Suema Kazuko

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An illustration of Suema Kazuko by Kouji Ogata, from the Boogiepop and Others light novel

Suema Kazuko (末間和子 Suema Kazuko?) is a fictional character in the Boogiepop series by Kouhei Kadono.


[edit] Character introduction

Armed with an unusual interest in, and knowledge of, criminal and abnormal psychology, Suema seeks to know about the strange occurrences in her city.

[edit] Explanation of the character's name

None known.

[edit] Character sketch

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
An screenshot of Suema Kazuko from Boogiepop Phantom

[edit] Motivations

Having once been marked as the next target of a serial killer, Suema seeks to understand the criminal mind. She also refuses to allow events to pass without her being aware of them again.

[edit] Goals

In Boogiepop and Others, Suema comes to realise that Kirima Nagi knows a great deal more than she is prepared to reveal, both about current events and the events five years ago, with the serial killer. Suema seeks to learn what she can from Kirima. In Boogiepop Phantom, Suema is relatively unaware of the events as they unfold, and is entirely focused on studying for her University entrance exams. In Boogiepop Returns: VS Imaginator Part 1, Suema is approached by Kinukawa Kotoe, who seeks her help in regard to her relative, Asukai Jin. As Suema investigates Asukai, she soon realises that there is something unusual going on, and seeks to unwravel the truth of the events.

[edit] Conflicts

Suema has not been involved in any serious conflicts so far.

[edit] Minor irritations

Suema struggles to find acceptance among her peers at Shinyo Academy. They all look upon her as weird, as a result of her unusual interests; she finds herself excluded as a result of this.

[edit] Epiphany

[edit] Biographical summary

[edit] Prior story

The backstory, where Suema was stalked by the serial killer, is described in full detail in Boogiepop at Dawn.

[edit] Actions in Boogiepop series

An screenshot of Mami Shimizu as Suema Kazuko in Boogiepop and Others

In Boogiepop and Others, Suema first hears the rumours about Boogiepop, but quickly dismisses them as fantasy, though she does still investigate a possible sighting of the shinigami. After seeing Kirima Nagi interrogate her friend, Kinoshita Kyoko, Suema searches for Kirima's house, and tries to learn what she can from her. She comes to learn that Kirima was involved with stopping the serial killer who had been stalking her, but was surprised to hear the claim that it was Boogiepop who saved her. In Boogiepop Phantom, Suema meets Miyashita Touka for the first time, and quickly becomes friends with her. They study together at cram school, and work towards getting into University. Boogiepop Returns: VS Imaginator Part 1 sees Suema make a move. When Kinukawa Kotoe asks for Suema's help with her relative, Asukai Jin, Suema immediately begins to investigate him, and quickly realises that something unusual is happening. After seeing a sketch of Minahoshi Suiko in Asukai's office, she goes to the place where Minahoshi had died, only to meet Orihata Aya, who she offered advice to.

[edit] Relationship with other characters in Boogiepop series

In Boogiepop and Others, we learn that Suema is generally excluded by her fellow students, though she is friends with Kinoshita Kyoko. She makes contact with Kirima Nagi for the first time when Kirima interrogated Kinoshita, but their relationship remains somewhat distant, despite Suema's best efforts to change this. During Boogiepop Phantom, Suema meets Miyashita Touka, and they soon develop a close friendship. In Boogiepop Returns: VS Imaginator Part 1 we learn that Suema and Niitoki Kei are on friendly terms, and Suema meets Orihata Aya for the first time, encouraging her to take pleasure in life, and fulfil her goals.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Major themes

How a childhood trauma can influence the growth of an individual.

[edit] Literary significance & criticism

[edit] Allusions/references from other works

[edit] Film or TV portraits

Suema has been depicted in film and anime. In the movie, Boogiepop and Others (March 11, 2000), she was played by Mami Shimizu. In Boogiepop Phantom (January 6, 2000), she was voiced in Japanese by Kyo Nagasawa, and in English by Anne Benkovitz.

[edit] Sources, references, external links, quotations

    See also