Talk:Steve Roper and Mike Nomad
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After John Saunders' death , Fran Marera made some changes in the strip . Most notable of these was that Steve Roper was brought back to co-star status in the strip ( Presumably leaving his poker games with Barney Google at the Superannuated Strips' Top Men's Club Cabana aside . ) , with the Sunday strips dedicated to adventures of Steve and the daily continuing with Mike Nomad-oriented stories , this in itself being a change from the strip's long-established pattern of continuous daily and Sunday continuities . Furhermore , the graphic grid of the daily strips cahnged too , with the rigid two-panel pattern of the dlies that had held for many years being changed for a more open look . as the story demanded . On a less creative front , the post-Saunders daily strips became remakes of old stories , with every full story in the daily continuities post-Saunders being a retelling of an old story . Furthermore , some panels in these remade stories were repats of panels used when the first version of the story was done , not newly drawn ones . ( On some occasions , the reused panels had some alterations made to them for the Mk. II versions , however . ) The last full daily story told of Mike's involvement with a young widow of a Marine killed in Iraq and her child . In the original version from the Eighties , her husband's death had occured in Lebanon .