Strong RSA assumption

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In cryptography, the strong RSA assumption states that the RSA problem is intractable even when the solver is allowed to choose the public exponent e (for e \ge 3). More specifically, given a modulus N of unknown factorization, and a ciphertext C, it is infeasible to find any pair (M,e) such that C \equiv M^e~mod~N.

The strong RSA assumption was first used for constructing signature schemes provably secure against existential forgery without resorting to the random oracle model.

[edit] References

  • Niko Bari and Birgit Pfitzmann, Collision-Free Accumulators and Fail-Stop Signature Schemes Without Trees, EUROCRYPT 1997, pp480–494.
  • Ronald L. Rivest and Burt Kaliski. RSA Problem. pdf file

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