Stiefel–Whitney class

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In mathematics, the Stiefel–Whitney class arises as a type of characteristic class associated to real vector bundles E\rightarrow X. It is denoted by w(E), taking values in H^*(X; \Z/2\Z), the cohomology groups with mod 2 coefficients. The component of w(E) in H^i(X; \Z/2\Z) is denoted by wi(E) and called the ith Stiefel-Whitney class of E, so that w(E) = w_0(E) + w_1(E) + w_2(E) + \cdots. As an example, over the circle, S1, there is a line bundle that is topologically non-trivial: that is, the line bundle associated to the Möbius band, usually thought of as having fibres [0,1]. The cohomology group

H^1(S^1;\mathbb Z/2\mathbb Z)

has just one element other than 0, this element being the first Stiefel-Whitney class, w1, of that line bundle.


[edit] Axioms

Throughout, Hi(X;G) denotes singular cohomology of a space X with coefficients in the group G.

  1. Naturality: w(f * E) = f * w(E) for any bundle E \to X and map f:X' − > X
  2. w0(E) = 1 in H^0(X;\mathbb Z/2\mathbb Z).
  3. w11) is the generator of H^1(\mathbb RP^1;\mathbb Z/2\mathbb Z)\cong\mathbb Z/2\mathbb Z (normalization condition). Here, γn is the canonical line bundle.
  4. w(E\oplus F)= w(E) \smallsmile w(F) (Whitney product formula).

Some work is required to show that such classes do indeed exist and are unique (at least for paracompact spaces X); see section 3.5 and 3.6 in Husemoller or section 8 in Milnor and Stasheff.

[edit] Line bundles

Let X be a paracompact space, and let Vectn(X) denote the set of real vector bundles over X of dimension n for some fixed positive integer n. For any vector space V, let Grn(V) denote the Grassmannian Gr_n(V) = \{W\subset V:\, \dim W = n\}. Set Gr_n = Gr_n(\R^\infty). Define the tautological bundle \gamma^n \to Gr_n by \gamma^n = \{(W, x):\, W\in Gr_n, x\in W\}; this is a real bundle of dimension n, with projection \gamma^n \to Gr_n given by (W, x) \to W. For any map f:X \to Gr_n, the induced bundle f^*\gamma^n \in Vect_n(X). Since any two homotopic maps f, g: X \to Gr_n have f * γn and g * γn isomorphic, the map \alpha:[X; Gr_n] \to Vect_n(X) given by f \to f^* \gamma^n is well-defined, where [X;Grn] denotes the set of homotopy equivalence classes of maps X \to Gr_n. It's not difficult to prove that this map α is actually an isomorphism (see Sections 3.5 and 3.6 in Husemoller, for example). As a result, Grn is called the classifying space of real n-bundles.

Now consider the space Vect1(X) of line bundles over X. For n = 1, the Grassmannian Gr1 is just \R P^\infty = \R^\infty/\R^* = S^\infty/(\Z/2\Z), where the nonzero element of \Z/2\Z acts by x \to -x. The quotient map S^\infty \to S^\infty/(\Z/2\Z) = \R P^\infty is therefore a double cover. Since S^\infty is contractible, we have \pi_i(\R P^\infty) = \pi_i(S^\infty) = 0 for i > 1 and \#\pi_1(\R P^\infty) = 2; that is, \pi_1(\R P^\infty) = \Z/2\Z. Hence \R P^\infty is the Eilenberg-Maclane space K(\Z/2\Z, 1). Hence [X; Gr_1] = H^1(X; \Z/2\Z) for any X, with the isomorphism given by f \to f^* \eta, where η is the generator H^1(\R P^\infty; \Z/2\Z) = \Z/2\Z. Since \alpha:[X, Gr_1] \to Vect_1(X) is also a bijection, we have another bijection w_1:Vect_1 \to H^1(X; \Z/2\Z). This map w1 is precisely the Stiefel-Whitney class w1 for a line bundle. (Since the corresponding classifying space C P^\infty for complex bundles is a K(\Z, 2), the same argument shows that the Chern class defines a bijection between complex line bundles over X and H^2(X; \Z).) For example, since H^1(S^1; \Z/2\Z) = \Z/2\Z, there are only two line bundles over the circle up to bundle isomorphism: the trivial one, and the open Möbius strip (i.e., the Möbius strip with its boundary deleted). If Vect1(X) is considered as a group under the operation of tensor product, then α is an isomorphism: w_1(\lambda \otimes \mu) = w_1(\lambda) + w_1(\mu) for all line bundles \lambda, \mu \to X.

