Stefano Evodio Assemani

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Stefano Evodio Assemani, (1707 - circa 1782), Lebanese orientalist, nephew of Giuseppe Simone Assemani and Giuseppe Luigi Assemani, was the chief assistant of his uncle Giuseppe Simone in his work in the Vatican library.

He was titular archbishop of Apamea in Syria, and held several rich prebends in Italy. His literary labours were very extensive. His two most important works were a description of certain valuable manuscripts in his Bibliothecae Mediceo-Laurentianae et Palatinae codd. manuscr. Orientalium Catalogus (Flor. 1742), fol., and his Acta SS. Martyrum Orientalium.

He made several translations from the Syriac, and in conjunction with his uncle he began the Bibliothecae Apostol. Vatic. codd. manusc. Catal., in tres partes distributus. Only three volumes were published, and the fire in the Vatican library in 1768 consumed the manuscript collections which had been prepared for the continuation of the work.

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NAME Assemani, Stefano Evodio
ALTERNATIVE NAMES Assemani, Stephen Evodius
DATE OF BIRTH April 15, 1707
PLACE OF BIRTH Tripoli, Lebanon
DATE OF DEATH November 24, 1782
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