
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Warning! This user once kissed a girl, but his doctor said he would be fine.
Danger! This user is borderline incompetent and frequently has to re-edit pages he has just altered.
Oh no! Basically, this user doesn't have a clue, and spent ages just trying to get this table right.


[edit] Hello!

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Did you come to leave me a message or to talk about an article? Of course you didn't, nobody ever does. If you need to, though, go here. I will even check the page on occasion.

[edit] "Stone what?"

If you are brimming with curiosity about just who (and quite what) I am, I was born Paul Dean on the 12 February 1980, on the same day as my favourite actress, in Surrey, England, at the same hospital as a certain member of the Royal Family, with the same name as a certain Canadian rock star with dodgy hair. Between 2001 and 2005 I was a freelance journalist and writer specialising in the field of computer and video games, writing for a variety of magazines, websites and for private clients. Naturally, I was penniless. I am now a very successful Philosophy student and thus far too busy reading, writing, analysing and researching whilst also being financially challenged. So really I'm just doing the same stuff all over again.

I have used the handle Stone Cold Crazy/StoneColdCrazy/SCC since first joining the Internet in 1998. The nickname refers to a song written by the band Queen, which you can find on the album Sheer Heart Attack. Sometimes it has morphed itself into various different forms (such as CrazyColdStone), although more recently I have been known to use my nickname Pollicino for some account names.

I'm not really sure how to describe myself and certainly can't get around to saying everything that I want to or feel I should. I am an idealistic, bookish writer type and so dream about composing stories and spend my spare time thinking about characters and narration and lessons learnt and how I could shoehorn all of the things I know and that I want to say (and perhaps teach/advise people) into a fantasy novel. I put together situations and stories and speeches in my mind. Writing matters so much to me, as it's what I do all the time, it's all I can ever really do, it's all I ever really want to do and... It's the fundamental building block of my life. I wonder about how good books are written and what it is that has enabled people to make life and the world more wonderful with their work. I am amazed by art. My ambition in life is to create something beautiful; that's all, really.

I have lots of interests, which are listed below. I also like to eat pizza, watch people walk their dogs, browse dusty old shops and stay up until the sun rises. I might possibly be responsible for some of the more unusual noises that have graced the world.

I forget why I came to Wikipedia originally, but I noticed there was no page about John Cazale and I couldn't leave without first doing something about this terrible injustice. My first edit was made on 14 July 2004 and I signed up mere moments after. My masochistic tendencies have always seen me produce vast bodies of work for absolutely no money at all and since I seem to write either to earn money, to relax or just to express myself, this seems to be yet another way for me to gush forth the many words that daily threaten to burst my head open from the inside. However, given how busy I seem to be lately, I don't get much time to do research or writing, so instead I find myself fixing broken links, righting grammatical wrongs and trying to squash vandals (ie: crime fighting). Regardless, I believe in free knowledge and free education and Wikipedia is something I am secretly passionate about. The notion information provided, for free, for anyone, anywhere to refer to or learn from is something that, I feel, reflects the best we can offer. To be able to contribute in even the tiniest of ways to this endeavour means something to me.

[edit] News

I'm still attending London Metropolitan University and still studying Philosophy, under the tutelage of such minds as Dr Rodney Pickering and Kate Soper. It is, in a word, hard, but then I have set high standards for myself. The content of the course is pretty mind-boggling, but I like being challenged both conceptually and ethically. I think everyone should study Philosophy, at least to some extent. At degree level, though, it can be extremely challenging. London Metropolitan has had its share of controversy recently, disruption coming from the new Student Union constitution that the board want to ratify (which I've been involved in, somewhat), as well as previous protests regarding staff's wages/treatment, but this doesn't seem to affect the quality of teaching on my course. I'm aiming to score a first class degree and so far I'm dead on target.

I'm presently living in London, near Old Street. There still seem to be a lot of roadworks.


[edit] Penny

Dogs are the most wonderful pets. I have uploaded one of my many images of my favourite photography subject now that I will no longer be able to take pictures of her. Penny was a rescue dog who became a member of our family for five and a half years. I urge everyone to take the best possible care of their pets, because you will reap the rewards tenfold. Animal abuse is a very real problem, and it manifests itself in negligence and irresponsibility, as well as physical abuse; far too many people do not know how to properly treat or look after the animals they keep. Make sure you give your pets the love, care and attention that they deserve.

All right, preaching ends here.

[edit] Wikipedia...

I think
is a wonder of the modern world. the best thing ever. But seriously, I think Wikipedia is the very finest that the internet has to offer. It's a superb resource, literally a fountain of knowledge and one of humanity's finest collaborative undertakings. As far as I am concerned, it is one of the wonders of the modern world. I am quite passionate about it and what it has the potential to achieve, not that it hasn't already achieved a great deal. I did have here a list of some of my work on Wikipedia but, to be honest, my contribution is a mere fraction of what is present and I did not come here to blow my own trumpet (much). If you really want to see what I've done, rifle through my drawers here.

If you think Wikipedia is wonderful too, feel free to add this simple, tacky logo I've made to your profile. In fact, if somebody could make it into a template or somesuch for me, I'd be very grateful. I'm too scared (and incompetent) to do so myself, since I'm not sure it's a valid reason to create a brand new template from scratch.

[edit] What's that, you want to contribute to Wikipedia?

Wikipedia's encouragement to its readers to be bold really is sound advice. Be active, be brave and get involved, because Wikipedia's success is down to proactive, passionate people making an effort. You don't have to research topics and edit pages, as Wikipedia also needs its contributors to watch for vandalism, to debate on topics such as article mergers or deletions, to fix broken links, to translate articles, to provide photographs or images and to do many, many other tasks.

Whatever interests you, do not be afraid to contribute and to take action. Not sure if an article should or shouldn't be nominated for deletion? Have a go anyway, as it will get people discussing the issue and perhaps improve the piece or re-work it to affirm its validity. Confused about the factual accuracy of a piece? Raise the issue on a talk page. Wikipedia works because people are proactive and they make an effort. Sometimes contributors are wrong about something, sometimes their work needs improving and sometimes sections of Wikipedia are downright shoddy, but nothing will progress if we do not try and if we do not persist. Don't be scared, your assistance is always welcome and your effort appreciated.

When you contribute to Wikipedia, be aware that all your work will be freely available to anyone and everyone, as well as being edited, re-written or perhaps even reshaped beyond any recognition. Wikipedia is not for egocentrics or control freaks and you should be ready not to take modification of your work personally. Indeed, you can even learn from it. If you're happy to be part of what is possibly the world's most remarkable collaborative endeavour and content to give it the benefit of some of your time and your skills, then please do hop on board.

[edit] A few of my interests

  • ...And a whole host of other stuff.

(NB: Any edits from the IP are also by myself.)

[edit] Useful links and such

In my toil I often find the following resources lighten the terrible burden I bear, and provide some, brief illumination against the darkness of being.