Talk:Students for Democracy

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This site truly is great. The average intelligence of the poster there, regardless his/her political stance seems to be higher than anyplace else I've seen. Also, the tone of discussion is a lot more polite.

Informative site. Lots of news from everywhere.

[edit] Open debate on students for democracy

The most important thing about this site is that despite vigorous debate, in the end nothing is personal.

Not to mention we are self regulated, able to keep out spammers without having to censor anybody.

What I can see is that the site is actually one of the few political websites that doesnt censor, that it allows people from the entire political spectrum to register and to post and that it doesnt have an agenda. The latter makes students for democracy a rarity amongst political websites. Mellier 01:09, 25 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Forum Features

I suggest that the forum features get an own section in the article, similar to Democratic Underground Beyote

Some details where added to the feature list, someone else should expand that list. Beyote

[edit] Moderation

It looks like SFD is using a sophisticated moderation system with the members handling the site. Any more info about that?

They have not much of a moderation system, some members can moderate guest posts, but not more. And since they have a system that automatically detects trolls and spammers not much moderation is needed at all. --Twiw 13:15, 12 February 2006 (UTC)