Subgroups of the Han ethnicity

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In Mandarin: "minxi" (ethnic lineages) or "zuqun" (ethnic groups).

These two terms are mostly used in Mainland and Taiwan, respectively, referring to subgroups of the population known as the Han Chinese, whose mother tongue are languages of the Sinitic linguistic family, and who do not belong to one of People's Republic of China's 56 official minority ethnic groups of China.

Han subgroups are most easily grouped according to dialects, into several major groups:

  1. Northeastern
  2. Central Plain
  3. Shaanxi-Shanxi
  4. West of River
  5. Southwestern
  6. Huai-Yangtze
  7. Wu-Yue
  8. Hunan
  9. Ou-Yue
  10. Northern Min
  11. Eastern Min
  12. Southern Min
  13. Hakka
  14. Teochiu (Teochew)
  15. Cantonese
  16. Hainan
  17. Other minor subgroups include speakers of the Ping Chinese dialect, Danjia (Tanka), Peranakans, and Chuanqing people of Guizhou who are in the process of being assimilated by their more dominant neighbors.

Some might consider Overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese long established in Mongolia, Taiwan, Korea, and Southeast Asia to be separate subgroups of the Han Chinese.