Stig Strömholm

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Stig Fredrik Strömholm (b. September 16, 1931), Swedish legal scholar and novelist, former rector magnificus of Uppsala University.

Strömholm received his education in Uppsala (B.A. 1952; LL.B. 1957, Licentiate 1957), Cambridge (Diploma of Comparative Legal Studies, 1959) and Munich. He completed a doctorate in Law in Munich in 1964 and another one in Uppsala in 1966. He was Professor in Jurisprudence in Uppsala from 1969, and Professor in Private Law and Conflict of Laws there 1982-1997. After an appointment as prorector (deputy vice-chancellor) of Uppsala University 1978-1989, he was rector magnificus (vice-chancellor) of the university 1989-1997.

In addition to 25 volumes of legal studies, he has published several novels, as well as historical and critical essays, papers and newspaper articles.

On his retirement from the rectorial chair in 1997, he received a festschrift, Festskrift till Stig Strömholm (Uppsala 1997), in two volumes and 925 pages, including a partial bibliography (ISBN 91-7678-341-3).

The asteroid 4310 Strömholm, discovered in 1978 (by the Uppsala astronomer Claes-Ingvar Lagerkvist), was named after Strömholm.

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