Stuart Pearson Wright

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Self portrait
Self portrait

Stuart Pearson Wright (born 1975, Northampton) is an award winning English artist who works mainly in paint. He was educated at Slade School of Fine Art, University College of London (1995-1999), where he graduated with honors, receiving a B.A. in Fine Art. He won the BP Travel Prize in 1998, the BP Portrait Prize in 2001, and the Garrick/Milne Prize in 2005.

Gallus gallus with Still Life and Presidents – The BP Portrait award winner
Gallus gallus with Still Life and Presidents – The BP Portrait award winner

[edit] Portraits

John Hurt
John Hurt

Portraits painted by Pearson Wright include those of:

Daniel Radcliffe (Actor)
Mike Leigh (Film Director)
David Thewlis (Actor)
Charles Saumarez Smith (Director National Gallery)
Richard E. Grant (Actor)
Adam Cooper (Ballet Dancer)
John Hurt (Actor)
Terry Gilliam (Film director)
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Michael Palin (Actor, Writer)
Terry Jones (Actor, Writer)
Diane Abbott (MP)
Christopher Lee (Actor)
J. K. Rowling (Novelist)

[edit] External links