Styx Valley

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The Styx Valley is located adjacent to the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Site on the island of Tasmania. It lies about 100km northwest of Hobart, with the nearest town being Maydena.

Temperate wet eucalypt forests in the region are home to the world's tallest flowering plants, Eucalyptus regnans. Rainforest gullies are carpeted in mosses and lichens and shaded by the tree ferns Dicksonia antarctica, known locally as Man-ferns, and other rainforest tree species including sassafras, Myrtle Beech (Nothofagus cunninghamii) and Celery-top pine (Phyllocladus aspleniifolius).

In 2002, Australia's most massive tree, nicknamed "El Grande" was discovered. Unfortunately it was killed in an autumn burn in 2003.

[edit] Conservation

The valley has been the site of an ongoing conflict between environmentalists, who have proposed the protection of the site as a National Park, and supporters of the logging industry. One of their arguments, as well as the obvious environmental benefits, was that a tourism-based economy would be more beneficial for the local economy than logging the area.

Community blockades including tree sits have been supported by Greenpeace and the Tasmanian Wilderness Society. Gandalf's Staff, an 85 metre tall eucalypt, holds the world record for supporting the highest tree sit platform. The campaign was successful in gaining protection for the proposed clearfell coupe containing some of the tallest trees, and protection has recently been proposed by the Howard government for an area of the northern Styx valley containing high conservation value old growth forest.

[edit] References

    • Brown B & Bayley V (2003). The Valley of the Giants. The Wilderness Society. ISBN 1-875768-10-6.