Supreme Soviet of the National Economy

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Supreme Soviet of the National Economy (Высший Совет Народного Хозяйства, ВСНХ) was the superior state institution for management of the economy of the RSFSR and later of the Soviet Union. There were two institutions with this name, at different times.

[edit] 1917-1932

Initially it was created at the RSFSR Sovnarkom to manage the Soviet industry. After the creation of the USSR it managed the major industry enterprises of all-Union significance. In 1932 it was reorganized into three People's Commissariats: of heavy industry, light industry and forestry.

[edit] 1963-1965

This institution was reestablished by Nikita Khrushchev when he reintroduced sovnarkhozes. It was subordinated to the Council of Ministers of the USSR and managed the industry and construction.