Steve Lake (pit boss)

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Steve Lake (1950-) is a casino pit boss in Las Vegas who has achieved some fame for his goal to visit 500 college campuses in the U.S. and Canada. Born and raised in Montreal, Canada, Steve is a graduate of Concordia University there.

Though currently a resident of Las Vegas and an employee of Caesars Palace, Steve conceived the idea to visit the college campuses after a visit to New England and the Ivy League campuses of Harvard, Dartmouth and Brown.

He has publicly stated that his favorite college campus is Colgate University in Hamilton, New York. He has also revealed that the rest of the top ten are (in no particular order) [1]:

Steve is also known for collecting other milestones. By 1980, he was a life master in Bridge and by 1997 he had visited and seen a game at every major league ballpark.[2]