Suzie View

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Suzie View was a syndicated cartoon produced by Tauhid Bondia and Erik McCurdy. Its main character is Suzie Vance, a 10 year old who, along with younger brother Miguel run "Suzie View productions", an independent film studio. Suzie's over-zealous attitude to film production can irritate the unwitting subjects of her many documentaries especially older sister Jae. Her dysfunctional animated stuffed toy collection (the "Suzie view players") form her acting talent pool. Aside from filmmaking, Suzie is the bane of her schoolteachers due to her drive for unconventional thought.

Syndicated online by United Features Syndicate from September 12th 2004 to March 8th 2005 on [1] new strips were published daily, with colour strips on Sundays. 177 strips were sydicated in total. In July 2005 McCurdy produced three strips, independently from Bondia or UFS. As a result, the artwork was markedly different.

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