Template talk:Sudoku 9x9 table

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[edit] Usage

  align=side|           table alignment. left & right flow text. defa:right
  title=title Text|     table title, Defa: Sudoku 9x9
  tstyle=title style|   style body, used as style="tstyle;", defa:blank
  bgcolor=color|        main background color, defa: fcfce8
  bc=BoxBorderColor|    major table grid and outer border color, defa:black
  bx=BoxBorderWidth|    defa:1.5pt, displays as 2xWidth
  b1c=color|b2c...|     background color for boxes 1..9, defa:bgcolor
  gc=GridColor|         minor box grid color, defa:silver
  gx=GridWidth|         defa:1.5pt
  cellsize=size|        cell size, defa:12pt, min. for square cell
  1..81...|             numbered args for cell values, defa:blank
  c1..81...|            cell background color, defa: bNc or bgcolor

Does: Displays a Sudoku Grid, with values, for demonstration in articles. Usually called by another template with an easier interface, e.g. Template:Sudoku 9x9 grid.

Args: None required, all have default values.

See Template:Sudoku 9x9 grid for internal details -- LarryLACa 08:25, 7 November 2005 (UTC)

[edit] General Discussion

See Template_talk:Sudoku 9x9 grid for details, status, limitations, to do.. -- LarryLACa 07:19, 8 November 2005 (UTC)