Supercross (film)

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Directed by Steve Boyum
Produced by Johnathan Bogner,
David Borg,
McDonald Greg
Written by Ken Solarzb,
Bart Baker
Starring Steve Howey,
Mike Vogel,
Cameron Richardson,
Sophia Bush,
Aaron Carter,
Channing Tatum
Distributed by 20th Century Fox
Release date(s) August 17, 2005
Running time 80 minutes
Language English
IMDb profile

Supercross is a ficticious 2005 film, directed by expert stunt director Steve Boyum. The movie is a mixture of youthful relationships set in the intense world of professional Supercross. Actors are mostly young talent just getting started in the dramatic world, with some attractive local people.


[edit] Film Production

Supercross: The Movie is the full title of the 35 mm color motion picture film, first presented in Brentwood during a motorcycle event on the evening of August 17, 2004, then on August 19, released into full world-wide theatrical distribution. The Director of Photography for the dramatic segments was William Wages, a consummate professional with many years of successful work. Talk is that he was asked to re-create a sort of "olden times" look to the movie, by purposely under exposing the film. The grainy and at times thin film is in contrast with the deep and clear cycle racing photography. Among the very finest action film makers are to be credited with the high quality look during actual motorcycle race events, that features the work of a sky train cinema camera helped along by top notch film production experts. Corporate team work created for the movie some of the best imagery that Clear Channel has to offer... Also, Steve Boyum excelled during his strong points of motorcycle race and stunt work photography. To make the filming story line, actors and actor double cycle racers David Castillo and Rich Taylor had to qualify for the cycle racing competition events up through and including the World Supercross Championship final race. During the finals, there was also a ten minute break between the racing events, so that the stunt doubles could complete some work needed to film specific contest action during the movie's final minutes. Modeled sound effects mix it up with an IMAX style combination of extreme close-up and fine focus film footage during most of the actual Motocross and Supercross live action events. The Las Vegas Supercross final events live action filmed using an over-the-stadium cable camera, brings a new dimension to motorcycle racing cinematography.

One thing seems evident. The world wide theatrical film distribution play of Supercross: The Movie unto the peoples of even seldom traveled lands around the globe, is bound to increase the sure-fire knowledge of (and for many an appreciation of) the Supercross hard charging life style.

[edit] Plot Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

General Plot Overview: The story takes place after one of the original "old time" dirt bike racers has died tragically. While struggling with the heartbreak and lingering grief about the loss of their father, his two sons gain a sense of brotherly competition riding dirt bikes on the desert out by Lancaster. Its tough for anyone to compete with the well financed factory riders and their skimble-scamble backers. With pretty girlfriends along for the ride, these two boys try their best to scutter past show-room contestants and corporate moguls. While new to this arena of high-stakes adversity, with excellence of craft dexterity learned out on custom desert course tracks and from flying over sand dunes, each son struggles to carve a way to the checkered flag. Along with their father's never say die attitude, soon they risk it all for a chance at the fortunes found in the world of Championship Supercross...

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Very Detailed Plot Overview: The movie opens out in the deserts of California where Carlyle brothers KC (Steve Howey) and Trip (Mike Vogel) are sitting on their two dirt bikes. They are both supercross riders. They are 'privateer' riders, which means they aren't yet corporate sponsored. KC and his brother are very close, but also very opposite. Trip is more of a risk taker. He's a ladies man and doesn't seem to take things too seriously. Trip is also the better supercross rider too. KC is a more cautious rider than his brother, but still pretty good. KC's recently deceased father was also a Supercross rider, a very popular one. KC and Trip take off on their bikes ripping through the sand of the desert. During the opening credits the supercross riders do flips and high jumps on the track.

Cut to KC and Trip cleaning a swimming pool for some rich people. KC and Trip own their own pool cleaning company. Trip says to KC that the girl who lives in the house has a crush on KC and them two should hook up sometime. KC laughs it off and continues cleaning the pool. Trip jumps in the pool and KC yells at him. Trip never takes anything serious. He just rather have some fun. KC jumps in after him. A girl named Zoe (Sophia Bush) comes walking up to the pool and tells the brothers to get out. The brothers apologize and Zoe smiles at KC. After KC and Trip arrive home, they unload their truck full of cleaning supplies. The two go inside and talk about how a big supercross-racing event is coming up at Apple Valley and they want to attend. Some friends of theirs come over and they all fix up their dirt bikes. Trip makes jokes about how KC should go ask Zoe to the racing event.

KC thinks this is a good idea so he takes a ride back over to Zoe's house. He hands her a flyer to the big event and the two flirt. Zoe says she will come watch KC race. We cut to the Apple Valley dirt racetrack. Everyone is doing some last minute adjustments to their dirt bikes. KC and Trip are fixing up their bikes and Zoe walks over to them. KC and Zoe hug and they go off. Trip is fixing up his bike and a blondie named Piper (Cameron Richardson) comes up to him and gives him some pointers. She is a supercross rider. Trip is introduced to her family, father Earl (Robert Patrick) and young brother Owen (Aaron Carter), the latter who is also a supercross rider.

Trip and KC line up along all the other competitors at the starting line, looking at each other, and the flag is waved. The race has started. Some riders do some major jumps and flips, but it's Trip and KC who are the closest to the finish line. Trip hits some dirt bumps and spins out of control. His bike crashes into KC's bike and the two wipeout. Piper wins the race. Next we see KC and Trip back in the pits fixing up their bikes. KC yells at Trip for crashing into him during the race. Trip just laughs and says it was an accident. Piper comes up to them and joins the two as they fix their bikes.

