Sunday dinner

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Sunday roast consisting of roast beef, roast potatoes, vegetables and yorkshire pudding
Sunday roast consisting of roast beef, roast potatoes, vegetables and yorkshire pudding

Sunday Dinner is a meal traditionally eaten in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other nations on Sunday.

The meal traditionally consists of potato in some form, according to season (often roast or boiled), other vegetables, and meat, for example roast beef, lamb, pork or chicken. Jigg's dinner is a localised variation, found in Newfoundland and Labrador. The meal is comparable to a less grand version of a traditional Christmas dinner.

Historically, Sunday dinner may have originated from the time of building the great cathedrals in England and Europe. Citizens of most parishes were expected to put in an amount of work helping to build or improve the churches and cathedrals, as part of their religious duties. In payment for their labour, they received what may have been their only hot meat meal of the week. As Sunday would normally be the only day available to perform such duties, the association with a substantial meal arose.[citation needed]