Stinger (comics)

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Stinger, art by James Brock.

Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance X-Factor #5 (June 1986)
Created by Bob Layton
Alter ego Wendy
Species Human Mutant
Affiliations Alliance of Evil
Abilities Able to discharge electricity from her hands.

Stinger (real name Wendy) is a fictional mutant super villain in the Marvel Comics Universe.


[edit] Fictional character biography

A young valley girl with electrical-based mutant powers, Stinger is a member of the Alliance of Evil, Apocalypse's original strike force. Because of her youth, Stinger often handles situations recklessly, as seen when she accidentally kills Michael Nowlan's girlfriend, Susan. During their battles with X-Factor, Stinger often flirts with Angel, much to his annoyance. Stinger stays with the Alliance of Evil when they defy the Mutant Registration Act, and later battles the New Mutants with the team. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

[edit] Powers

Stinger can build static energy around her hands and discharge it as bioelectricity bolts.

[edit] Alternate universes

In the Age of Apocalypse storyline, there is a young woman named Wendy that resides on Avalon who has a look and powers very similar to Stinger's. Though it is unconfirmed, it is safe to assume that this is an alternate version of Stinger, which would make Wendy her real name.

[edit] Notes

  • This Stinger (III) should not be confused with Stinger I (Ms. Marvel enemy), Stinger II (Avengers foe), or Stinger IV (Heroes for Hire villain) 0r Stinger of Marvel UK.

[edit] Bibliography

  • New Mutants Annual #7
  • X-Calibre #4
  • X-Factor #5-6, 33