Portal:Strategy games/Selected biography

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[edit] Usage

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[edit] Selected biographies list

Sid Meier (born Sidney K. Meier in 1954, in Detroit, USA) is a renowned American programmer and designer of some of the most commercially and critically successful computer strategy games of all time. Meier has won several accolades for both his contributions to the computer games industry and for the titles that have gained huge commercial successes. Meier is considered one of the legendary giants of the computer games industry.

Wilhelm (later William) Steinitz (May 17, 1836, PragueAugust 12, 1900, New York) was an Austrian-American chess player and the first official world chess champion. Known for his original contributions to chess strategy such as his ideas on positional play, his theories were held in high regard by such chess players as Aron Nimzowitsch, Siegbert Tarrasch, and Emanuel Lasker.

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[edit] Nominations

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