State Military characters of the Fullmetal Alchemist anime

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This page is exclusively for the State Military characters appearing in the Fullmetal Alchemist anime; for those that appeared in the manga, see State Military characters of the Fullmetal Alchemist manga
Members of the State Military.
Members of the State Military.

In the fictional country of Amestris, the Führer (the governing leader with the official title of President) has command of both the country and the military. Since Edward Elric is a member of the Amestris Military, the army and its personnel play a very pivotal role in Hiromu Arakawa’s anime and manga series Fullmetal Alchemist. The various members of the State Military provide the lens through which the story and plot are advanced, and also provide insight to both the Ishbal War and the Lior War. The Ishbal War, in particular, serves as a defining moment for many of the State Military characters, as most of the members that have since been introduced were involved heavily in the conflict.

Amestris’s military is very large, and is split into several military units; these include mechanized forces, infantry, mechanized infantry, armored units, special forces units, intelligence detachments, judicial branches, research organizations, military police and so forth. All alchemists that work for the military are referred to as "State Alchemists" (or less commonly, "National Alchemists"), and obtain titles based on their alchemic talents and abilities. All State Alchemists in Amestris are admitted into the military with the rank of Major and can be promoted from there. All members of the State Military can be placed into one of these categories, and each character’s background and role in the army helps to advance the story by providing insight and expertise to the Elric brothers as they search for the Philosopher's Stone.

Jack Crowley, Lincor, and Cravis Fagott are all from the video games and do not appear in the anime. Additionally, several of the chimeras that were held in the 5th Laboratory before it was stormed and secured were members of Amestris’ State Military or of the Military's Special Forces before becoming chimeras. These characters are not described in this section. It is also notable that Mustang and his subordinates are named after World War II era fighter planes. Due to irregularities in translations some names may have multiple spellings.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Military Ranks

Military ranks in Amestris, from highest to lowest. The commissioned officer rank structure is nearly identical to that of the United States Army, except that the Amestris military does not ostensibly have the rank of Captain between First Lieutenant and Major. The design of the insignia for each rank is also identical (in the amount of stars and stripes) to the Imperial Japanese Army that existed before the end of World War II. The ranks listed below are those that the characters hold for the majority of their appearances in the anime.

[edit] Commissioned Officers

Rank Insignia Known Characters
(大総統 - daisōtō)
King Bradley[1]
(大将 - taishō)
Lieutenant General
(中将 - chūjō)
Major General
(少将 - shōshō)
Brigadier General
(准将 - junshō)
Basque Grand[2]
(大佐 - taisa)
Roy Mustang,[3][4] Juliet Douglas
Lieutenant Colonel
(中佐 - chūsa)
Frank Archer,[5] Maes Hughes,[6] Zolf J. Kimblee[7]
(少佐 - shōsa)
Alex Louis Armstrong,[8][9] Edward Elric, Tim Marcoh[10]
First Lieutenant
(中尉 - chū'i)
Riza Hawkeye, Yoki[11]
Second Lieutenant
(少尉 - shō'i)
Heymans Breda, Jean Havoc,[12] Maria Ross

[edit] Warrant Officers

Rank Insignia Known Characters
Warrant Officer
(准尉 - jun'i)
Vato Falman

[edit] Enlisted Soldiers

Rank Insignia Known Characters
Sergeant Major
(曹長 - sōchō)
Kain Fuery
(軍曹 - gunsō)
Denny Brosh
(伍長 - heichō)
(一等兵 - ittōhei)
Sheska, Loa[13]
Military Police
(憲兵 - kenpei)

[edit] Edward Elric

Main article: Edward Elric
Major Edward Elric, in "The Other Side of the Gate".
Major Edward Elric, in "The Other Side of the Gate".
Japanese Cast [14] English Cast [15] Brazilian Cast [16] French Cast [17] Spanish Cast [18] Filipino Cast [19]
Romi Paku Vic Mignogna Marcelo Campos Arthur Pestel Jose Manuel Vieira Rowena Raganit

Major Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist, is the main character of the series. He became the youngest State Alchemist in the history of the State Military when he was first certified at the age of 12 (he was 16 at the end of the series and 18 in the movie). Together with his younger brother Alphonse, he seeks the mythical Philosopher's Stone in order to restore both of their bodies to the way they were before their failed attempt at bringing their mother back to life.


  • Major - He holds this rank for the whole series.

[edit] Roy Mustang

Main article: Roy Mustang
Japanese Cast [20] English Cast [21] Portuguese Cast [22] French Cast Spanish Cast [23] Filipino Cast [24]
Tōru Ōkawa Travis Willingham Hermes Baroli Martial Leminoux Rolman Bastidas Bon Reyes

Colonel Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist is the man who first recognized the Elric brothers' talent and recruits Edward Elric to become a State Alchemist (Episode 3). His first appearance is in the first episode. At the time of his introduction in the anime, Mustang held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and was stationed at Central, although he was soon transferred to the Eastern Territories to clean up Lieutenant Yoki's mess (Episode 9). He was a hero of the Ishbal War, but he remains haunted by the horrors of war and suffers great remorse for the lives he took, among whom are the parents of Winry Rockbell, a childhood friend of the Elric Brothers (in the anime only; in the manga, it was Scar, not Mustang, that killed Winry's parents). Though Mustang may come across as a power-hungry man only out for himself to those who do not know him, Mustang only seeks to become the Führer in order to change the way the country is run and in some small way atone for his past sins. (Also possibly to make all female personnel wear "tiny mini skirts".) It is very much possible as well, that he has a good passionate side for Riza Hawkeye. Towards the end of the series, Mustang leads a rebellion against Bradley, though he leaves Armstrong (and possibly Havoc, who is disgused as him) in charge of the rebellion in the north while he and Hawkeye attempt to assassinate Bradley back in Central.


