Super Star Destroyer

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"Super Star Destroyer"

Executor-class Star Dreadnought
First appearance Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back
Affiliation Galactic Empire
General Characteristics
Armaments Turbolasers
Ion cannons
Concussion missiles

The Super Star Destroyer, often abbreviated S.S.D., is used to refer to any ship in the Star Wars fictional universe used by the Galactic Empire's Starfleet with a wedge-shaped design larger than the 1,600 m long Imperial*-class Star Destroyer. As such, any ship listed below can be termed as a "Super Star Destroyer", whatever its more formal designation, and this is the most commonly taken path by Star Wars characters regardless of their alignment.


[edit] Allegiance Star Destroyer

The 2,200-metre long Allegiance-type Star Destroyer is a dedicated fleet destroyer with heavy armor and no hangar bay, similar to the Tector-class. Unlike the Tector, the Allegiance has a large ventral bulb, implying a massive reactor, very powerful weapons, and shields. The proper class name of this class is not known; Allegiance is the only named representative of the class. In the Dark Empire comics, ships of this class were seen at several major battles and were also the primary escorts of the Imperial flagship Eclipse. Allegiance was referred to as a "Super Star Destroyer", so it may be considered a light cruiser rather than a destroyer.

[edit] Executor-class Star Dreadnought

Also known as the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer, Executor-class Star Destroyer, and (as a fictional fictional ship invented for budgetary reasons) Super-class Star Destroyer.

The RPG stats for the Executor-class:
Classification Battlecruiser
Length 19,000 meters long
Crew 33,350,000 crewmen
Onboard Complement
  • 38,000 troopers
  • 144 TIE starfighters (1 wing: 12 squadrons)

250 turbolaser batteries
250 heavy turbolaser batteries
250 ion cannons
250 concussion missle tubes
40 tractor beam projectors - 7500D per salvo

Hull Plating 45,712 U
Deflector Shielding 96,000 U
Total Defense 141,712 U

The Executor is an often-debated ship among Star Wars fans. Official materials and fan speculation have placed the length at 8, 10, 12.8, 17.6, and 19 kilometers, with 19 kilometers being the current official figure and the one most in line with canon measurements in the films. Its official designation is Executor-class Star Dreadnought.

From the WEG RPG, these behemoths carry over a thousand guns: 250 heavy turbolaser batteries (10D), 250 turbolaser batteries (7D), 250 concussion missile launchers (9D), and 250 ion cannons (4D). They also carry 40 tractor beam projectors, which means they are able to reel in two Imperial Star Destroyers. A total salvo from an SSD has a massive 7500D, which theoretically is able to vaporize a whole ISD-I in a single salvo, according to the WEG statistics. These figures were recently adjusted upwards along with the larger length however, and the Executor class now officially carries over 5,000 heavy emplacements similar to those on the Venator and Imperial class star destroyers

Three prefabricated garrison bases are also stored on board for rapid deployment of ground forces. Her shields are said to be able to dissipate power output equal to a medium-sized star; in one comic, the shields are shown to protect the Executor in a collision with three Imperial-class Star Destroyers exiting hyperspace.

From the WEG RPG, the SSD has 45712 armor units and 96000 shielding units, making its total defense a staggering 141712 units, although this also is unproportional defense for a vessel that is 19 kilometers long, and probably much less than the actual abilities of the ship.

At the Battle of Endor, the rebel fleet successfully brought down the Executor's shields. While they were down, a Rebel A-wing crashed into the ship's bridge. As the ship's engines were out of control, the ship was unable to resist as the gravity of the Death Star pulled it in. Before the secondary bridge could regain control of the ship, the Executor crashed into the Death Star and exploded. Incidently, its bridge is slightly larger than that of the "Imperial" or "Imperial II" class destroyers, reflecting the larger crew needed to co-ordinate the larger ship.

[edit] Past depictions of the Executor-class in the Expanded Universe

The Executor class Star Dreadnoughts nee super star destroyers are seen in the movies and now described in official literature as nineteen kilometers long, and having perhaps one hundred times the firepower and over twice the fighter capacity of an Imperial-class.

Initially, Super Star Destroyers were described in official literature as eight kilometers long, and having perhaps five times the firepower and twice the fighter capacity of an Imperial-class, despite obviously being much larger than this in the films.

