Subspace weapons
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Subspace weapons (also known as isolytic subspace weapons,) are a class of weapons in the fictional Star Trek universe designed to destroy a ship by opening an unstable rift into subspace. They are quoted as being "dangerously unpredictable", and as such were banned by the Khitomer Accords. Nonetheless, the alien race known as the Son'a were known to have them installed on their ships, in violation of that treaty.
The only time subspace weapons were seen in Star Trek was in the movie Star Trek: Insurrection, when the Enterprise E came under attack by a Son'a ship which used one. The ship managed to survive by a previously untested theory that a warp core explosion could seal a rift created by such a weapon. The theory turned out to be correct, but cost the Enterprise her warp drive capability, and any hope of countering another Son'a attack using subspace weapons.