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Stufstock (Stuf - Romanian for reed - and stock from Woodstock) is a rock music festival that has taken place each year since 2003 in Vama Veche, Dobrogea, Romania, to protest against what some people may consider bad quality music (i.e. manele and Romanian pop music), and to call for the preservation of Vama Veche from the large scale development that has overtaken much of Romania's Black Sea coast.

These actually had the reverse effect: the village stopped being a small, clean and quiet place, as the festival and concerts attracted more than 40,000 people in 2005. The concert features bands from Romania and nearby countries.

[edit] The 2006 Edition

The most recent Stufstock was in 2006, from September 1 to September 3, and was the first edition that required an entrance fee. Day one featured alternative rock and punk rock bands such as E.M.I.L., Timpuri Noi, Kumm and Subscribe, day two featured hard rock and heavy metal bands such as Implant Pentru Refuz, Altar, Phoenix and Luna Amară, and day three featured jazz and blues bands such as Bega Blues Band, Soul Funkotopia and Al Jawala. It was held at two different places: Marina Park Stage and Şoni Stage.

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