From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Meanings of STI:
- Cibao International Airport
- Sail Training International (an international sailing educational association)
- SEGA Technical Institute
- Sexually Transmitted Infection
- Shallow Trench Isolation
- Shimano Total Integration (a racing bicycle part)
- Single Table Inheritance is a technique to model object relationships onto relational databases
- Sony Toshiba IBM (co-developers of the Cell microprocessor)
- Southern Technical Institute (a university in Marietta, Georgia, USA)
- Sound Transmission Index is equal to Speech Transmission Index STI = STI
- Speech Transmission Index (a measure of understanding for speech intelligibility)
- Stateful Packet Inspection
- STI (x86 instruction)
- STI International Inc a manufacturer of M1911s
- Still Image Architecture in Windows 2000, predecessor to Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
- Straits Times Index (a stock market index)
- Subaru Tecnica International (Subaru's motorsports division)
- The Subaru Impreza WRX STI
- Swiss Tropical Institute
- Systems Technology Institute
- Subjected to Inspection Real Estate