Stephen Harper as Prime Minister of Canada

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[edit] Cabinet

Although the majority of Conservative seats were from the Western provinces, the majority of names which Harper put forward to the Governor General for appointment as Cabinet Ministers were from Ontario and Quebec, in the interests of regional balance. The new Conservative Cabinet was substantially smaller than the prior Martin administration because it did away with junior ministers (known as Ministers of State, and previously Secretaries of State). Several pundits in the media have described Stephen Harper's Cabinet as moderate, and a tempering of the Conservative Party's roots in the Canadian Alliance and Reform.

Two of Harper's selections generated some controversy. He chose outgoing Liberal Minister of Industry David Emerson as Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Pacific Gateway and the 2010 Winter Olympics, and Michael Fortier, a senior Conservative Party operative and campaign strategist, as Minister of Public Works, and as an appointee to the Senate. Emerson had been re-elected to parliament as a Liberal only weeks earlier, while Fortier did not contest the previous election at all. Harper argued that the appointments were necessary to provide two of Canada's largest cities (Vancouver and Montreal) with Cabinet representation, as the Conservatives did not win seats in these cities. Critics countered that no such concessions were made for Canada's largest city, Toronto, where the conservatives also failed to win a seat, but proponents of the Prime Minister contest that MP and Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, representing the nearby city of Whitby, will represent Torontonians in Cabinet.

Opposition politicians and other critics attacked the appointment of Emerson as hypocritical, as several members of the Conservative Party had criticized former Conservative MP Belinda Stronach for crossing the floor to the Liberals and receiving a Cabinet appointment in 2005, shortly before a critical budgetary vote that amounted to a confidence motion for the then-ruling Liberal party. Emerson's decision was also met with opposition in his riding, where the Conservative candidate had received less than 20% of the vote in the previous campaign, although Emerson himself was re-elected by a large margin over the NDP runner-up. The Harper government defended Emerson's appointment as tapping a politician with previous federal Cabinet experience. Emerson himself suggested that it would help the Conservatives move to the middle of the political spectrum.[1]

Harper's recommendation of Fortier for appointment was also controversial, as the Conservatives had previously criticized the unelected nature of the Senate. Both Harper and Fortier have stated that the Senate appointment is temporary, and that Fortier will vacate his position at the next federal election to run for a seat in the House of Commons.

Other choices were met with greater support. Toronto mayor David Miller has called Harper's selection of Lawrence Cannon as an appointee to Cabinet as a "very positive step" and "a signal Mr. Harper's serious about reaching out to cities".[2] Harper recommended the appointment of Jim Flaherty as an elected MP to represent the city along with the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Flaherty represents the riding of Whitby—Oshawa, in the Durham Region of the eastern GTA, and his selection as Minister of Finance was viewed positively by the Bay Street business community.[3]

On March 3, 2006, Ethics Commissioner Bernard Shapiro announced that he was launching a preliminary inquiry into conflict-of-interest allegations against Emerson and Harper. Shapiro said that he would look into what influence may have been wielded in the decision by Emerson to cross the floor.[4][5] Conservatives criticized Shapiro's probe as partisan and accused him of applying a double standard since he was appointed on the advice of the former Liberal prime minister, and had turned down earlier requests in 2005 to investigate Stronach's floor-crossing in which she received a Cabinet post, as well as a questionable land sale by Hamilton area Liberal MP Tony Valeri.[6] Shapiro had also been under fire from former NDP leader Ed Broadbent for "extraordinarily serious credibility problems".[7] While agreeing with Harper that Shapiro's investigation was inappropriate, Broadbent and opposition MPs have criticized Harper for overruling the Commissioner. Mr Shapiro concluded that a minister crossing the floor to take a Cabinet position would only have been inappropriate if said Cabinet position was offered to prevent the government from falling on a confidence vote. Emerson's appointment did not fall under those conditions and Shapiro cleared both Harper and Emerson of any wrongdoing on March 20, 2006. Shapiro declined to launch any investigation into Belinda Stronach's floor-crossing.

