Student Radio Association

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The Student Radio Association (SRA) is a national organisation set up to support student radio stations in the UK. It receives support from the Radio Academy.

The Student Radio Association organises an annual spring conference, a smaller summer conference, and the Student Radio Awards, which to date has been supported by BBC Radio 1.

The predecessor of the Association, NASB (National Association of Student Broadcasting), went into voluntary liquidation in January 2002 [1].

The inaugural General Meeting of the SRA was held at Loughborough University in November 1991.


[edit] Spring Conference

Each year the Student Radio Association holds a Conference, usually during the University Easter Holidays. Each year Student Stations put in a Conference Proposal in order to hold the Conference at their Station.

At the Spring Conference speakers are invited to speak on a variety of subjects, including the future of Student Radio, online/onair/offair techniques, advances in technology, etc.

The new Regional Representative elections are also held.

This year the Conference is being held at URY (York).

Announcement on Student Radio Association Forums
List of People Going

[edit] Member Stations

[edit] Chairs

2006 - Jimmy Luff - Storm FM, Bangor
2005 - Frankie Roberto - Rare FM, London
2004 - Talia Kraines - RaW, Warwick
2003 - Richard Vodden - IC Radio, London
2002 - Chris Skinner - Demon FM, Demontfort
2001 - Aaron Scullion - Air3, Stirling
2000 - Marsha Shandur - Fresh Air, Edinburgh
1999 - Martin Dallaghan - LSR, Leeds
1998 - Martin Dallaghan - LSR, Leeds
1997 - Nick Wallis - Shout FM, Liverpool
1996 - Nick Wallis - Shout FM, Liverpool
1995 - Sue Cuff
1994 - Sue Cuff
1993 -
1992 -
1991 - Matt Ballantine - LCR, Loughborough

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References