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The Stylophora are a class within the subphylum Homalozoa of the Phylum Echinodermata. All its members are fossil.
Some call it the Calcichordata and treat it as a subphylum.
It contains these genera:-
- Enoploura
- Mitrocystella
- Mitrocystites
- Phyllocystis
- Scotiaecystis
- Cothurnocystis
Its members have a shell like an echinoderm's. Some say that all or some of its members have gill slits like a chordate, and that its stem contained a notochord. In Mitrocystites and perhaps in other forms its stem does not end in an attachment organ, and the stem likelier served it as a tail for moving itself about by. Cothurnocystis is unsymmetrical and boot-shaped, and Mitrocystites is bilaterally symmetical and more streamlined.
[edit] External links
- A calcichordate interpretation of the new mitrate Eumitrocystella savilli from the Ordovician of Morocco