String functions (programming)

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the Programming Language Comparison
General Comparison
Basic Syntax
String Operations
String Functions

Evaluation strategy
List of "hello world" programs

Compatibility of C and C++
Comparison of C and Pascal
Comparison of C++ and Java
Comparison of C# and Java
Comparison of C# and Visual Basic .NET

String functions are used in computer programming languages to manipulate a string or query information about a string (some do both).

Most computer programming languages that have a string datatype will have some string functions although it should be noted that there may be other low level ways within each language to handle strings directly. In object oriented languages, string functions are often implemented as properties and methods of string objects.

The most basic example of a string function is the length(string) function. This function returns the length of a string literal.

eg. length("hello world") would return 11.

Other languages may have string functions with similar or exactly the same syntax or parameters or outcomes. For example in many languages the length function is usually represented as len(string). The below list of common functions aims to help limit this confusion.


[edit] Common String Functions (multi language reference)

Here is a list of common string functions which are found in other languages. Any other equivalent functions used by other languages are also listed. The below list of common functions aims to help programmers find the equivalent function in a language. Note, string concatenation and regular expressions are handled in separate pages.

[edit] Compare

Definition compare(string1,string2) returns integer.
Description Compares two strings to each other. If they are equivalent, returns zero. If string1 is lexicographically greater than string, returns a positive number; otherwise, returns a negative number.
Format Languages
cmp(string1, string2) Python
strcmp(string1, string2) C, PHP
string1 cmp string2 Perl
string1 <=> string2 Ruby C++
string1.compareTo(string2) Java
 # Example in Python 
 cmp("hello", "world")   # returns -1

[edit] Concatenation

see concatenation

[edit] Equality

Tests if two strings are equal.

Format Languages
string1 == string2 Python, C++, PHP, Ruby
strcmp(string1, string2) == 0 C
string1 = string2 VB, Delphi
test string1 = string2, or
[ string1 = string2 ]
Bourne Shell
string1 eq string2 Perl
string1.equals(string2) Java

[edit] Find

Definition find(string,substring) returns integer
Description Returns the position of the start of the first occurrence of substring in string. If the substring is not found returns 0.
Related instrrev
Format Languages If not found
instr([startpos,]string,substring) VB (startpos optional) (positions start at 1) returns 0
index(string,substring) Awk
index(string,substring[,startpos]) Perl returns -1
strpos(string,substring[,startpos]) PHP returns FALSE
locate(string, substring) Ingres returns string length + 1
strstr(string, substring) C (returns pointer to first character) returns NULL
pos(substring, string) Delphi returns 0
string.find(substring[,startpos]) C++ returns string::npos
string.find(substring[,startpos[,endpos]]) Python returns -1
string.index(substring[,startpos]) Ruby returns nil
string.indexOf(substring[,startpos]) Java returns -1
 ' Example in VB
 instr("Hello mate", "ell")    ' would return 2
 instr(5, "Hello mate", "e") ' would return 10
 instr("word", "z")        ' would return 0. 

[edit] Inequality

Tests if two strings are not equal. See also #Equality.

Format Languages
string1 <> string2 VB, Delphi
string1 ne string2 Perl
test string1 != string2, or
[ string1 != string2 ]
Bourne Shell

[edit] index

see #Find

[edit] instr

see #Find

[edit] join

Definition join(separator, list_of_strings) joins a list of strings with a separator
Description Joins the list of strings into a new string, with the separator string between each of the substrings. Opposite of split.
Format Languages
join(separator, list_of_strings) Perl
implode(separator, array_of_strings) PHP
separator.join(sequence_of_strings) Python
array_of_strings.join(separator) Ruby
 # Examples in Python
 mystr = "-".join("a", "b", "c")      ### ('a-b-c')

[edit] left

Definition left(string,n) returns string
Description Returns the left n part of a string. If n is greater than the length of the string then the whole string is returned.
Format Languages
left(string,n) VB, Ingres
substr(string, 0, n) Awk (changes string), Perl, PHP
string[:n] Python
string[0..n] Ruby
string.substr(0,n) C++
leftstr(string, n) Delphi
string.substring(0,n) Java
 ' Example in VB
 left("sandroguidi", 3)   ' would return the string "san". 
 left("sandroguidi", 100) ' would return the string "sandroguidi". 

[edit] len

see #length

[edit] length

Definition length(string) returns an integer number
Description Returns the length of a string (not counting the null terminator or any other of the string's internal structural information). An empty string returns a length of 0.
Format Languages
length(string) Perl, Ingres, Delphi
len(string) VB, Python
string.size or
strlen(string) C, PHP
string.length() C++, Java
 # Examples in Perl 
 length("hello") ### returns 5.
 length("")      ### returns 0.

