Streett automaton

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A Streett automaton is one of the many types of finite automata on infinite strings. It is of the form \mathcal{A} = (Q,~\Sigma,~q_0,~\delta,~\Omega) where Q,~q_0 and Σ are defined as for Büchi automata. \delta: Q \times \Sigma \rightarrow Q is the transition function, and Ω is a set of pairs (E_j,~F_j) with E_j, F_j \subset Q. \mathcal{A} accepts the input word α if for the run \rho \in Q^\omega of \mathcal{A} on α, for every index i, inf(\rho)\cap E_j\ne\empty\to inf(\rho)\cap F_j\ne\empty (where inf(ρ) is the group of states in Q that the run ρ visits infinitely often).

The acceptance condition is dual to the Rabin acceptance condition: The Streett condition is the logical negation of the Rabin condition, and therefore, if a language L can be recognized by a deterministic Streett automaton, then its complement \bar{L} can be recognized by some deterministic Rabin automaton, and vice versa.

[edit] See also

Rabin automaton - A closely related automaton with the same components but a different acceptance condition.