
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is an irreverent message board forum with topics ranging from politics to the koi-fish hobby. The website was the brainchild of RJ Linburg who started the website on March 25, 2003 while living in Comstock Park, Michigan an area he departed years ago. Much of the irreverent tone that Linburg, known as Mayor Newt takes on his forum can be explained by the difficulties he has experienced after moving to Florida. According to the Association of Marina Industries, “R.J. Linburg, a disabled Vietnam veteran on limited income, decided to sell his boat on eBay, took less than half the amount he paid for it, and is planning to move into a mobile home. "That's risky, too," says Linburg, who is aware many mobile home parks are being sold for redevelopment. "I won't get one near the water, so maybe it won't be as attractive to developers." Linburg's choices are limited. He has a large dog, a cat and a bird he won't give up. He also has to find a mobile home park that is reasonably close to the VA Medical Center at Bay Pines, where he goes regularly for medical checkups and treatments. "My dream has gone down the tubes," says Linburg. "Those people on the commission just don't care. They live in their own little world and seem to forget about the human aspect of things," says Linburg.”

Hate Speech currently defined per Wikipedia: Hate speech is a controversial term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against a person or group of people based on their race, gender, age, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, language ability, moral or political views, socioeconomic class, occupation and appearance (such as height and weight). The term covers written as well as oral communication and some forms of behaviors in a public setting. It is also sometimes called antilocution and is the first point on Allport's scale which measures prejudice in a society.

Justification for laws controlling or prohibiting hate speech

Proponents of limitations on hate speech argue that repeated instances of hate speech do more than express ideas or expresses dissent; rather, hate speech often promotes and results in fear, intimidation and harassment of individuals, and may result in murder and even genocide of those it is targeted against. As such, historical revisionism is thought to be a form of propaganda which, deleting memory of real events, allows them to repeat themselves.

According to Richard Delgado, it is possible to identify hate speech on the use of certains key-words, arguing that "Words such as 'nigger', 'spic', 'kike', 'chink' and 'wop' are badges of degradation even when used between friends: these words have no other connotation." Therefore, the act of calling someone a name should be censored if the name used belongs to a previously-identified hate speech. However, Judith Butler (1997) claims that "this very statement, whether written in his text or cited here, has another connotation; he has just used the word in a significantly different way." (Butler considers that "mentioning" a word is an effective "use" of the word in another context) [2] On this basis, Butler claims that words do not have an absolute meaning, but one that depends on the context. She thus underlines the difficulty of identifying a hate-speech. Ultimately, the state itself defines the limits of acceptable discourse, according to her. However, Butler takes the precaution to explicitly deny being against all forms of limitation of discourse, the object of her book being only to point out the different issues at stake when one address the problem of hate speech and censorship. She points out, for example, that the very act of forbidding hate-speech reconducts this hate-speech, as quoted by juridical authorities, thus leading to a proliferation of this discourse - Butler's reasoning here follows Michel Foucault's statement according to which sexuality has not only been censored during the Victorian era: it was also put in discourse through a "sexuality dispositif", thus transforming "sex" into what the West names "sexuality". In this case, censorship of sexuality has made the discourse of sexuality proliferate, with the constitution of a huge amount of scientific or pseudo-scientific literature on "sexuality", conceived as the secret of our own personal identities.