Stoianova Atanasia/Tatiana

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[edit] Atanasia / Tatiana Stoianova

(Russian: Атанасия/Татьяна Петровна Стоянова (born in January 30, 1956) is a Moldovan public figure, active in the area of diversity management and multi-cultural education. She became a Director of the Moldovan State Department for Interethnic Relations and Functioning of Languages in 1998, continued as an NGO leader in 2001, worked for Moldovan and American public organizations ([1]).

[edit] Fields of experience

Her areas of expertise include Education Policy and Management; Curriculum Design and Teaching Methodology, Multicultural Education; School Management and Administration; Counselor in Local Public Administration on child protection and education issues; Drafting Legal Acts; Monitoring and Implementation of National Legislation; Project Writing and Implementation in social development; NGO Management and Capacity Building through training/seminar organization, providing consultations, etc.; Facilitator in establishment of good governmental-NGOs working relations; Fund-Raising; Human Rights and Minority Issues.

[edit] Professional path

2005-2006 International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX), Moldova Citizen Participation Program Deputy Director

 Contributed to strategic analysis and planning for the Citizen Participation Program; developed and implement mechanisms and protocols to monitor progress and evaluate impact  Oversaw design and consistent use of training content, materials and methodologies and helped evaluate training skills and professionalism of trainers associated with the CPP  Oversaw appropriate and cost-effective training and mentoring for participating NGOs, citizen initiative groups and other beneficiaries  Motivated and empowered local staff and provided staff development opportunities through ongoing training, mentoring, performance review and goal setting  Ensured fair and equal access to program benefits based on a thorough dissemination process, transparent and objective selection criteria, and multi-layered review of submissions and applications  Conceptualized and designed media and outreach strategy and implementation plan  Coordinated and monitored the activity of six CPP regional hubs: in Balti, Causeni, Comrat, Orhei, Soroca and Ungheni, in implementing CPP activities on a local scale, offering training, mentoring, and funding to assist citizen initiative groups and nongovernmental organizations in carrying out projects conceived and developed by and for citizens.

from 2001-present she is a Project Manager/Board Member of NGO «Center for Minority Issues» ([2]) where she

 Participate in the assessment process, elaboration, implementation and administration of projects  Provide consultations to minority issues NGOs regarding fund raising possibilities, project writing, advocacy, and social integration issues in local communities  Develop and assess NGO work plans; monitor their projects implementation  Carry out seminars and training for local NGOs and public administration on various minority issues  Coordinate international collaboration with the Center for Minority Issues

1998-2001 State Department for Interethnic Relations and Functioning of Languages, General Director

 Worked over drafting Legal Acts related to inter-ethnic relations, language functioning and diaspora  Organized monitoring of the implementation of national and international legislation, regarding inter-ethnic relations and language functioning and reported to the Government  Promoted projects and attracted donor assistance («Language as a social integration tool»- UNDP assistance, «Modern methods of teaching Romanian as a second language»- OSCE assistance; National Minorities Education System in Moldova: Analytical Review — CE assistance)  Organized workshops, round-tables, national and international seminars and conferences related to inter-ethnic relations and minorities education  Conducted the activities of the research group in drafting the National Social Integration Strategy  Organized and supervised the Department staff activity  Cconducted the activity of the Coordinating Council of Ethno-Cultural Communities

1989-1998 Ministry of Education and Science of Moldova, Chief of Minorities Education Board

 Supervised the activity of the Board for Minorities Education staff  Promoted international standards on equal access to education  Led the process of minorities languages introduction in education  Led the work of curriculum design and text books elaboration on minority languages  Led the work of creative groups in elaboration of the Concept of Minorities Education in Moldova, educational programs and teaching aids for minorities schools  Organized the experimental work in 15 bi-lingual classes for Bulgarian and Ukrainian minority children  Organized international summer camps for children  Organized in-service training for the teachers of minorities’ mother tongues  Led the monitoring process of teaching languages in minorities’ schools

1984-1989 Principal of the Secondary School in Vatra [3], Chisinau

[edit] Educational background

1998 Teachers College of Columbia University [4], NY, USA, FSA Contemporary Issues Fellowship Program scholarship

1996-1998 Government Academy of Management and Public Affairs, International Relations Department, Chisinau

1981-1982 University of Political Studies, Department of International Relations, Chisinau, BA in Political Studies

1974-1979 State University of Moldova, Department of Foreign Languages, Chisinau, MA in Philology

[edit] Honors

Government award "Meritul Civic", 2001

[edit] Publications

Co-author of National Concept of Minorities’ Education System in Moldova, 1996

Multicultural Education as a Tool of Social Integration: International Standards and their Application in the Republic of Moldova, Universitatea Ion Creanga, Chisinau, 2004, (in Romanian) Management of Linguistic Education in Minority Schools, Universitatea Ion Creanga, Chisinau, 2003, (in Romanian), Non-Discrimination Review: International Standards for the Protection of National Minorities and the Ways of their Implementation in the Republic of Moldova,Chisinau, 17-18 December, 2003

National Minorities Education in Moldova: the Legal Framework and Practice, report at the International Congress on Language Policies, Linguapax Institute, Barcelona, April 16-20, 2002;

Education Policy and Minorities in the Republic of Moldova, Frank ORNELIS and Atanasia STOIANOVA, Council of Europe (English and Romanian), December 2002

The Problem of Multi-Lingual and Multi-Cultural Education in Moldova, The Unity of Moldova’s People and the Problem of Ethnic Identity Preservation, Chisinau, DNRLF, 2000, pp.146-155

Language Study in Non-Moldovan Schools, Languages Regulation in multi-ethnic societies, Chisinau, Moldova, Helsinki Civic Assembly, 1996 pp.62-67 (in English, in Romanian, and in Russian)

Slavic Languages in Modern System of Education in Moldova, Slavic Languages in Moldova, Chisinau, Moldovan Academy of Sciences, 1995, pp.34 — 37(in Russian)

[edit] External links