Stewart Albert

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Stewart Albert, or Stew (December 4, 1939 - January 30, 2006), was a member of the Youth International Party in the 1970s and co-author of "The Sixties Papers" anthology with his wife, Judy Gumbo Albert.

He was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. and graduated from Pace University majoring in politics and philosophy. Albert was named as an unindicted conspirator in the Chicago Seven trial. In 1970, he ran for sheriff of Alameda County, CA in revenge for "getting by balls sprayed with hot, painful chemicals as a welcome-to-prison health measure" after being arrested in 1969. Although he lost to Frank Madigan, he still had 65,000 votes over the sheriff that supervised his incarceration.

His memoir, Who the Hell is Stew Albert?, was published by Red Hen Press in 2005. He ran the Yippie Reading Room until he died of liver cancer brought on by hepatitis in 2006.

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