Supreme Court of the Yukon Territory

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The Supreme Court of the Yukon Territory (SCYT) is the court of general jurisdiction for the Canadian territory of Yukon. Civil and criminal cases are heard by the court, as well as, appeals from the Yukon Territorial Court, Yukon Small Claims Court and other quasi-judicial boards. Appeals from the court are made to the Court of Appeal of the Yukon Territory.

The SCYT consists of two resident judges, five judges from the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, and forty-two deputy judges appointed from across Canada. The rules of procedure for the SCYT are based upon those of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. The court is based in Whitehorse.

[edit] Notable case

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Courts of Canada (edit)
Supreme Court: Supreme Court of Canada
Federal Courts: Tax Court of Canada |Federal Court |Federal Court of Appeal
Courts of Appeal of the Provinces and Territories: BC | AB | SASK | MAN | ONT | QC | NB | NS | PEI | NL | YK | NWT | NU
Superior Courts of the Provinces and Territories: BC | AB | SASK | MAN | ONT | QC | NB | NS | PEI | NL | YK | NWT | NU
Provincial Courts of the Provinces and Territories: BC | AB | SASK | MAN | ONT | QC | NB | NS | PEI | NL | YK | NWT | NU
Military Court: Court Martial Appeal Court
Canadian Courts History in the Provinces and Territories: SASK