Steven Beale

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EastEnders character
Steven Beale
Portrayed by Edward Savage
Duration 1989–2002
First appearance 28 December 1989
Date of birth 26 December 1989
Marital status Single
Home New Zealand
Occupation Student
Family Cindy, Simon, Peter, Lucy, Cindy Jr

Steven Peter Beale was a fictional character in the popular BBC soap opera EastEnders. He was played first by Stuart Stevens and later by Edward Savage.

[edit] History

Steven was born on 26 December 1989 to Cindy Beale and Simon Wicks. At the time, Cindy was married to Ian Beale and convinced him that he was Steven's father.

Ian found out the truth and Cindy ran off with Simon but Simon soon got bored and Cindy and Ian got back together, Ian bringing up baby Steven as his own. In 1993, they had twins, Peter and Lucy.

Cindy later had an affair with Simon's brother, David Wicks. Cindy planned to run off to Italy with the children. She hired a hitman to shoot Ian and managed to snatch Steven and Peter but Lucy got left behind. Almost a year later, Ian tracked the boys down and kidnapped them back and Cindy returned to fight for custody of the children. Custody was granted but she was imprisoned for attempting to kill Ian. She died in childbirth in prison. Steven was the only one of Cindy's three eldest children to travel to where Cindy's sister and mother lived and go to Cindy's funeral which was held nearby. He was also the only one to meet his baby half sister, named Cindy after her mum, who is being brought up by Cindy Sr.'s mother and sister.

For a while, Ian was a single father brining up the three children, before he met Melanie Healy. At first Steven found his dad being with Mel hard, and Mel, having no children herself, found it difficult to cope with three young children. However after a while the children loved Mel and she loved them too. Shortly after Ian and Mel became engaged, Ian believed that Mel was having doubts about the marriage and was only really with him because of the children. Recent months had been hard as Lucy had become ill with suspected cancer. When Lucy's test results came back clear, Ian lied to Mel and told her that Lucy was dying in order to emotionally blackmail her into marriage. Mel married Ian on New Year's Eve 1999 but found out the truth and walked out on him as the clock struck midnight into the new Millennium.

After Mel and Ian split up, Steven became angry with Mel for walking out on the family. When Ian prepared to marry Steven's former nanny Laura Dunn, Steven was anxious that they would end up splitting up, although Ian assured Steven they wouldn't.

But when Steven caught his father kissing prostitute Janine Butcher, it looked like his fears may have been about to come true. From being a quiet, sensitive boy, Steven started rebelling and bunking school. When Laura found out, she confronted him and they started to row a lot. During one of their rows, Steven let slip that Ian had slept with Janine. Ian denied this to Laura and Steven later claimed he made it all up when Ian told Steven that if he told the truth Laura would leave and Steven didn't want that. However, Janine later told Laura the truth and Laura kicked Ian out, keeping the children with her.

Ian and Laura later got back together but their marriage became very troubled, which had a very negative effect on Steven, who became angry with the world. He started writing poison pen letters to people. The identity of who was writing these letters remained a mystery for some time before Steven was found out and many people suspected Laura, as a lot of the letters were aimed at Janine. Laura suspected Janine herself was doing it to frame her and gain sympathy, however, even Ian admitted that he suspected Laura. In a rage, Laura picked up Steven's schoolbag and threw it across the room at Ian and bits of poison pen letters spilled out onto the floor. Ian confronted Steven and, when Steven had gone to his room, Ian shouted to himself that Steven was 'Cindy's little brat!' Steven overheard and Ian told him he was not his natural father. Steven went to stay with his paternal grandmother Pat Butcher for a while before deciding to live with Simon, who now lived in New Zealand.

Before Steven left, Ian told him that Laura was pregnant. This was a shock to Ian as, although Laura wanted children, he didn't, and had had a secret vasectomy. However, Ian assumed it hadn't worked and informed Steven that he was soon to have a baby brother or sister and the marriage was solid (although they later divorced after Ian found out Laura had had an affair with Garry Hobbs. He thought the baby Bobby was Garry's, however, gained custody of Bobby after Laura died when he found out Bobby was his after all and the vasectomy really hadn't worked.) Steven said goodbye to Ian and Laura and they waited for him to return but he decided to live in New Zealand with Simon and never did.

After his departure from Walford, Steven was rarely spoken of. However, in 2005, Ian said to girlfriend Jane Collins that he had four children, and in November 2006, he told Jane's mother Linda that he had three sons, suggesting that he still thinks of Steven as a son. Pat went to stay with Simon and Steven over Christmas 2005, and on her return told Ian that Steven had grown. When Pat visited again over Christmas 2006, she came back and told Ian that Steven had grown into "a real heartbreaker". When Ian asked if Steven had asked after him, Pat said she had told Steven all about Ian, Peter and Lucy, implying that Steven didn't ask.

[edit] Family

[edit] External links