Stuck fetishism

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Stuck fetishism is a broad sexual fetish (also sometimes known just as Stuck fetish or Stuck) which involves attraction to others or themselves experiencing a situation in which they experience immovability..

This involves the subject being immobilized in some way, in a situation the individual finds undesirable which leads to the subject struggling to escape the situation. Often a certain body part is the focus of such situations, the most common being the feet, although the hands, buttocks, or even "full-body" situations are also quite popular. Other focuses may exist, such as when the subject is wearing a certain article of clothing; certain types of shoes (eg. high heels, sometimes sneakers) or hosiery are popular examples.

The immobilization can involve an object. One form of this is arousal over vehicles that are stuck in mud. There is still a human element since there is a driver at the controls. Some stuck fetishists like to get stuck themselves, while some like to see other people get stuck. Some stuck fetishists enjoy either situation.[citation needed]

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