Interestingly, some official sources indirectly implied that Super Star Destroyers were longer than 8 kilometers long before the official retcon. The 1997 computer game X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Balance of Power, while depicting the Super Star Destroyer Vengeance as 8 kilometers in length within the game, displayed the ship in its cover art as being well over 10 times the length of its accompanying Star Destroyers.

Nevertheless, the smaller Super Star Destroyer holds an allure within Star Wars fandom, partly due to the wide proliferation of the class. The poor combat performance of many Super Star Destroyers in official literature is often held as proof that the ship could not possibly be eleven times the length of an Imperial-class. Some suggest that these smaller Super Star Destroyers described are a different class from the Executor, allowing them to be 8–13 km long regardless of the length of the Executor.

Three Expanded Universe materials call the Executor-class a Star Dreadnought. This designation, and the status of the "Super Star Destroyer" term is hotly disputed among fans. Inside the Worlds of the Star Wars Trilogy by Dr Curtis Saxton explains that the "Super Star Destroyer" designation is colloquial, while the "Star Dreadnought" designation is the term deemed by Dr. Curtis Saxton, who is the technical consultant for DK Books, in association with Lucasbooks. He intends on using terms such as "Battlecruiser," and "Dreadnought," in order for the words to correspond with the similar naval classification. Incorrectly, this designation is often spelled "Star Dreadnaught"; it is printed as "Star Dreadnought" and the Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser is an entirely separate class of ship.

For some who find the "Super-class" particularly distasteful as a name, Star Destroyer and Super Star Destroyer work nicely. The Executor played a part in the Star Wars Empire at War expansion, Forces of Corruption, as the Empire's command ship and Darth Vaders' personal space craft.

[edit] List of Executor-class ships

There are many Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts in the Expanded Universe canon. By the time of the Battle of Hoth, there were at least four Executor-class ships in operation with many more under construction; the exact number of ships of this class that were completed before the Battle of Endor is unknown. As there are so few known ships of the class, it is appropriate to list those that have appeared by name:

The Executor-class considerably outmassed Imperial*-class Star Destroyers, which served as support vessels.
The Executor-class considerably outmassed Imperial*-class Star Destroyers, which served as support vessels.