A man named Clay Sparks (Robert Carradine) goes up to KC. Clay owns a company called Nami, which sponsors supercross riders. He tells KC that he is a wonderful rider, and he would like if KC and Trip came down to Nami to take a look around. KC and Trip agree. The next day at Nami, Clay shows the brothers around. He takes them to meet his son Rowdy (Channing Tatum), the best rider that Nami has.

Rowdy challenges the brothers to a race on Nami's own track. The two brothers accept. The three go to the track and begin to race. After a couple minutes of intense racing, Rowdy catches air on his bike and smashes into Trip's bike. After the race, Trip goes up and gets into a confrontation with Rowdy, but then get separated.

Clay goes up to KC and says he has a lot of skill. Clay asks KC if he wants to be sponsored by Nami and KC accepts. We can tell Trip is a little jealous. That night, Trip and KC go back home, arguing about how KC is going to be sponsored. Trip says he is better than KC. Trip goes to a local biker bar, where he meets up with Piper. The two talk about how Trip is jealous of his brother. On the way out of the bar, Trip meets up with a biker. Trip starts to look and touch the biker's bike which sets the biker off. The biker tells trip that they should race for pink slips, so Trip bets the pool cleaning truck. Trip gets his dirt bike ready and the biker gets his motorcycle ready. The two take off. At first Trip has the lead, but the biker beats him by an inch. Trip goes home and meets up with KC, who yells at Trip for loosing the pool cleaning truck. KC says he can get another truck, but he can't get his brother to act mature.

We go to another supercross racing event. Before the race starts, Trip and Piper make final repairs on their dirt bikes. The two go into Piper's trailer and begin to make out. Meanwhile, KC is hanging out with Rowdy, Clay and the rest of the Nami riders. Trip walks past him and gives him a look. After that, Clay makes KC Rowdy's wingman, which means KC will race in all the major racing events that Rowdy gets into. Real-life supercross pro Tyler Evans goes up to KC and says that he will be looking forward to seeing KC in the upcoming Las Vegas Motocross Championship, which is like the World series/Super bowl of supercross racing.

All the riders get ready at the start line. They take off. For the next couple minutes, we see all the riders doing flips and high jumps. KC is in the lead, but Rowdy and a few other Nami riders zoom past KC. In the end, KC comes in fourth place, while Rowdy comes in first.

The next day we see Trip and KC hanging out at home with a few friends. Zoe and KC go some place quiet and talk. They start to make out, but are interrupted by Trip, which doesn't fit well with KC. KC says that Trip is very immature and that without him, Trip with be homeless. During this bigger argument of who carries who and who pays the bills, etc., Trip yells at KC one last time and then storms out of the house. Trip goes to visit Piper at her family ranch. They talk and flirt. Trip meets up with Piper's dad Earl, who says that he knew Trip's father, and how was a great racer and a good man. Earl takes Trip into the farmhouse, which is a bike garage. Earl gives Trip his old dirt bike, which was special to him and won him a lot of races.

The next day at another supercross racing event. KC sees that Trip is hanging out with Piper's family and he is a little jealous. KC meets up with the Nami guys as they prepare their bikes for the race. KC and Trip meet up and exchange some harsh words. All the riders get ready to race at the start line. The flag is waved and the race begins. After a couple of minutes of intense race scenes, we see Rowdy, Trip and KC neck to neck for the lead. Trip takes a fall for KC when Rowdy kicks up some dirt from his back tire, which goes flying into Trip. This causes Trip to loose control while going up a ramp and smack into the ground hard. KC is free to take the win. Paramedics rush over to Trip who is badly hurt.

Later, Trip being rushed to the hospital. KC gets to the hospital after the race and finds Trip. A doctor says KC has to leave the room while doctors examine him. Sometime later, the doctor goes up to KC and says that Trip broke his leg and has severe head trauma. KC goes in to visit Trip who won't be able to ride again as he sufferes from a broken leg and has got severe head trauma. Trip apologizes for being so nasty to him lately. KC says that because of this whole Nami thing, he hasn't been himself lately. The two make up and realize that the final supercross race is coming up soon. So KC has to prepare.

The next day we see KC meet up with Clay, who says that they got this new racer who is much better then KC. KC asks if he is being replaced and Clay says that he is. KC meets up with Trip at Piper's place, and tells Trip that he isn't with Nami anymore. Earl comes in and prepares KC for the final supercross race. He says that millions of screaming fans will be there along with ESPN and other news networks.

The Las Vegas Motocross Championship finally arrives. Zoe, Trip and Piper are in the audience cheering KC on. KC meets up with Rowdy and get into a fight, but the fight is broken up. They fix up their bikes and get ready to race. All the riders go to the start line. The flag is waved and the race begins. A couple minutes go by, we see a bunch of riders wipeout. Eventually Rowdy and KC are left on the track. They come close to the finish line and Rowdy has the lead. Rowdy keeps turning his head around and looking back at KC, because of this, Rowdy hits some bumps and looses control. KC speeds up ahead of him, up a ramp and does a back flip over the finish line. The crowd goes wild as KC wins the race.

Trip, Piper and Zoe run up to KC to congratulate him. Zoe flirts with KC and tells him that he will be all over the news for the next couple of days. KC says he can handle it.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Main cast

With Supercross riders in acting roles...

  • Tyler Evans – Himself
  • David Pingree – Billy
  • David Castillo – Jimmy Castillo
  • Joe Bucaro III – Joey Bucaro
  • Rick Johnson – Worker

Plus Supercross riders performing stunts, and cycle racers...

  • David Castillo -- stunt coordinator, and actor racer
  • "Cowboy" Kenny Bartram -- stunt rider, and racer double
  • Joe Bucaro III -- stunt rider, and racer double
  • Richard C. Taylor -- Himself, and racer double
  • Jimmy N. Roberts -- stunt coordinator

[edit] External links