Stickelberger's theorem

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In mathematics, Stickelberger's theorem is a result of algebraic number theory, which gives some information about the Galois module structure of class groups of cyclotomic fields. It is due to Ludwig Stickelberger (1850-1936).

Theorem (Stickelberger) Let \mathbb{Q}(\zeta_m) be a cyclotomic field extension of \mathbb{Q} with Galois group G = \{\sigma_a | a \in (\mathbb Z / m\mathbb Z)^*\}, and consider the group ring \mathbb{Q}[G]. Define the Stickelberger element \theta \in \mathbb{Q}[G] by

\theta = \frac 1 m \sum_{1 \le a \le m, (a,m)=1} a \sigma_a^{-1}.

and take \beta \in \mathbb{Z}[G] such that \beta\theta \in \mathbb{Z}[G] as well. Then βθ is an annihilator for the ideal class group of \mathbb{Q}(\zeta_m), as Galois module.

Note that θ itself need not be an annihilator, just that any multiple of it in \mathbb{Z}[G] is.

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