[edit] Named examples
  • Aggressor — Admiral Roek's flagship was stationed in the Inner Rim region prior to the Battle of Endor. Later, it was recalled to Corellia to protect the Corellian Engineering Corporation shipyards. It is believed to have been destroyed during a fratricidal battle between warlord Imperial factions, when it collided with a torpedo sphere at the first Battle Of Tralus. Grand Admiral Pitta used a torpedo sphere to defend the planet Tralus from Grand Admiral Grunger's entire fleet of 30 Star Destroyers, 60 Strike Cruises and 100 Carrack Cruisers, until Grunger rammed the Aggressor into Pitta's sphere killing them both.
  • Annihilator — A named Executor Class Super Star Destroyer that was featured in the PC stradegy game, Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption. The Annihilator dropped out of hyperspace in Kuat during Tyber Zann's attempt at capturing the Eclipse Super Star Destroyer. Although the Superlaser on the Eclipse was offline, it was reactivated and was used to competely destroy the Annihilator.
  • Executor — Darth Vader's flagship, the lead ship of its class, and the only such vessel featured in the movies. This ship was the first ship of its type, built at the Fondor Shipyards. Executor was involved in the siege of Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back, and the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi. The ship was destroyed by the Rebel Alliance during the Battle of Endor, colliding with the second Death Star after its bridge was destroyed by Arvel Crynyd's crashing A-wing fighter, along with many of the Imperial Navy's finest officers. There is some irony in this, as the Executor was designed by Lira Wessex, and the A-Wing that caused its fall was designed by Walex Blissex, her father.
  • Guardian — This ship was stationed in the Core regions and was the flagship of Fleet Admiral Gaen Drommel, who (like many high-ranking Imperial officers) turned to warlordism after the death of Emperor Palpatine. Three years after the Battle of Endor, the ship was severely damaged in battle with the nascent New Republic. She was captured by the New Republic some ten years later, apparently in poor condition and was eventually repaired. Guardian saw operational service in the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, and became a Galactic Alliance command-ship/mobile base.
  • Intimidator — Originally assigned to Black Sword Command together with two other anonymous "Super Star Destroyers", Intimidator was rechristened Pride of Yevetha and pressed into service for the Duskhan League after the Yevethan revolt at the Black Fifteen shipyards over N'zoth. It was later reacquired by subjugated human crewmen during a revolt. Intimidator eventually came to rest as a heavily-damaged derelict somewhere in the galactic core.
  • Iron Fist — This ship was the flagship of Warlord Zsinj's fleet. It was the symbol of the warlord's power, and he used it to terrorize worlds into submission. Iron Fist was reported destroyed at Selaggis, but was later found intact and still in Zsinj's service at his primary shipyard over the planet Dathomir. There is some ambiguity surrounding the final fate of the ship. During a battle between Zsinj's forces and the Hapan fleet over Dathomir a Star Destroyer bearing the name "Iron Fist" was destroyed after Han Solo, piloting the Millennium Falcon, fired a pair of concussion missiles into the bridge, killing the Warlord. However some facts leave room for speculation. There is a conspicuous absence of the "Super" prefix when describing the "Iron Fist" that was destroyed. Also, descriptions of the battle; in which the ship is "besieged" and in need of rescue after facing only two Hapan Battle Dragons (ships only comparable in power to Imperial Star Destroyers at best) and given the fact that Zsinj habitually names his flagship Iron Fist (after his first command, a Victory Star Destroyer) it is possible that the Warlord transferred his flag to another ship, possibly an Imperial Star Destroyer, and that the SSD "Iron Fist" was moved to another location before the battle began. (Possibly in reaction to an earlier hit-and-fade attack by Prince Isolder's "Song of War" on the Dathomiri shipyard)
  • Knight Hammer — Seeing the inefficiencies of the Emperor's heirs, Admiral Daala murdered most of the warlords who had risen to power after the fall of the Empire. Consolidating command over the remaining Imperial military, Daala took command of the Night Hammer, which had been built in secret by one of the murdered warlords, Supreme General Delvardus, and renamed it to Knight Hammer in preparation for the attack on Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy on Yavin 4. Different from most Star Destroyers, the Knight Hammer was entirely black. It also had stealth technology, emitting no outward light and reducing its sensor cross section. During the attack on the Jedi academy, the Knight Hammer fell victim to sabotage by ex-Jedi Knight Callista when she was able to sabotage the engines by pointing all TIE bombers at the rear hangar bay (at the bulkhead by the engines). They fired their missiles, breaking through the bulkhead and heavily damaging the engines; the vessel was subsequently destroyed when it was pulled into Yavin's gravity well, but not before Admiral Daala evacuated the crew.
  • Lusankya — This was the sister-ship of the Executor. Both ships were built at the same time at separate facilities, one at Kuat and one at Fondor, both under the name of Executor. When they were completed, one went on to become the ship seen in the movies, the other, the one built at Kuat, was renamed Lusankya and somehow ended up buried under the surface of Coruscant, capital of the Empire, and served as a completely secret prison and would have served as the Emperor's getaway vehicle in the event of a rebel invasion. The method Emperor Palpatine used to hide the Lusankya's existence is unknown, but fans have speculated he must have either used the Force to erase the memories of the ship's builders, or ordered the deaths of millions and an extraordinary cover-up. (The book "Book 3 of the X Wing Series: The Krytos Trap" where this was revealed toyed with both of the possibilities, though seemed to lean towards the Force.) Lusankya was given to Ysanne Isard, who used it to flee Coruscant after it was conquered by the New Republic using repulsors installed on the ship to leave the atmosphere. The ship was eventually captured by Wedge Antilles over Thyferra, and became a vessel in the New Republic's fleet. Under orders of Mon Mothma, Lusankya was decommissioned, but was reactivated some years before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. She was finally destroyed around 25 years after the Battle of Endor, when it was sent on a suicide mission to ram a Yuuzhan Vong Worldship.
  • Pride of Yevetha — See Intimidator (see above for brief outline or hyperlink for dedicated page)
  • Razor's Kiss — Although it was built for the Empire by Kuat Drive Yards, this ship was never commissioned in service to the Empire. When it was nearly completed, a commando force sent by Warlord Zsinj took control of it, and began fighting their way out of the shipyards. When the ships stationed there moved to intercept it, Warlord Zsinj brought in his fleet, led by another Executor-class ship named Iron Fist, to protect it until they jumped out of the system. Unfortunately for Zsinj, one member of his commando forces was a spy dispatched by the New Republic's Wraith Squadron, who destroyed the shield generators and planted a program in the ship's computers that told the New Republic's fleet the location it escaped to. Razor's Kiss was destroyed by the New Republic before ever seeing a real battle. Its remains were recovered and became the Second Death, which Warlord Zsinj used to fool the New Republic into thinking the Iron Fist was destroyed at Selaggis. At one point in the novel, the vessel was mistakenly referred to as Razor's Edge.
  • Reaper — Originally the flagship of Grand Moff Governor Ardus Kaine, it was eventually acquired by Admiral Pelleaon after consolidating Kaine's former holdings (the Pentastar Alignment) into the Imperial Remnant. Reaper was destroyed in combat with the New Republic.
  • Terror — The flagship of Admiral Sarn as part of Grand Admiral Martio Batch's Project Phantom at Immdar Alpha involving the mass-use of stygium crystal cloaking devices on V38 assault fighters. Rebel agents managed to use a single fighter to damage key components of HIMS Terror. The ship was destroyed, along with the Immdar Alpha facility and the majority of Project PHANTOM.
  • Vengeance — Admiral Senn's flagship in the suppression of the lawless Airam sector. She was eventually destroyed in a battle with out-gunned Rebel forces when Rogue squadron and the Rebels managed to destroy the shields with several Dreadnaughts on suicide runs, then rammed the Vengeance's bridge with the Airam corvette Thunder. The Rebels fired heavy rockets at the heavily-damaged ship, destroying it.
  • Whelm — This ship was flagship of the Azure Hammer Command in Sector Zero, the Imperial Center Oversector, containing the capital of the Empire. Leading a fleet of fifty-seven capital ships, Whelm served as the personal flagship of Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik.

