S.L.A.I.: Steel Lancer Arena International

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S.L.A.I: Steel Lancer Arena International is the PlayStation 2 sequel to the Xbox game Phantom Crash. Taking place roughly 20 years after the first game, the SCUBIs (alternatively scoobee) of the first game have given way to scoot-mobiles; essentially the smae mechs, but with different names. Technology likewise has advanced; instead of the many explosive weapons of Phantom Crash, there are now a handful of other weapons-lasers, charged particle guns (American Stars' "Thunderbird"), Zwerg's tasers and acid jets, and even a few electric weapons like the Carro's "Chip Killer."

[edit] Chips

Chips are also more varied. Instead of the double handful of animals from the first, there are now many; Rat-1 through Rat-5, Cat-1 through Cat-3, Rabbit-1 through Rabbit-3, Pig-1, Sheep-1 and Sheep-2, Bird-1 through Bird-3, Fish-1 and Fish-2, Wolf-1 through Wolf-3, Dog-1 through Dog-3; as well as some exotics like Lizard, Tiger, Bear-1 or Bear-2, Turtle, Lion, Shark, and Ape-1 through Ape-3. The chips also have varied personalities; unlike in Phantom Crash, Rabbits may be more aggressive instead of freaking at the sight of damn near anything pointy. Some will be highly militaristic, some will be cheerful, some will be somber, some will be negative, some will be short-tempered...the only way to find a good chip is to browse. The new player or "Wire-Head" as the slang goes, will likely start out with a Cat, Dog, Rat, or Rabbit chip; and upgrade to a Tiger or Lion later.

Different chips are good for different uses. A Fish-1 or Fish-2 makes for a good long-range partner, but if you're using a Zwerg, which focus on close-range attacks, you're going to want a Bear-1 or Bear-2, which confer bonuses on punching weapons. Likewise, someone who wants to run a fast mech had better use a Cat or Rabbit; someone who wants to use a slow mech had better armor up with a Turtle. Make sure your chip's personality meshes well with yours before you start leveling up; you don't want to get stuck with a Bird-2 that functions under the delusion that it's a drill sergeant. Many NPCs have this problem (Glenn and his Sheep-2 are a case in point.)

[edit] Mech Manufacturers

There are five in the game; Zwerg, Carro, and American Stars, plus a Russian and a Japanese one.

Carros are strictly middle-of-the-road; they are easily modded, but like the blaster in Tribes: Aerial Assault, are "good at everything, great at nothing." They do, however, have the distinction of a "Vesuvio" wired charge dispenser and "Diavolo" chain gun as rare weapons.

Zwergs look like tanks and drive the same way. Their legs' weight capacity is rivaled only by the American Stars. Depending heavily on close-range combat, they are armored and built for it. They do, however, have a fair selection of rocket launchers and machine guns if closerange is not your cup of tea.

American Stars are very heavy and Italic textthe only manufacturer to have tank treads.Italic text As that would suggest, they have lots and lots of heavy stuff that makes other stuff go "boom."

This game featured Online play, but Online play has been discontinued.