Storage Affinity
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Storage Affinity is a scheduling heurisitc for loosely coupled data-intensive applications on Grid environments. Storage Affinity was designed at the Laboratório de Sistemas Distribuídos [1] of the Universidade Federal de Campina Grande [2] as part of the OurGrid [3].
The design and performance evaluation was the main focus of Elizeu Santos-Neto's MSc. Thesis [4]. This work was developed under the supervision of Professor Walfredo Cirne [5] ans Francisco "Fubica" Brasileiro [6]. Additionally, Aliandro Lima [7] was a very important collaborator.
[edit] References
Elizeu Santos-Neto, Walfredo Cirne, Francisco Brasileiro, and Aliandro Lima. "Exploiting replication and data reuse to efficiently schedule data-intensive applications on grids". In proceedings of 10th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, Columbia University, New York, NY, June 13, 2004. [8]