[edit] Deputy Prime Minister and succession

Unlike his recent predecessors, Harper did not name one of his colleagues to the largely honorific post of Deputy Prime Minister. Various observers had expected him to name MacKay, the former leader of the Progressive Conservative Party and his deputy party leader, or Lawrence Cannon, as a Quebec lieutenant, to the post. Harper did, however, name an order of succession to act on his behalf in certain circumstances, starting with Cannon, then Jim Prentice, then the balance of his cabinet in order of precedence.

[edit] Policy

The Harper government has identified five policy priorities, in the areas of federal accountability, tax reform, crime, child care and health care.

There has been some controversy over the government's plan for child care. The Conservatives have promised to eliminate a federal child care program introduced by the previous Martin government, which provided funding to provincial governments to increase the number of regulated child care spaces and to provide subsidies to low- and middle-income parents. The Conservatives are replacing that program with a $1200 per year stipend for each child under age six, paid directly to parents whether or not they incur child care expenses. Opponents of the Conservative plan argue that the stipend is inadequate and will not address the need for child care spaces, particularly in urban centres. Supporters argue that the Liberal program it replaced was inflexible and discriminated against stay-at-home parents. Harper has stated that his government will work with provincial and local governments, not-for-profit organizations, and employers to create additional spaces, and has set aside $250 million per year to fund these initiatives.

The Conservative Party campaigned on a platform of reducing Canada's Goods and Services Tax from 7% to 6%, and eventually to 5%. During the 2006 election campaign, the Martin government proposed income tax cuts for lower-middle income earners. The Liberals have claimed that the GST cut would effectively result in a tax increase for those in the lower-middle income bracket. The Conservatives argued that the GST cuts would benefit all Canadians, including low-income earners and those outside the workforce who do not pay income tax.

The Harper government has promised to introduce mandatory minimal sentences for serious and violent offenders, and to introduce a "Patient Wait Times Guarantee" in conjunction with the provinces. Harper has recently been criticised by prominent media figures, such as Paul Wells, for downplaying this fifth and final priority.

In addition to its "Five Priorities", the government has also devoted significant attention to military issues.

[edit] The Federal Accountability Act

On April 11, 2006, President of the Treasury Board John Baird, on behalf of the Harper government, tabled the Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan. The plan will reduce the opportunity to exert influence with money by banning corporate, union, and large personal political donations; five-year lobbying ban on former ministers, their aides, and senior public servants; providing protection for whistleblowers; and enhancing the power for the Auditor General to follow the money spent by the government.

While the government hopes to have this act passed before the House of Commons breaks for the summer, questions have arisen surrounding elements of the Federal Acountability Act and how it might affect the 2006 Liberal leadership convention. A $1,000 donation limit has been proposed as part of the Federal Accountability Act with political party convention donations being tied to this amount. The Liberal Party of Canada's leadership convention scheduled for December 2006 contains a $995 convention fee, which under the proposed Accountability Act could prevent convention delegates from donating anything beyond their convention fee or prevent the delegate's presence at the convention should their convention fee in conjunction with any donations prior to the convention put them above the donation limit. Some of the Senate majority-holding Liberal Senators have threatened to stall the Federal Accountability Act in the upper chamber until after December because of the effect the proposed donation limits may have on political party conventions.

[edit] Relations with the United States

Stephen Harper and George W. Bush hold a joint press conference at the White House on July 6, 2006
Stephen Harper and George W. Bush hold a joint press conference at the White House on July 6, 2006

Shortly after being congratulated by George W. Bush for his victory, Harper rebuked U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Wilkins for criticizing the Conservatives' plans to assert Canada's sovereignty over the Arctic waters with armed forces.

