Su Total Loyal

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Total Loyal a character featured within the famed ancient Chinese novel Investiture of the Gods (more commonly known as Fengshen Yanyi). Su Total Loyal is the son of Su Hu, a neutrally high ranked official of the Shang Dynasty. In appearance, Total Loyal had a face like a full moon with red lips which seemed as if painted. With his hair tied behind his head with a large golden ring, two large bird feathers would be seen protruding. Following the coalition against Su Hu led by Tiger Duke, Total Loyal would be known as a renowned protector of Ji province. Once Tiger Duke had arrived at the borders to Ji province and unleashed his right hand general, Mei Wu, Total Loyal would spur his horse forward and duel it out with him. Following twenty rounds of spear clashes, Total Loyal would find an opening and cut Mei Wu down. Following Tiger Duke's second retreat during the night from the burning forest, Total Loyal would descend down the mountaintop upon Tiger Duke while shining through the full moon's light.

During his charge, he would elaborate his prowess by striking down both of Tiger Duke's head generals and even wounding Tiger Duke through his left arm. Once the moon was blotted out by the clouds and Tiger Duke retreated for the third time, Total Loyal finded the situation as being too dangerous and decided it best to head back to his father. In time, the great Black Tiger came as support for Tiger Duke. Soon enough, Total Loyal, even when told not to by his father, would charge out of Ji province and duel it out against Black Tiger. During their battle, their spears clashed like lightning through darkness stricken clouds. In time, Black Tiger would unleash his magical gourd and capture Total Loyal. Following the end of the Su Hu arc, Total Loyal would pay his respect towards the first man who ever defeated him, Black Tiger, and continued to prosper with his respected father.

[edit] Reference

  • Investiture of the Gods chapter 2 - 4