[edit] Anonymous examples
  • Two Anonymous Black Sword "Super Star Destroyers" — In addition to the captured HIMS Intimidator, there were two additional Super Star Destroyers indicated to be of the same class deployed within Black Sword Command, but not ensconced at the shipyard of Black Fifteen that was seized by Yevethan partisans. It is possible that one or both of these ships was retained/obtained by the Imperial Remnant sometime after the Armistice, and could possibly be the unknown-name "Super Star Destroyer" present at Bastion in "Destiny's Way" (speculation on this craft is discussed below), however, their eventual fate is unknown and undocumented.
  • Anonymous Executor-class at the Fondor Shipyards (partially constructed) — During the film era of the Galactic Civil War, Rogue Squadron used captured TIE hunters to infiltrate an Imperial construction yard at Fondor and destroy the cloaking devices protecting an under-construction vessel of the Executor-class. It was destroyed when all three cloaking devices were destroyed by the alliance fighters, creating a chain reaction that destroyed the ship.

[edit] Presumed examples
  • * Defiant?/Stalwart? — Limitations on the resources available to the Imperial Remnant, and a poor economy ended production of ships larger than the 600 meter long Vindicator-class until around the time of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, where one, presumably Executor-class, ship was commissioned in the Imperial Starfleet. This ship may be Defiant or the Stalwart (not to be confused with Grand Admiral Thrawn's famous Victory-class Star Destroyer Stalwart) as seen in Force Heretic I: Remnant at the Battle of Borosk.

The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels implies that following the end of the Galactic Civil War, a small number of "Super Star Destroyers" of unspecified class were brought back into Imperial hands by unreconstructed Imperial units and former ex-Imperial warlords. Some of these unknown ships may be of the Executor-class.

[edit] Vengeance-type

Jerec´s command ship with accompanying Imperial destroyers. (This image has been modified for enhanced visibility.)
Jerec´s command ship with accompanying Imperial destroyers. (This image has been modified for enhanced visibility.)

In Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, the Dark Jedi and Imperial Inquisitor Jerec commands his small fleet of Star Destroyers from a jet-black "Super Star Destroyer" named the Vengeance. Little is known about the capabilities of the Vengeance, except that it carries a number of TIE fighters, and is capable of defeating a small Corellian Corvette. The most striking feature of the ship is its slender frame, which is narrower than standard Star Destroyers, almost sword-like in comparison to the usual dagger-shape, with two wings sticking out the sides near the engines. The ship class that the Vengeance belongs to is unknown. It has been referred to as a Super Star Destroyer variant. However, such a description is of little use, as the term "Super Star Destroyer" has been applied to many different classes of warship larger than the standard Imperial-class Star Destroyer, and the Vengeance bears few similarities to the Executor-class.