On February 16, 2006, Harper named former Progressive Conservative Party Cabinet Minister Michael Wilson as Governor General Michaëlle Jean's appointee to the post of Canada's Ambassador to the United States, replacing Liberal appointee Frank McKenna.[8]

Wilson stated in his first press conference as Ambassador that "Softwood lumber is clearly at the top of the heap, the top priority."[8]

Harper's first meeting with the U.S. President occurred at the end of March, 2006; and while little was achieved in the way of solid agreements, the trip was described in the media as signalling a trend of closer relations between the two nations. Harper told the press that he used "colourful language not suitable for public television" when pressing President Bush privately over his opposition to a U.S. law that will require Canadian citizens to show their passport when crossing the border into the United States. Bush reported that Harper was "a very open, straightforward fella.... If he's got a problem, he's willing to express it in a way that's clear for all to understand, and that's the way I like to deal with people."[9]

On April 27, 2006, Harper announced in Parliament that the government had reached a seven-year agreement with the United States in the nations' long-standing feud over softwood lumber. The three major softwood-producing provinces — British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec — accepted the compromise.[10] Leader of the Opposition Bill Graham and NDP leader Jack Layton did not, criticising the deal for not requiring the U.S. to pay back all $5 billion it had collected in tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber.[11]

On September 12, 2006, the Canadian and U.S governments officially signed the deal in Ottawa ending the dispute.[12] Still, it was subject for a confidence vote in the House of Commons during the fall session. The deal would likely have passed with the support of the Bloc Quebecois.[13] On September 19, the House voted in favor of the deal 172 to 116 in first reading which eliminated its final hurdle until its official realization[14]

Following a debate and vote in the House of Commons, the Harper government renewed the NORAD agreement with the United States, making it permanent and adding maritime defence to the agreement, which previously covered only air defence. Members of the NDP who were highly critical of the agreement, arguing that the arrangement will reduce Canadian sovereignty over the country's internal waters.

U.S. President George W. Bush, Mexico's President Vicente Fox and Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, right, stand in front of the Chichen-Itza archaeological ruins Thursday, March 30, 2006.
U.S. President George W. Bush, Mexico's President Vicente Fox and Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, right, stand in front of the Chichen-Itza archaeological ruins Thursday, March 30, 2006.

[edit] First overseas trip

On March 11 and March 12, 2006, Harper made a surprise trip to Afghanistan, where Canadian Forces personnel have been deployed since late 2001, to visit troops in theatre as a show of support for their efforts, and a demonstration of the government's commitment to reconstruction and stability in the region. Harper's choice of a first foreign visit was closely guarded from the press until his arrival in Afghanistan (citing security concerns), and is seen as marking a significant change in relationship between the government and the military. While other foreign leaders have visited Afghanistan, Harper's trip was touted as unprecedented in its length and scope.[15] While the PM, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Defence Minister have visited the region, Governor General Michaëlle Jean has twice been advised not to go.

[edit] Relations with the press

Stephen Harper has insisted on its right to choose who asks questions at press conferences [16], which has created some conflict with national media [17]. It has been reported that the Prime Minister's Office also "often informs the media about Harper's trips at such short notice that it's impossible for Ottawa journalists to attend the events". [18] Since March at least, the gallery and media managers have been lodging protests over how the PMO has been handling everything from press conferences to notice of Harper's public events.

[edit] 2006 Budget

The first federal budget of the newly elected Conservative government was brought forth on May 2, 2006 by Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. It was met with dissent by the Liberal and New Democratic parties and mostly positive reception from the Bloc. The Liberals and NDP voiced disapproval over the Conservatives following through on their election promise to replace the Liberals child care policy with their own, and for replacing Canada's $4 billion environmental policy with a $2 billion "made in Canada" plan of their design. The budget was met with widespread support amongst the business community and polling indicated that a clear majority of Canadians approved of the budget.

While it initially appeared that the only way the Conservatives' budget would pass would be with the support of the Bloc Quebecois, the budget passed third reading without dissent on June 6, 2006 when the members of the Opposition accidentally failed to stand after the Deputy Speaker of the House called for debate. Because there were no speakers for the Opposition, the budget was declared passed with unanimous support and no recorded vote and thus forwarded to the Senate for approval. This marked the first time in Canadian Parliamentary history where a government's budget passed unanimously on the third and final reading.

