buku Indonesia’s Experiences Under the New Order, Jan-Paul Dirkse, Frans Husken & Mario Rutten (Eds.), Koninklijk Instituut Voor Taal, Landen Volkenkunde, 1993.

52. The Indonesian Economy: A Case of Macro Success and Micro Challenge, dalam buku Indonesia Assessment 1993. Labour: Sharing in the Benefits of Growth, Chris Manning and Joan Hardjono (Eds.), ANU, Canberra, 1993.

53. The Concept and the Reality of Development, dalam buku Economy and Ecology in Sustainable Development, Editor SPES, Gramedia, 1994.

C. As A Co-Author
54. Indonesian Financial and Trade Policy Deregulation: Reform and Response, with Colin Brown, in the book The Dynamics of Economic Policy Reform in South East Asia and the South-West Pacific, Andrew J. MacIntyre and Kanishka Jayasuriya (Eds.), Oxford University Press, 1992.

55. Indonesian Palm Oil Trade and Development: A Case of Policy Induced Distortion, with Erna Zetha Rusman, in the book Trade, Protectionism, and Industrial Adjustment in Vegetable Oils. Asian Responses to North America, J. Tan Loong Hoe & S. Sharma (Eds.), ISEAS, 1989.

56. The Role of the Budget in Indonesia’s Economic Restructuring, with Widjanarko, in the book The Politics of Economic Reform in Southeast Asia: The Experience of Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines, David G. Timberman (Ed.), Asian Institute of Management, Philippines, 1992.

[edit] Published Articles

1983 – March 2007 Dr. Syahrir wrote hundreds of articles in various Indonesian and international newspapers and magazines such as Kompas, Tempo, Asian wall Street, Buletin of Indonesian Economic Studies. Articles include:
March 2007 Sarbini Sumawinata: Ekonom, Pembangun Lembaga, dan Politisi Idealis, TEMPO
February 2007 Demokrasi dan Kemakmuran: Catatan Khusus Pidato Guru Besar Profesor Boediono, Syahrir Research

[edit] External Links