Swept wing

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A B-52 Stratofortress showing swept wing with a relatively large sweepback angle for a transport aircraft
A B-52 Stratofortress showing swept wing with a relatively large sweepback angle for a transport aircraft

A swept-wing is a wing planform common on high-speed aircraft. A swept-wing is typically swept back, instead of being set at right angles to the fuselage. Forward sweep is also used on some aircraft.


[edit] Speed of sound

F-14 Tomcat, an exemplar of variable sweep swing-wing aircraft, shown in high-speed high-sweepback configuration
F-14 Tomcat, an exemplar of variable sweep swing-wing aircraft, shown in high-speed high-sweepback configuration

The swept wing is used in airplanes that spend a portion of their flight time in the transonic speed range. They were initially used only on fighter aircraft, but have since become almost universal on jets, including airliners and business jets.

As an aircraft approaches the speed of sound, an effect known as wave drag starts to appear. The air reaches supersonic speed locally over an area on the top of the wing, and this local supersonic region ends in an oblique shock wave, which becomes nearly normal on the wing's upper surface. The losses of the normal shock wave increase drag. The shock can be made more oblique by having the profile of the aircraft change as slowly as possible (high fineness ratio).

Instead of changing the profile it is possible to do this indirectly by swing wings or extending the wings with anti-shock bodies, which have low effect at low speeds. These methods also tilt the shock in another direction (which is not visible in the cut view of a profile) especially with forward swept wings: the shock is near the trailing edge. Sweep back in conjunction with taper is useful only if the wing is swept forward.

For supersonic flight the wing leading edge needs either to be sharp or swept back.

[edit] Forward sweep

LET L-13 two-seat glider showing forward swept wing
LET L-13 two-seat glider showing forward swept wing

One of the most aerodynamically unstable designs is forward-swept wing. However, it provides the plane with unmatched agility and manouverability. The Grumman X-29 was an experimental technology demonstration project designed to test the forward swept wing for enhanced maneuverability in 1984. The Su-47 Berkut is another notable example using this technology. With forward swept wings, fly by wire and computer assisted flight are necessary.

Slight forward sweep is not necessarily unstable, and it is used on many two-seat tandem gliders to adjust the center of mass relative to the center of lift. This is necessary to allow the wing spar to pass behind the rear seat occupant.

[edit] History

Swept wings were flown successfully as early as 1910 with Dunne's D.5 [1] Swept wings were used on early designs of flying wing and tailess aircraft in the late 1920s and early 1930s such as the designs of Soldenhoff and Professor Hill. [2]

This effect was known in the 1930s, but due to the fairly low speeds of most aircraft, it was largely of academic interest. Large engines at the front of the aircraft made it difficult to obtain a reasonable fineness ratio, and although wings could be made thin and broad, doing so made them considerably less strong. The British Supermarine Spitfire deliberately used as thin a wing as possible for lower high-speed drag, but later paid a high price for it in a number of aerodynamic problems such as control reversal. German design instead opted for thicker wings, accepting the drag for greater strength and increased internal space for landing gear, fuel and weapons.

Grumman X-29 experimental aircraft showing an extreme example of a forward swept wing
Grumman X-29 experimental aircraft showing an extreme example of a forward swept wing

A practical solution had already been offered in 1936, by German engineers at a public aeronautics meeting in Italy. In their presentation they noted that the wing "thickness" for these calculations was measured along the direction of the airflow, as opposed to along the line of the chord. A thick wing could be made "effectively thinner" by rotating it at an angle relative to the airflow, sweeping it back. With planes starting to approach only 400 km/h at the time, the presentation was soon forgotten.

With the introduction of jets in the later half of World War II applying sweep became relevant. The German jet powered Messerschmitt Me 262 and rocket powered Messerschmitt Me 163 suffered from compressibility effects that made them very difficult to control at high speeds. In addition the speeds put them into the wave drag regime, and anything that could reduce this drag would increase the performance of their aircraft, notably the notoriously short flight times measured in minutes.

The result was a crash program to introduce new swept wing designs, both for fighters as well as bombers. A prototype test aircraft, the Messerschmitt Me P.1101, was built to research the tradeoffs of the design and develop general rules about what angle of sweep to use. None of the designs were ready for use by the time the war ended, but the P.1101 was captured by US forces and returned to the United States, where two additional copies with US built engines carried on the research as the Bell X-5.

The introduction of the German swept-wing research to aeronautics caused a minor revolution, and almost all design efforts immediately underwent modifications in order to incorporate a swept-wing. A particularly interesting victim was the cancellation of the Miles M-52, a straight-wing design for an attempt on the speed of sound. When the swept-wing design came to light the project was cancelled, as it was thought it would have too much drag to break the sound barrier, but soon after the US nevertheless did just that with the Bell X-1. In 1945, NACA engineer Robert T. Jones developed the mathematical sweep theory that perfected the concept of swept wings and defined its ability to reduce shockwave effects at critical mach numbers. By the 1950s nearly every fighter used a swept wing. It was at this point that another problem discovered by the Germans came to light.

The unswept wing of a Maule M-7-235B Super Rocket light aircraft
The unswept wing of a Maule M-7-235B Super Rocket light aircraft

[edit] Disadvantages

When a swept-wing travels at high speed, the airflow has little time to react and simply flows over the wing. However at lower speeds some of the air is pushed to the side towards the wing tip. At the wing root, by the fuselage, this has little noticeable effect, but towards the tip the airflow is pushed sidewise not only by the wing, but the sidewise moving air beside it. At the tip the airflow is moving along the wing instead of over it, a problem known as spanwise flow.

The lift on a wing is generated by the airflow over it from front to rear. As an increasing amount travels spanwise, the amount flowing front to rear is reduced, leading to a loss of lift. Normally this is not much of a problem, but as the plane slows for landing the tips can actually drop below the stall point even at speeds where stalls should not occur. When this happens the tip stalls, and since the tip is swept to the rear, the net lift moves forward. This causes the plane to pitch up, leading to more of the wing stalling, leading to more pitch up, and so on. This problem came to be known as Sabre dance in reference to the number of North American F-86 Sabres that crashed on landing as a result.

The solution to this problem took on many forms. One was the addition of a strip of metal known as a wing fence on the upper surface of the wing to redirect the flow to the rear (see the MiG-15 as an example), another closely related design was to add a dogtooth notch to the leading edge (Avro Arrow). Other designs took a more radical approach, including the XF-91 Thunderceptor's wing that grew thicker towards the tip to provide more lift there, and the British-favoured a crescent compound sweep or scimitar wing that reduced the sweep along the span, used on the Handley Page Victor, one of their V Bombers.

Modern solutions to the problem no longer require "custom" designs such as these. The addition of leading edge slats and large compound flaps to the wings has largely resolved the issue. On fighter designs, the addition of leading edge extensions, included for high manoeuvrability, also serve to add lift during landing and reduce the problem.

The swept-wing also has several more problems. One is that for any given length of wing, the actual span from tip-to-tip is shorter than the same wing that is not swept. Low speed drag is strongly correlated with the aspect ratio, the span compared to chord, so a swept wing always has more drag at lower speeds. Another concern is the torque applied by the wing to the fuselage, as much of the wing's lift lies behind the point where the wing root connects to the plane. Finally, while it is fairly easy to run the main spars of the wing right through the fuselage in a straight wing design to use a single continuous piece of metal, this is not possible on the swept wing because the spars will meet at an angle.

[edit] References

A large biz jet's swept main wings and T-tail
A large biz jet's swept main wings and T-tail

[edit] See also

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