[edit] Higher dimensions

The bijection above for line bundles implies that any functor θ satisfying the four axioms above is equal to w. Let \xi \to X be an n-bundle. Then ξ admits a splitting map, a map f:X \to X' for some space X' such that f^*:H^*(X'; \Z/2\Z) \to H^*(X; \Z/2\Z) is injective and f^*\xi = \lambda_1 \oplus \cdots \oplus \lambda_n for some line bundles \lambda_i \to X'. Any line bundle over X is of the form g * γ1 for some map g, and θ(g * γ1) = g * θ(γ1) = 1 + w1(g * γ1) by naturality. Thus θ = w on Vect1(X). It follows from the fourth axiom above that

f^*\theta(\xi) = \theta(f^*\xi) = \theta(\lambda_1 \oplus \cdots \oplus \lambda_n) = \theta(\lambda_1) \cdots \theta(\lambda_n) = (1 + w_1(\lambda_1)) \cdots (1 + w_1(\lambda_n)) = w(\lambda_1) \cdots w(\lambda_n) = w(f^*\xi) = f^* w(\xi).

Since f * is injective, θ = w Thus the Stiefel-Whitney class is the unique functor satisfying the four axioms above.

Although the map w_1:Vect_1(X) \to H^1(X; \Z/2\Z) is a bijection, the corresponding map is not necessarily injective in higher dimensions. For example, consider the tangent bundle TSn for n even. With the canonical embedding of Sn in \R^{n+1}, the normal bundle ν to Sn is a line bundle. Since Sn is orientable, ν is trivial. The sum TS^n \oplus \nu is just the restriction of T\R^{n+1} to Sn, which is trivial since \R^{n+1} is contractible. Hence w(TS^n) = w(TS^n)w(\nu) = w(TS^n \oplus \nu) = 1. But TS^n \to S^n is not trivial; its Euler class e(TS^n) = \chi(TS^n)[S^n] = 2[S^n] \not =0, where [Sn] denotes a fundamental class of Sn and χ the Euler characteristic.

[edit] Stiefel-Whitney numbers

If we work on a manifold of dimension n, then any product of Stiefel-Whitney classes of total degree n can be paired with the homology class of the manifold to give an integer, a Stiefel-Whitney number of the vector bundle. For example, if the manifold has dimension 3, there are three linearly independent Stiefel-Whitney numbers, given by w1³, w1w2, and w3. In general, if the manifold has dimension n, the number of possible independent Stiefel-Whitney numbers is the number of partitions of n.

The Stiefel-Whitney numbers of the tangent bundle of a smooth manifold are called the Stiefel-Whitney numbers of the manifold, and are important invariants.

[edit] Properties

  1. If Ek has s_1,\ldots,s_{\ell} sections which are everywhere linearly independent then w_{k-\ell+1}=\cdots=w_k=0.
  2. wi(E) = 0 whenever i > rank(E).
  3. The first Stiefel-Whitney class is zero if and only if the bundle is orientable. In particular, a manifold M is orientable if and only if w1(TM) = 0.
  4. The second Stiefel-Whitney class is zero if and only if the bundle admits a spin structure.
  5. The third Stiefel-Whitney class is zero if and only if the bundle admits a spinc structure.
  6. All the Stiefel-Whitney numbers of a smooth compact manifold X vanish if and only if the manifold is a boundary (unoriented) of a smooth compact manifold.

[edit] References

  • D. Husemoller, Fibre Bundles, Springer-Verlag, 1994.
  • J. Milnor & J. Stasheff, Characteristic Classes, Princeton, 1974.
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