Summer Undergraduate Research Award
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Summer Undergraduate Research Award (SURA) is a project awarded by the Indian Institutes of Technologys to its students. It is not compulsory but is very valued. Mosty B.Tech 2nd year students apply for it. Students compete against each other by forming project proposals and after convincing a professor they give a presentation before the SURA committee. The SURA committee may not pass more than 5 proposals from each department in any case whereas the projects proposed may exceed 20. Consequently, those whose proposals are passed, stay for 2 months during the summer holidays to complete the project, and may obtain an extension to complete the project (if required). After that, their projects are evaluated and the committee may pass a few projects finally giving them the label SURA. Students from other years, other departments, and even postgraduate students apply for SURA. A maximum of 3 people can form a group for SURA. In some IITs there is an additional CGPA criterion.