User talk:Steerpike

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[edit] Nero, Tiberius and Caligula

Thanks for the encouragement on Nero. I really appreciate it.

I have no clue what happened to the original Nero image. It just vanished. I guess that Bill Oaf character scared wiki into taking it down. I suppose it could be argued that the first scetch of the graffiti was an original form of art, though not very original if you ask me (copying from stone to paper). I decided to go around it and just do the scetch myself. Problem solved.

I've tried at different times to aid the Caligula article, but its a harder one to manage. Its gets more traffic and gets edited more. Its easier to research though. There are really only three short sources on Caligula (Philo, Josephus and Suetonius) and he only reigned 4 years. I'll try to help out with it and Tiberius (who I know nothing about yet, but would like to)

With Nero, I realized the only way to get the article to stop changing was to source every line and check on it every few days. You really have to own it. After 2000 years, people are still emotionally charged about him which makes him so interesting.

Thanks.Hoshidoshi 04:13, 26 March 2007 (UTC)

Tiberius is an interesting character; a lot more complex than I previously thought. Unfortunately the current article is a bit one-sided, mostly emphasizing the reasons for his unpopularity and mentioning little of his policies. To be fair, nearly half of his reign was spent in withdrawal on Capri, but I still think the article does not mention much of his Eastern policies, his diplomacy, his religious policy, etc... especially given the massive coverage provided by Tacitus. Caligula is a bit more straightforward, as you say. His reign was brief and the sources on it are limited. It's a real shame we lost Tacitus' account of this period, although it probably wasn't very positive, given the few foreshadowing comments in his text on Tiberius.
When I started editing, the article in Caligula was actually in better shape than the one on Tiberius. I haven't noticed much vandalising btw, but maybe that's because I'm primarily used to watching over video game articles and they get littered with inane comments *all the time*. I'll probably restricit myself to providing citations for the time being. After that, I'll try and expand the article on Tiberius. --Steerpike 13:36, 26 March 2007 (UTC)