[edit] locate

see #instr

[edit] Lowercase

see also #Uppercase

[edit] mid

see #substring

[edit] partition

Definition <string>.partition(separator) returns the sub-string before the separator; the separator; then the sub-string after the separator.
Description Splits the given string by the separator and returns the three substrings that together make the original.
Format Languages
string.partition(separator) Python, Ruby
  # Examples in Python
  "Spam eggs spam spam and ham".partition('spam') ### ('Spam eggs ', 'spam', ' spam and ham')
  "Spam eggs spam spam and ham".partition('X') ### ('Spam eggs spam spam and ham', "", "")

[edit] replace

Definition replace(string, find, replace) returns string
Description Returns a string the with find occurrences changed to replace.
Format Languages
replace(string, find, replace) VB
str_replace(find, replace, string) PHP
string.replace(find, replace) Python, Java
string.gsub(find, replace) Ruby
string =~ s/find/replace/g Perl
string.replace(/find/g, replace) JavaScript (Regular Expressions can be used)
echo "string" | sed 's/find/replace/g' Unix
 ' Examples in VB
 replace("effffff","f","jump") ' returns "ejumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjump"
 replace("blah", "z","y")      ' returns "blah".

[edit] right

Definition right(string,n) returns string
Description Returns the right n part of a string. If n is greater than the length of the string then the whole string is returned.
Format Languages
right(string,n) VB, Ingres
substr(string,-n) Perl, PHP
 ' Example in VB
 right("sandroguidi", 3)     ' would return the string "idi". 
 right("sandroguidi", 100)   ' would return the string "sandroguidi". 

[edit] rpartition

Definition <string>.rpartition(separator) Searches for the separator from right-to-left within the string then returns the sub-string before the separator; the separator; then the sub-string after the separator.
Description Splits the given string by the right-most separator and returns the three substrings that together make the original.
Format Languages
string.rpartition(separator) Python, Ruby
 # Examples in Python
  "Spam eggs spam spam and ham".rpartition('spam')  ### ('Spam eggs spam ', 'spam', ' and ham')
  "Spam eggs spam spam and ham".rpartition('X')     ### ("", "", 'Spam eggs spam spam and ham')

[edit] slice

see #substring

[edit] split

Definition <string>.split(separator[, limit]) splits a string on separator, optionally only up to a limited number of substrings
Description Splits the given string by occurrences of the separator (itself a string) and returns a list (or array) of the substrings. If limit is given, after limit - 1 separators have been read, the rest of the string is made into the last substring, regardless of whether it has any separators in int. Opposite of join.
Format Languages
split(/separator/, string[, limit]) Perl
explode(separator, string[, limit]) PHP
string.split(separator[, limit]) Javascript, Java, Python, Ruby
 # Examples in Python
  "Spam eggs spam spam and ham".split('spam') ### ('Spam eggs ', ' ', ' and ham')
  "Spam eggs spam spam and ham".split('X')  ### ('Spam eggs spam spam and ham')

[edit] strip

see #trim

[edit] strcmp

see #compare

[edit] substring

Definition substr(string, startpos, offset) returns string
Description Returns a substring of string starting at startpos of length offset. If offset goes past the end of the string then only the string form startpos to end of string is returned.
Format Languages
mid(string, startpos, offset) VB
substr(string, startpos, offset) Awk (changes string), Perl, PHP
string[startpos:endpos] Python (endpos = startpos + offset)
string[startpos, offset] Ruby
string.slice(startpos, endpos) JavaScript
string.substr(startpos, offset) C++
string.substring(startpos, endpos) Java
copy(string, startpos, offset) Delphi
char result[offset+1] = "";

strncat(result, string + startpos, offset);

 Examples in Awk 
 substr("abc", 2,1)   # returns "b".
 substr("abc", 2,100) # returns "bc". 

[edit] uppercase

Definition uppercase(string) returns string
Description Returns the string in upper case.
Format Languages
UCASE(string) VB
toupper(string) Awk (changes string)
uc(string) Perl
toupper(char) C (operates on a single character)
transform(string.begin(), string.end(), result.begin(), toupper) C++ (result is stored in string result which is at least as long as string, and may or may not be string itself)
uppercase(string) Delphi
strtoupper(string) PHP
echo "string" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' Unix
string.upper() Python
string.upcase Ruby
string.toUpperCase() Java
 ' Example in VB
 Ucase("Wiki means fast?")   ' would return "WIKI MEANS FAST?". 

[edit] trim

see Trim (programming).

trim or strip is used to remove whitespace from the beginning, end, or both beginning and end, of a string.

[edit] Concatenation

Joining two strings together is called concatenation. Some languages support this natively in the language (VB) and some do not (C).

[edit] Libraries

In C, it is often safer and faster to use pre-written libraries for a string ADT, instead of trying to use the fragile builtin functions. Some examples being Vstr[1] and the Better String Library[2].

[edit] External links