Jerec interrogates one of the two people who knew about the location of the Valley of the Jedi, Qu Rahn on-board the Vengeance. The Vengeance is last seen taking Jerec and his Dark Jedi to the planet Ruusan, the location of the Valley of the Jedi. Accompanying the ship is a large transport and a small task force of Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Vengeance may be a one-of-a-kind flagship, although this is never directly stated. It is possible that Vengeance is one of three Super Star Destroyers from Black Sword Command, since the other two are never accounted for, and neither is Vengeance. After transporting Jerec, the reborn Emperor's chief Intelligence agent, Blackhole, takes command of the Vengeance as a token of Jerec's loyalty. Presumably, Blackhole returns to the Deep Core and Byss with the vessel; this supposition is supported by the depiction in Dark Empire of a ship in orbit in the Byss system with a striking resemblance to the Vengeance.

Interestingly, the Vengeance's slim form contrasts greatly with its wide array of engines; this, along with the decreased surface area would allow for considerably fewer guns than on ships like the Executor or Admiral Mils Giel's flagship

[edit] Eclipse Super Star Destroyer

Eclipse Star Destroyer
Eclipse Star Destroyer
Also known as the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer, Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer.

The 17.5-kilometer-long Eclipse-class Star Destroyer was larger than the Sovereign-class ships and much more massive than the Executor-class Star Destroyer. The first of this class, the Eclipse, became the reborn Emperor's flagship. It was supposedly one of the most heavily armed ships in the history of the Star Wars galaxy, second only to the Death Stars. It carried thousands of turbolaser and heavy turbolaser cannons. It also had powerful shields and heavy jet-black armor, making it difficult to destroy in space combat and allowing it to even ram enemy ships without taking serious damage. The multiple gravity-well projectors were used to prevent enemies from escaping into hyperspace, forcing them to either surrender or fight a hopeless battle against the Eclipse. The most important feature was a superlaser cannon located on the bow of the Eclipse. Although it was not as powerful as the superlaser on the Death Star, it was of advanced design (hence the smaller size and faster recharge) and was capable of cracking a planet's crust and vaporizing enemy capital ships.

According to the West End Games RPG statistics, Eclipse carried 600 TIE Interceptors and 96 TIE Bombers, divided into 58 squadrons; for ground assault, it carried 150,000 Imperial Stormtroopers, 100 AT-ATs, 10 gravity-well projectors, and five prefabricated bases. The Eclipse was said to be crewed by over 700,000 personnel. West End Games RPG statistics state that Eclipse was 17.5 km long; this contradicts the description given in Dark Empire and A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, where the length is explicitly stated to be 10 miles (16 km). However, the author of the Dark Empire Sourcebook suggests that an additional mile was added to Palpatine's personal flagship, and is indicative of customization and personalization for Palpatine, and not the standard class. It also may be the result of the spasmatic construction apparent in the first example of this class.

The power of the Eclipse-class' superlaser as described is self-contradictory. It has been described as 2/3rds the power of the Death Star's prime weapon. Visual analysis of Alderaan's destruction in ANH suggested the Death Star superlaser inserted at least a million times more energy than the minimum for permanently breaking up a planet. Therefore a weapon with "2/3rds the power" would be more than sufficient to irrevocably shatter a planet, yet it was also stated that the Eclipse's superlaser was not powerful enough to destroy a planet. There is some speculation as to whether the 2/3rds number refers to the magnitude of the energy release as opposed to the total value; this would put the main weapon below the threshold necessary to destroy a planet. Another possibility, as the Death Star's superlaser consisted of eight (or, in the Death Star II, nine) individual beams which combined into a single larger beam after firing, is that the Eclipse-class' superlaser had 2/3rds the power of one of the Death Star superlaser's component beams.

Based on the misconceptions regarding the length of the Executor-class Star Destroyer, it seems the Eclipse was initially intended by the writers to be about twice the length of the Executor. A retcon to reestablish this in the wake of the retconning of the length of the Executor to 19 kilometers from 8 kilometers may or may not be forthcoming. The shorter length remains visually consistent with the Allegiance-type vessels seen escorting Eclipse in the comic.

In Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption, Tyber Zann attacks Kuat where the Eclipse is under construction in order to take control of it. His forces joined with the Rebellion to battle the Imperial Navy trying to regroup after the Battle of Endor. Zann took control of the half constructed Eclipse and it was capable of firing its super laser.

Han Solo, who was leading the Rebellion forces at Kuat, then went to attack Tyber Zann's flagship in order to stop Zann from taking the Eclipse. Solo failed to stop Zann and was forced to retreat. The Eclipse destroyed ship after ship of the Rebellion and Imperial forces. Finally the Eclipse super laser went offline when a Super Star Destroyer came out of hyperspace with three Imperial Star Destroyers.

After a while the Eclipse's super laser went back online and destroyed the Super Star Destroyer with ease. Zann won the Battle of Kuat with the Eclipse under his command. Zann went into the databanks of the Eclipse to find the location of the Emperor's hidden vaults and afterwards he left the Eclipse at Kuat saying, "it presents a target even the Rebels couldn't miss."

Note: the Eclipse cannot be built in either Skirmish or Galactic Conquest in FOC.

The Eclipse was destroyed along with the reborn Emperor Palpatine when Luke Skywalker and his sister Princess Leia managed to disrupt the Emperor's control of a titanic Force Storm, a massive conflagration of Dark Side energy that he had summoned in order to wipe out the massed New Republic fleet. Afterwards, a second Eclipse-class ship was built, dubbed the Eclipse II. Above the planet Byss, R2-D2 took control of the Eclipse II's computers and then sent it on a collision course with the Galaxy Gun superweapon. A testament to the integrity of its hull, the Eclipse II plowed right through the weapon. However, the Galaxy Gun's misfired projectile was pulled by Byss' gravity, obliterating the new Imperial throne world and taking the Emperor's command ship with it.

[edit] Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer

Also known as the Sovereign-class Star Destroyer

The 15-kilometer-long Sovereign-class ships are surpassed in size only by the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer (of which only two were ever built, each to substantially different design plans) and the longer but less massive Executor class. The Sovereign is essentially a scaled-down version of the slightly larger Eclipse. It has fewer weapons, a slower hyperdrive, and carries a smaller complement of starfighters and crew. Designed to instill fear, the Sovereign-class ships were equipped with an axial superlaser designed to devastate a world. According to the West End Games RPG stats, the Sovereign-class boasted 500 heavy turbolaser cannons, 500 turbolaser batteries, 75 ion cannons, 100 tractor beam projectors, 5 gravity well projectors, and carried 605,745 crew.

Only four Sovereign-class Star Destroyers were laid down before Byss was destroyed: Sovereign, Autarch, Heresiarch, and Despot. One was fully completed and launched, the Sovereign. Some sources suggest all were captured or destroyed by the New Republic within a year, but Empire's End appears to imply that the others were destroyed when the Galaxy Gun projectile destroyed Byss, which their shipyards orbited.

[edit] Pellaeon-class Super Star Destroyer

Commissioned around 140 A.B.Y., during the time of the Sith-Imperial War, the Pellaeon-class Super Star Destroyer was the most powerful class of starship in the known galaxy. It was named for Galactic Alliance Supreme Commander and Imperial Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon. It is described as "narrow", but that seems to be a relative term - as a Super Star Destroyer, the Pellaeon-class is enormous in size.

[edit] External links

Vehicles of the Galactic Empire
Entries in italics denote vehicles from the Expanded Universe
Ground vehicles
AT-ST | AT-AT | AT-TE | 74-Z Speeder Bike | Juggernaut | AT-PT | TIE crawler
TIE Fighter | TIE Interceptor | TIE Bomber | TIE Advanced x1 | TIE Avenger | TIE Defender | TIE/D fighter

TIE Hunter | TIE Phantom | Assault Gunboat | Missile Boat | Skipray Blastboat | A-9 Vigilance

Capital ships
Star Destroyer | Super Star Destroyer | Executor | Nebulon-B Frigate | Corellian Corvette

Lancer-Class Frigate | Interdictor Cruiser | Carrack-Class Light Cruiser

Lambda-class shuttle | Death Star | Walker Dropship | World Devastator | Sun Crusher
See also
Star Wars air vehicles | Star Wars aquatic vehicles | Star Wars ground vehicles | Star Wars starfighters | Star Wars support craft

List of vehicles | List of minor vehicles

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