On September 25, 2006, the Conservative government announced that within the fiscal year, there was a $13.2 billion surplus that will be used to pay down the country's debt.[19]

[edit] Parliamentary reform

Stephen Harper has indicated a desire to turn the Canadian Senate into an elected rather than an appointed body, an objective previously proposed by the former Reform Party of Canada. His desire includes fixed election dates with earlier elections possible in the case of minority governments. On September 7, 2006, Harper became the first Canadian Prime Minister to appear before a Senate committee and was present to make his government's case for Senate reform.

[edit] Apology to Chinese-Canadians

On June 23, 2006, Stephen Harper offered full apology to Chinese Canadians for the country's treatment of Chinese immigrants during the years 1885 to 1923 on the imposing Head Tax policy to them, and subsequent discrimination policies, including subsequent exclusion of Chinese immigrants from 1923 until 1947. It is estimated about 82,000 Chinese paid the fee, first set at $50 and later raised to $500, about two years' wages at the time. Harper said that Chinese-Canadians who paid the tax or their surviving spouses will receive a symbolic $20,000 ex-gratia payment.[20]

[edit] Israel-Lebanon conflict

Harper at the 32nd G8 summit, held July 15-17, 2006, which focused much of its attention on the Israel-Lebanon conflict.
Harper at the 32nd G8 summit, held July 15-17, 2006, which focused much of its attention on the Israel-Lebanon conflict.

At the outset of the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, Harper defended publicly Israel's "right to defend itself," and described the invasion of Lebanon as a "measured" response, feeling that Hezbollah and Hamas's release of Israeli prisoners would be the key to ending the conflict.[21] Many Arab-Canadians criticized Harper's description of the response as "measured". On July 17, 2006, Harper noted that the situation had deteriorated since his initial comments, but that it was difficult for Israel to fight "non-governmental forces" embedded in the civilian population. Harper reiterated his earlier support for Israel and called on both sides to show restraint and minimize civilian casualties.

The Canadian government made arrangements to evacuate about 30,000 Canadians, mainly of Lebanese descent, from Lebanon after hostilities broke out. The response was criticized as slow and inefficient.[22] On July 17, a group of protesters, primarily expatriate Lebanese, protested Israeli aggression in front of the Israeli consulate in Montreal; further protests took place July 22 in localities across Canada.[23]

Despite criticisms, Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay joined Harper in reiterating support for Israel's position and urging restraint while calling for a ceasefire. Speaking of the situation in both Lebanon and Gaza on July 18, Harper told reporters, "We all want to encourage not just a ceasefire, but a resolution. And a resolution will only be achieved when everyone gets to the table and everyone admits...recognition of each other," referring to the refusal of Hezbollah and Hamas to recognize Israel's right to exist. Harper laid the blame for the civilian deaths on both sides at the feet of Hezbollah. "Hezbollah's objective is violence," Harper asserted, "Hezbollah believes that through violence it can create, it can bring about the destruction of Israel. Violence will not bring about the destruction of Israel... and inevitably the result of the violence will be the deaths primarily of innocent people.".[24]

[edit] The War in Afghanistan

Further information: Stephen Harper#First overseas trip

In early 2006, the Conservative government proposed a motion to extend the Canadian military mission in Afghanistan by at least two years. In May 2006 the House of Commons passed a motion, after a short six-hour debate, to extend the mission until 2009 by a slim 149-145 majority.[25] The Harper government reinstituted a policy of lowering the national flag at military installations such as Department of National Defence headquarters only, drawing criticism that the government was showing a lack of respect for the soldiers.[26]

In a televised speech on September 11, 2006, five years after the attacks in New York and Washington D.C, Harper linked the events of that day with the current mission in Afghanistan, and encouraged continued support for Canada's military efforts against the Taliban.[27] During another speech this time at the United Nations Assembly in New York on September 21, he asked the organization for help and mentioned that the crisis "is a test of the world body's relevance" and being the UN's most important test and mission for it.[28]

