Student Catholic Action

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The Student Catholic Action is a religious student organization in the Philippines. Its affiliation overseas is the International Young Catholic Students (IYCS), also known as International Young Christian Students in Asia ]that follows the methodology of Cardinal Joseph Cardijn, the see-judge-act methodology. Known to be the first student religious organization in the Philippines and presentlly known all over the Philippines through local dioceses and catholic schools (public & private high schools).


[edit] History


Since it was founded in 1936, Student Catholic Action has undergone a gradual process of development and expansion. Evolving from a loosely formed city-wide association in the early years it has now established itself as a well knit organization with SCA Chapters in practically all educational institutions in the Archdiocese of Manila.

Demonstrating adaptability as one of its main assets, SCA first concerned itself with the problem of education in the state university. It was here that the first unit was formed by Columban Father Edward J. McCarthy in 1936.

Later that year the organization extended its objectives to the preparation onManila’s students for intelligent and devotional participation in the 33rd International Eucharistic Congress.

Formally approved on April 12, 1936 by His Grace, Archbishop Michael O’ Doherty, SCA concentrated its efforts during the remaining pre-war years on the organization of religion classes in non-sectarian schools with special student Masses in Sta. Cruz Church. In addition, the Catholic youth of Manila were alerted to the problems of their environment through annual rallies and regular convocations.


During the occupation era the impetus of the early enthusiasm of SCA maintained the organization for a short time. Registered with the Japanese authorities “SCA for secular colleges and universities,” the organization continued with its regular student Masses but eventually, due to lack of priestly assistance, all activities gradually ceased.


After the war, in 1948, SCA was recognized by Columban Father James V. MacDevitt at the request of the Archbishop of Manila. With the immediate objective of establishing religion classes in non-sectarian and public schools, SCA was first organized in Catholic schools for the main purpose of providing the many catechists required for this work.

In 1949, the post-war SCA was formally inaugurated at UST Chapel with 18 Catholic schools forming the nucleus of the organization. In the twenty post-war years the number of school members in the Archdiocese of Manila has increased to 138 including Catholic, non-sectarian and public schools. During the same period SCA has been extended to practically all the archdioceses and dioceses throughout the Philippines.


In 1950, the First SCA Leadership Conference was held in Baguio. Two years after, it was mandated by the Philippine Hierarchy as member of the Catholic Action of the Philippines. Then the SCA affiliated with the Pax Romana International Movement (known today as International Movement of Catholic Students, IMCS) in 1955. It affiliated with the International Young Christian Students (IYCS) the next year. The start of the Leadership Training Schools initiated by Fr. Michael Nolan, SSC in 1957 marked SCA Golden Age. The movement hosted the Pax Romana International Conference held in Manila from December 26, 1960 to January 9, 1961. It was participated in by more than 44 countries all over the world. The First SCA National Congress was convened in Iloilo from May 24 to 29, 1962.

With this continued expansion and increasing influence of SCA there naturally followed added responsibilities and new activities. Whereas the early post-war years the main activity was catechetical instruction, this now is but one of many varied activities embraced in the six aims of SCA (now called as the SCA Areas of Concerns), though it is still very important and vital one.

SCA in 1967 has assumed the role and accepted the mandated responsibility of uniting all apostolic Catholic students in all educational institutions for the intensification of the Catholic way of life in their respective schools and in the student community as a whole.


SCA started to experience crisis in 1969. The heightened student activism affected SCA especially the Martial Law years where the movement’s idealism was infiltrated by the left orientation in 1976. Student organizations like SCA were banned.


In 1978, the Campus Ministry, which traces its roots from SCA, was introduced. SCA still existed but had different names then. The religious instruction was officially allowed and catechists were organized. The direction stressed on non-violence formation and training.

The SCA called for a National Conference in Cebu in 1980. It called for a National Constitutional Convention, the last attempt to retain the national coordination, held in Manila in 1984. The next years were difficult time for SCA, it was then when the national coordination was disbanded. The diocesan coordination and units in the different parts of the country continued to exist though.

The growing need for SCA national coordination was strongly felt as years went by. With this, in the January 1989 National Conference of Youth Ministers (NCYM), the rest of the active SCA diocesan groups presented and passed a resolution requesting the Episcopal Commission on Youth – National Secretariat for Youth Apostolate (ECY-NSYA) to take charge of coordinating the existing SCA units nationwide. As a result, a national consultation meeting of SCA materialized in July 1989 spearheaded by the NSYA. Fr. Jose Sumampong of Diocese of Tagbilaran was appointed as National Chaplain of SCA.

The SCA now holds archdiocesian, regional, and national conferences and now present in more than thrity dioceses in the Philippines.

[edit] The Logo

The Cross with rays at the center of the logo, means that the present SCAP is still focused on the same idealism from which the SCAP was founded. Jesus Christ, represented by the Cross, is the inspiration center of the Christian life envisioned by the organization. The rays of the cross, totaling seven (7), represents the Seven Sacraments, which all SCAns value and witness in their commitment to follow Jesus.The SCAns commit themselves to the service of the Lord to actualize the SCAP mission of “RESTORING OF ALL THINGS IN CHRIST.” The border, consists of three paralleled lines and starting from left-below to form an imaginary spiral movement and ending to form an arrow towards top-right represents the following:

Three lines. The three parallel lines starting from left-below, represents the three major regions of the country, namely: Luzon, Visayas andMindanao. Their being parallel with each other is recognition of the difference in culture and belief between the three major regions. However, their common faith I the Lord Jesus Christ as savior, shall motivate all of us to move simultaneously and hand-in-hand in pursuit of our quest for a truly Christian life.

The Second part of the border, where the parallel lines converge to form an arrow, represents the HOLY TRINITY. Three different persons, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit in One God.

The Imaginary Spiral Movement of the Border. This movement represent the dynamism in the SCAP where we have to See every situation we encounter in our lives, Judge the situation relative to our Christian faith and Act in accordance with the will of the Almighty. We have to adopt to the ever changing environment and the intricacies of life.

The Movement from Below to the Top . We have to move from where we are now, towards our aspiration for Holiness and be more like Jesus Christ. A call for every SCAn to enrich and sustain one’s relationship to God through prayers, participation in the Holy Mass, recollection, reading the Bible and other activities of the Catholic Church towards that end.

The Movement from Left to Right. As SCAns, our actions must emanate from our hearts toward righteousness and service to the people. "We have to love one another as God love us."

The Colors White and Blue represent the movement’s recognition of Mary’s great role in the fulfillment of God’s plan for salvation. Mary is the SCAP’s inspiration for obedience to God’s will.

[edit] Archdiocese of Manila

In the Archdiocese of Manila, the Public High Schools are actively participating in the movement and activities of SCA. Also Colleges and Universities within the location is the biggest population since many schools here have SCA for a long time. The SCA-AM office is located in the San Lorenzo Ruiz Student Catholic Center in Legarda St. As of now, there are 10 public high schools, 2 private schools, and 4 clusters of colleges and universities that belongs to this locality.

[edit] Affiliations

The Student Catholic Action has been affiliated with the following federation and associations:

  • AYOM - Archdiocesian Youth Organizations and Movements
  • CM - Campus Minstry
  • FNYO - Federation of National Youth Organizations
  • MYA - Ministry of Youth Affairs
  • CODE-M - Coalition for Decency and Morality-Youth
  • EASYNet -Ecumenical Asia-Pacific Youth and Students Network (PhilNet)