Stuart McBeth

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Stuart McBeth (born 1981) was an Australian neo-Nazi who founded the Patriotic Youth League (PYL) in 2002 as well as the Australian branch of the US-based Volksfront organisation the same year. He was also a student at the University of Newcastle at the time.

He had also previously been a One Nation Party candidate for the NSW Legislative Council prior to founding the League. [1]

McBeth was fired from his job as a case officer for the Salvation Army in late January 2005 due to his political beliefs (although he would later manage to obtain an unfair dismissal payout) and shortly afterwards resigned as PYL President.

Stuart McBeth was replaced by Lachlan Black, also a former One Nation candidate.

[edit] References

Neo-Nazi link to anti-foreigner campgain - Sydney Morning Herald

Salvation Army sacks McBeth - Red Rag

ABC News on McBeth's sacking - (scroll down to Tuesday, February 01, 2005)