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Student RESPECT was founded as the student section of the RESPECT Coalition in 2005 to provide a united campaigning organisation of the radical left in the student movement. It has achieved notable successes in Unions like Manchester and the School of African and Oriental Studies in both pulling together the anti-war left and being an organisation capable of winning fulltime positions. Student Respect currently has elected officers in Manchester, Leeds, SOAS, Goldsmiths, Plymouth and Middlesex plus a member of the NUS National Executive.[1]


[edit] Campaigns

SR's primary campaign since its foundation has been the Stop the War Coalition and many SR members are leading activists within the campaign. Because of this foundation SR have been active in organisations such as Action Iran, Campaign against Climate Change, Hands off Venezuela and various Palestine campaigns. SR members in Manchester recently made national news with campaigns to twin with Palestine and boycott Coke from the Students Union.[2]

As well as an international focus SR has been heavily involved in anti-racism work both combating Islamophobia and being a vital part of Unite against Fascism and Love Music Hate Racism. Many SR activists have been drawn from the thousands of young people brought into politics out of hatred for the activity of groups like the BNP and celebrating black History has been amongst the most successful of events across the country.

Respect became prominent to NUS campaigning with its activity around the slogan “Fund Education Not War” in the build up to the National NUS demonstration against Fees earning it both recognition and derision from the right for bringing “wider politics” to the action. Respect has campaigned for Universal Grants for all and an end to the neo-liberal restructuring of Universities in opposition to the NUS policy of Means Tested Grants.

[edit] Organisation

Student RESPECT (SR) Policy is decided at Respect National Conference where SR delegates meet with the wider organisation to discuss the global and local situation and decide our collective response to it. Student RESPECT groups organise on most campuses in both Universities and FE colleges. The majority of activity is done as part of wider campaigns particularly the Stop the War Coalition but Respect groups also organise regular events under their own banner which are open to all students and stand in Student Union elections.

SR has its own National Conference attended by over 150 delegates which is based around general political discussion and debate. Conference also has sessions on key areas of activity where both the general principles and strategy for the year is worked out and voted on in the closing session and elects the Student Respect Committee. Between conferences the SRC meets with delegates from each group to respond to events and develop a general strategy for the organisation. The SRC is Currently:

Noreen Fatima, London Metropolitan University (Chair)
Rob Owen, Manchester University (Secretary)
Dominic Kavakeb, Essex University (Treasurer)
Colin Smith, SWP student organiser (Communications Officer)

Non-Portfolio Officers:
Assed Baig, Staffordshire University
Malika Barakat, Queen Mary, University of London
Bill Boon, University of the West of England
Jennifer Jones, Goldsmiths College
Sian Ruddick, Swansea University
Alison Smith, Plymouth University
Clare Solomon, SOAS
Harri Sutherland-Kay, Portsmouth University

[edit] NUS

SR is the biggest of the left factions in NUS and traditionally stands a slate alongside the Student Broad Left. At this years conference SR played a far larger role both because of its increased involvement in National Student Politics and because of the increasing crisis amongst the rest of the left since the collapse of the CfE and its successors around Kat Fletcher. Respect stood four members for the National Executive with Assed Baig taking 193 votes for National Secretary – Respects biggest score to date. Respect was the most prominent organisation speaking against means testing and in favour of free education, anti-imperialism and anti-racism.

The left within NUS is noted for a fundamental split over anti-imperialism and Islamophobia dating back to the Socialist Worker Student Society walking out of the United for Education slate a number of years ago over what it regarded as the AWL’s (now ENS) Islamophobic reaction to the war in Iraq. This is a difference which has been increased over the attitude of the left to FOSIS and Muslim students in General. Respect and SBL generally came out ahead at the last two conferences finishing above ENS in the full time elections, bigger presence on campuses and having a greater say in the policy debate within NUS.

Respect currently has Suzie Wylie on the NUS NEC with Rob Owen elected at this years conference. Respect also has Dan Swain an elected member of the NUS steering committee.[4]

[edit] Representation and Supporters

Student Respect is currently supported by a number of Student Officers and organisations in NUS including:

Suzie Wylie NUS NEC
Rob Owen General Secretary Manchester & NUS NEC elect
Claire Solomon - Co-President SOAS & NUS London Observer
Nick Roberts - President elect Middlesex
Noreen Fatima - Vice President London Met
Fatima Abrar - Commincations Officer Salford
Assed Baig - Staffordshire SU Executive
Allison Smith - Plymouth VP Education - elect
Hind Hassan - Equality Officer Leeds - Elect
Andrew Cunningham - Campaigns Officer Manchester
Socialist Worker Student Society
Communist Students