[edit] Environment

Harper and the Conservative government had criticized the Kyoto Accord on measures for controlling the global warming and greenhouse gas emissions. Harper considered that the objectives implemented by Canada to comply with the Accord were not realistic. He plans to create a "Made in Canada" solution that will concentrate its efforts on reducing smog pollution which would include regulations on gases coming from car exhaust pipes.[29][30][31] In a CTV report in October, however, the Conservatives had mentioned that it would be an approach rather than a plan.[32]

On October 10, 2006 in Vancouver, Harper had announced some of the measures to fight smog and also greenhouse emissions such as tax credits to environmental-friendly measures, a repackaged air quality health index and a program to retrofit diesel school buses. He will also introduced to Parliament a Clean Air Act with other measures to be announced in the upcoming days and would focus on long-term objectives. These measures would "move industry from voluntary compliance to strict enforcement; replace the current ad hoc, patchwork system with clear, consistent, and comprehensive national standards; and institute a holistic approach that doesn't treat the related issues of pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions in isolation." Prior to the announcement, activists groups across Canada had initially listed a series of recommendations to the Prime Minister including regulations on big industries and a recommitment to the Kyoto Protocol. Also, during the press conference, the term "Made in Canada Plan" reappeared.[33]

Details of the Clean Air Act were revealed on October 19, 2006. Its main plan is to reduce greenhouse emissions to about 45% to 65% of the 2003 levels but for the year 2050 with decrease starting in 2020. There would also be regulations for vehicle fuel consumption as well as for industries but not before 2011 and 2010 respectively while oil companies will slightly reduce emissions for each barrel but can still produce more oil barrels until 2020.[34]

In the 2006 budget, the government introduced a 15.25% tax-credit on monthly passes for transit users.[35] On the same day he announced portions of its green approach, Harper also announced a $300 million investment to the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority which would be used in parts in preparation for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games[36]

In 2007, it was revealed that Harper had dismissed Kyoto as a 'socialist scheme' designed to suck money out of rich countries in a letter he wrote to party supporters in 2002.[37]

[edit] Social policy

To date, the government during Harper's prime ministership has avoided dealing with many of the more controversial social policy positions of the Conservative party, although they have followed through with increasing the legal age of consent from 14 to 16 years,[38] and have promised a free vote to revisit the issue of same-sex marriage. However, the vote did not pass, with even some members of his party voting against it.[39]

There were also plans to pass a law that would protect "freedom of religious expression", a law that according to many is perceived as a protection to opponents of same-sex marriage. The government cut funding to various social programs and festivals, some of which related to the gay community and same-sex marriage,[40][41] and reduced spending for womens advocacy work on the status of women in the country.[42]

[edit] Supreme Court

Aside from his legislative agenda, Harper put forward Marshall Rothstein to Governor General Michaëlle Jean for appointment as the new Puisne Justice to the Supreme Court of Canada, on February 23, 2006. Rothstein had been 'short listed' with two other potential judges by a committee convened by the previous Liberal government. In keeping with election promises of a new appointment process, Harper announced Rothstein had to appear before an 'ad hoc' non-partisan committee of 12 Members of Parliament. However, the committee did not have the power to veto the appointment, which was what some members of his own party had called for.[43]

