Talk:Subaru B9 Tribeca

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[edit] Copyright Situation on Subaru B9

In regards to the copyright situation on Subaru B9, I made it redirect to this article, and also put a little bit of new stuff here. I'm also putting a similar notice on the copyright problems page. -kirvett

This is the ugliest car I have ever seen. Does anyone agree?--Alhutch 20:04, 20 September 2005 (UTC)

As a dedicated Outback Man, I certainly agree with Alhutch: This is one ugly car!

We own one, I agree it is "funny" looking at first, but from different angles it is quite eye-catching and turns a lot of heads and gets a lot of questions from passerby. Inside, it is very comfortable, and it handles quite well compared to the minivan we had previous. I also agree, it does NOT look at all like a Subaru.