Stuart Lubbock

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Stuart Lubbock (born October 1, 1969, died March 31, 2001) was a meat factory worker from Essex, England, who died in suspicious circumstances.

Lubbock died in the Princess Alexandra Hospital after being found unconscious in the pool of popular British television game show presenter Michael Barrymore's home in Roydon, Essex on the morning of the 31 March, 2001. He was wearing only boxer shorts. He was discovered by the pathologist at the hospital to have 'serious' anal injuries and ecstasy, cocaine and alcohol in his blood.

The case drew intense news media attention and speculation throughout the UK, particularly the tabloid press, and has damaged the reputation and career of Barrymore - despite there being no evidence that he was responsible for Lubbock's death or injuries. Stuart Lubbock's father, Terry, and a group around him, have pursued Barrymore relentlessly since Lubbock's death, either because they believe he holds the key to the 'real' story of what happened or because he is a celebrity whose name guarantees headlines.

Lubbock, a wholesale butcher's supervisor from Harlow, Essex had visited the home of Barrymore (although he wasn't invited, he followed a group he had met up with that night) after apparently meeting him at a nightclub. A party followed. It was claimed that Barrymore had been offering cocaine to his guests. According to the police toxicologist, Lubbock was a regular user of cocaine and/or ecstasy. He was also a binge drinker.

According to BBC News, neighbours described the dead man as a "pleasant, sociable" man who lived with his father Terry and brother Kevin in a terrace house in Great Brays, near Harlow. He was believed to have a daughter aged two, but had split from the mother of the child.

Lubbock's father Terry Lubbock has since set up the Lubbock Trust to campaign for further investigation into the case and genrally generate as much publicity as possible. On 2 December 2006 police announced they were re-opening the investigation into Stuart Lubbock's death. [1] 14 January 2007 News of the World reveals Michael Barrymore's former manager Mike Browne has been Interviewed by detectives for 4 hours.


[edit] Inquest

A September 2002 inquest reached an open verdict: Coroner Caroline Beasley-Murray said "None of these witnesses who were party guests for three hours have given to this court an explanation about how Stuart Lubbock, a previously fit 31-year old, should be found floating in a swimming pool at the premises with a significant level of alcohol and drugs in his system and have serious anal injuries."

Essex Police failed to call a witness from Princess Alexandra Hospital, a member of the medical team that tried for an hour to reuscitate Lubbock, who provided a sworn statement that there were no injuries to Lubbock's anus at the time of admission.

Detective Chief Superintendent Ian McNeil said: " As the cause of death had been "unascertainable" and there was no witness evidence, he had decided to suspend the criminal investigation. During the course of the police investigation, both Justin Merritt and Jonathan Kenney had been arrested on suspicion of murder by police but later were released without charge. Dr Heath concluded that he had drowned acccidentally. Three other pathologists who examined the body said that the marks on Mr Lubbock's forehead suggested that he might have been asphyxiated. However, none claimed that this was the cause of death. It was admitted that these marks could have been caused by the extensive attempts to reusucitate Lubbock. It had been confirmed that Dr Heath has volunteered to stop working for the police, having found evidence of foul play in previous deaths where there was none.

[edit] Essex Police review

1 February 2006 Essex Police review the death of Stuart Lubbock. Terry Lubbock said: "I'm delighted the police have agreed to review the case." source The Sun. In a separate development, detectives who are reviewing Mr Lubbock's death are to approach the publishers for a copy of the manuscript. Essex Police on Michael Barrymore's book deal, a spokesman said: " The team is looking for something to bring a resolution to this book that is in any way prejudicial, we may be forced to issue an injunction to block publication." source Sunday Express 11 June 2006. 22 June 2006 Lubbock family lose faith in local police. Family of Stuart Lubbock no longer want Essex Police involved in the investigation into his death. source: Harlow Herald

[edit] Kylie Merritt

On 10 May 2006, Kylie Merritt, a witness at the coroner's inquest, was arrested on suspicion of perjury. On 14 June 2006, the charges against Merritt were dropped. Merritt was a witness on the night of Lubbock's death. Merritt told the inquest, "I saw Mr Parker (Barrymore's real name) put some cocaine on his finger and rub it on Mr Lubbock's gums." She later admitted that she could not be certain that her allegation was true during a lie detector test conducted by tabloid newspaper the News of the World.[2] 22 June 2006, 'Lubbock Anger At Perjury 'Let-Off'. source Harlow Star.