[edit] References

  1. ^ McCrae, Jim. "Tories left with lots of lemons to squeeze", Brandon Sun, 19 February 2006. Retrieved on 2006-04-04.
  2. ^ Mroczkowski, Anne. "Positive Start", CityNews, 6 February 2006. Retrieved on 2006-04-04.
  3. ^ Vieira, Paul. "Bay Street likes economic ministers", National Post, 7 February 2006. Retrieved on 2006-04-04.
  4. ^ "Harper to be investigated by ethics commissioner", CTV, 3 March 2006. Retrieved on 2006-04-04.
  5. ^ "Harper 'loath' to co-operate with ethics commissioner", CBC News, 3 March 2006. Retrieved on 2006-04-04.
  6. ^ "It's a political issue, not an ethical one", Globe and Mail, 4 March 2006, p. A22. Retrieved on 2006-04-04.
  7. ^ "Ethics czar to probe Emerson defection", Toronto Star, 3 March 2006. Retrieved on 2006-04-04.
  8. ^ a b "New envoy Wilson sets softwood as top priority", CTV, 17 February 2006. Retrieved on 2006-04-04.
  9. ^ News Staff. "Harper concerned with U.S. passport-type policy", CTV, 1 April 2006. Retrieved on 2006-04-04.
  10. ^ News Staff. "PM strikes deal with U.S. to end lumber dispute" (Free), CTV News, 2006-04-28. Retrieved on 2006-08-31.
  11. ^ CBC News Staff. "Canada, U.S. agree to softwood lumber deal" (Free), CBC News, 2006-04-27. Retrieved on 2006-08-31.
  12. ^ CTV News. "Emerson and U.S. counterpart ink softwood deal", CTV, September 12, 2006.
  13. ^ CTV News. "Bloc Quebecois to back softwood lumber deal", CTV, September 7, 2006.
  14. ^ CTV News. "Softwood deal survives vote in House of Commons", CTV, September 19, 2006.
  15. ^ Yahoo News Article - Harper in Afghanistan
  16. ^ CBC Artilce - Harper and Media
  17. ^ Global TV Article
  18. ^ The Star Article
  19. ^ CTV Story - Paying Canada's Debt
  20. ^ Mulgrew, Ian. "Harper makes long-anticipated apology for Chinese head tax" (Free), Vancouver Sun, CanWest MediaWorks Publications, 2006-06-23, pp. 1-2. Retrieved on 2006-06-23.
  21. ^ "Harper sides firmly with Israel", Globe and Mail, 2006-07-13.
  22. ^ "Canadian evacuation going much smoother", Globe and Mail, 2006-07-22.
  23. ^ "Opponents of Lebanese attack hold vigil outside Israeli consulate in Montreal", Montreal Gazette, 2006-07-22.
  24. ^ "Neutral stance rejected: Opposition criticizes Harper's tough talk", National Post, 2006-07-19.
  25. ^ News Staff. "MPs narrowly vote to extend Afghanistan mission" (Free),, CTV Inc., 2006-05-17. Retrieved on 2006-08-31.
  26. ^ "Four Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan" (Free), CBC News, 2006-04-22. Retrieved on 2006-08-31.
  27. ^ Blanchfield, Mike. "'The menace of terror must be confronted'", Ottawa Citizen, September 12 2006.
  28. ^ CTV News. "Afghanistan will test the UN's relevance: Harper", CTV, September 22, 2006.
  29. ^ LCN. "Rona Ambrose s'attaquera aux gaz d'échappement", TVA/LCN, October 2, 2006.
  30. ^ CBC News. "Indepth Kyoto", CBC, May 3, 2006.
  31. ^ CBC News. "Reality Check : Goodbye Kyoto?", CBC, January 18, 2006.
  32. ^ CTV News. "Tories downgrade 'Made-in-Canada' Green plan", CTV, October 5, 2006.
  33. ^ CTV News. "Harper rolls out first part of environment plan", CTV, October 10, 2006.
  34. ^ CTV News. "Conservative government tables Clean Air Act", CTV, October 19, 2006.
  35. ^ CBC News. "Tories shift climate change funding to transit", CBC, May 2, 2006.
  36. ^ CTV News. "Harper rolls out first part of environment plan", CTV, October 10, 2006.
  37. ^ CBC News. "Harper's letter dismisses Kyoto as 'socialist scheme'", CBC, January 30, 2007.
  38. ^ CTV News. "Mixed reviews to Tories' sexual consent bill", CTV, June 23, 2006.
  39. ^ CBC News. "Pope assails Canada's laws allowing same-sex marriage and abortion", CBC, September 8, 2006.
  40. ^ Rheaume, Normand. "Festival et mariage gais dans la mire des conservateurs", TVA/LCN, October 4, 2006.
  41. ^ CTV News. "Tories blasted on same-sex marriage backup plan", CTV, October 4, 2006.
  42. ^ CTV News. "Tories to cut funding for womens' advocacy work", CTV, October 4, 2006.
  43. ^ Globe and Mail 20 February 2006.