[edit] Dr Michael Heath

On 19 June 2006, Dr Michael Heath, the pathologist at the autopsy of Lubbock, was called before a disciplinary tribunal at the Old Bailey. The following day, Heath's testimony was discredited. At the hearing, Charles Miskin QC for the Home Office said: "It is the belief of The Home Office that Dr Heath has fallen short of the high standards required by the Secretary of State of forensic pathologists."[3] The tribunal is expected to sit for up to six weeks. Dr Michael Heath disciplinary hearing over. 24 August 2006 Terry Lubbock calls for Dr Michael Heath to be struck off, following a damming report at an Old Bailey disciplinary hearing, source: Terry Lubbock. 22 September 2006 Heath resigns from Home Office register pathologists. Source: Home Office.

[edit] Terry Lubbock

January 2006 Harry Cichy, becomes Terry Lubbock's publicist, see: Hoover Holiday Pressure Group & Sandy Jack. source: Terry Lubbock.

18 June 2006, Terry Lubbock demanded an outside police force review his son's case. Terry Lubbock said, "Five years have passed, but I am far from happy with the way Essex police have handled the investigation." News of the World 10 August 2006 Tesco to sell Terry Lubbock's book Not Awight - Getting Away With Murder, released 16 October 2006, source The Bookseller.

Because of the open verdict reached by the coroner's inquest in September 2002, the full details of the incident have remained the subject of speculation by quarters of the media, not least the tabloid press. 3 July 2006 Terry Lubbock receives a letter from the Prime Minister Tony Blair. The Prime Minister has passed on Terry Lubbock's comments to Home Office. Tony Blair, " I have, however, passed your comments on to the Home Office so they consider what you say." source: letter from the Prime Minister.

7 July 2006 Terry Lubbock meets with Robert Halfon, Conservative spokesperson for Harlow. Source: Harry Cichy.

25 August 2006 Terry Lubbock calls the finding of his son, Stuart Lubbock in Michael Barrymores pool an "elaborate hoax". "Stuart was never in Michael Barrymore's pool." Source: Terry Lubbock.

Friday 13 October Terry Lubbock, father of Stuart Lubbock asks Scrooge producer Bill Kenwright to withdraw Michael Barrymore from the lead role in Scrooge the musical. Michael Barrymore opens in Scrooge at The Grand in Wolverhampton on 14 November 2006. Source: Terry Lubbock.

[edit] Private prosecution of Michael Barrymore

On January 11, 2006, Tony Bennett, the Lubbock family's solicitor, issued an application in the Harlow Magistrates Court for Michael Barrymore to be charged with six offences, relating to his actions on the morning Lubbock's death. Bennett & Co. attempted to serve the papers on Barrymore whilst he was appearing on Channel 4's Celebrity Big Brother UK, generating more headlines. The was later thrown out of court by a district judge who ruled that Barrymore had no case to answer.

[edit] Awight Now

2 October 2006 is the date when Michael Barrymore's book Awight Now is due for release. Waterstone's book signing Oxford Street. Source: Waterstone's. Tesco books website has put the book on advance order on their website. The book has chapters on Stuart Lubbock's death. Source: Lubbock Trust.

[edit] Not Awight

21 January 2007 The book claims to reveal why police re-opened the death probe.The 10 Vital Clues,Michael Barrymore pool death Mystery. Source:News of the World. Not Awight Getting Away With Murder. News of the World 28 January 2007 Lubbock book exposes vital errors in pool death probe, source:News of the World. It has yet to be published.

On 10 July 2006, Tony Bennett, Secretary of The Lubbock Trust, asked Tesco Chairman Sir Terry Leahy to withdraw the book from sale on the website. Source: Lubbock Trust.

Later, the Daily Mirror hinted that Lubbock's father Terry was set to release his own book, titled Not Awight Now: Getting Away With Murder on the day Barrymore's own work was due to be released. Source Lubbock Trust. Virgin Books turned down the rights to Terry Lubbock's book Not Awight Getting Away With Murder. Source: Lubbock Trust.

House Of Death,AOL February 2007 name Michael Barrymore's house in their list of Most Gruesome houses, along with Fred West & Rose West houses. Source:AOL.

[edit] Elaborate hoax

11 July 2006:

It is almost certain that Stuart was dead before being 'found' and there is no actual evidence, apart from that coming from three witneses,who have all lied comprehensively, that Stuart was ever in the swimming pool. The strong probability is that he never was. The phrase always associated with Stuart, namely 'found dead in Barrymore's swimming pool' - is based on an elaborate hoax. Source: Tony Bennett, The Lubbock Trust.

No evidence is supplied for any of these statements.

[edit] External links