  • Major - Held this rank during the Ishbal War. This is known because Kimbly, who has not seen Mustang since that time, calls Mustang "Major Flame" when the two meet again on the train to Lior.
  • Lieutenant Colonel - Holds this rank when introduced in the story. It is implied several times in the series that he was promoted to this rank because of his actions in the Ishbal War.
  • Colonel - Promoted to this rank when Yoki is dismissed. For the majority of the series, Mustang holds this rank.
  • Brigadier General - Promoted to this rank when he is sent to guard the northern frontier near the end of the series.
  • Corporal - Demotes himself to this rank after his fight with Homunculus Pride/King Bradley (seen in Conqueror of Shamballa).

[edit] Maes Hughes

Maes Hughes in "Words of Farewell".
Maes Hughes in "Words of Farewell".
Japanese Cast English Cast Portuguese Cast French Cast Spanish Cast
Keiji Fujiwara Sonny Strait Luiz Laffey Cyrille Monge Orlando Arenas

Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes (sometimes spelled as Mäes) is a member of the Investigations Division and was good friends with Colonel Mustang. At the time of his introduction in the anime, Hughes held the rank of Major, and first met the Elrics while serving as a communications officer for General Hakuro. Hughes and Edward worked together to help recapture a passenger train that had been hijacked by a rebel named Bald (Episode 5). In the manga, Hughes was not present on the train when General Hakuro was held hostage.

Hughes is very devoted to his wife, Gracia, and absolutely besotted with his little daughter Elysia. He comically shoves pictures of Elysia into other people's faces to their annoyance - but it is clear that his goofy behavior is usually a cover for the serious and depressing nature of his work. Another common gag involves Hughes calling Mustang to either gloat about his daughter or advise Roy to get a wife, promptly causing Roy to slam the phone down in anger. He is also very supportive of Mustang's plan to become Führer, doing whatever he can to, as he put it, "work below him and help push him to the top."

Hughes is especially kind to the Elric Brothers. In the anime, he invites them to his home to celebrate Edward's birthday, one of the few moments of domestic bliss enjoyed by the Elric Brothers. Both he and his wife Gracia continue to be kind towards the brothers, as well as to their friend Winry.

Because Hughes is assigned to the Investigations Division in Central, he is more involved with police work than he is in actual battles. Whenever he was however, he showed his skill with his push knives, with very precise throwing aim and good reflexes. After receiving his promotion to Lieutenant Colonel, Hughes is placed in charge of the Investigations Division. While investigating the 5th Laboratory incident and the mysterious deaths of the officers involved with its experiments, Hughes finds that there is much to suspect about the Führer's secretary, Juliet Douglas. During the course of his investigation, he is lured by Douglas to hotel where, she has told him Dr. Marcoh is waiting, but on arrival Huges is confronted by both her and Lust. Outmatched by the two Homunculi, he is only saved by the timely intervention of an armed Maria Ross.

He flees the building with Ross (who is, in fact, a disguised Envy), to contact Mustang from a public telephone booth, not trusting the military line. His reason behind calling Roy directly is to give him information that "could send him to the top." As Mustang is on a train to Central, Hughes is not able to contact him. Hughes then notices that the fake Ross is missing a mole under her left eye, and Envy reveals himself. A fight ensues, ending when Envy transforms into Hughes’s wife Gracia. Hughes hesitates, and Envy uses that opportunity to fatally shoot him through his arm and into his chest. He is posthumously promoted to Brigadier General (Episode 25). Winry does not learn of Hughes's death until Episode 36, and Edward and Alphonse do not learn of his death until Episode 44 in the anime, although the day after Hughes' murder, Ed seems to see a ghostly form of Hughes waving to him from a station as their train passes it. In the Conqueror of Shamballa, there is a police officer who is earth's version of Maes Hughes. Also the OVA "kids" on the Conqueror of Shambala dvd another police officer resembles Hughes can be seen giving directions to edward elric's grandchildren.

Hughes is mostly likely named after Howard Hughes who was an American aviator, engineer, industrialist, and film producer.

Last Words: I hope you'll forgive me, but I have a wife and kid waiting for me back home.


  • Major - Has this rank when introduced in the story.
  • Lieutenant Colonel - Promoted to this rank shortly before Edward's state alchemy reassessment examination in episode 13.
  • Brigadier General - Posthumously promoted to this rank for dying in the line of duty.

[edit] Riza Hawkeye

Riza Hawkeye in "His Name is Unknown".
Riza Hawkeye in "His Name is Unknown".
Japanese Cast English Cast Portuguese Cast French Cast Spanish Cast Filipino Cast
Michiko Neya Colleen Clinkenbeard Letícia Quinto Agnès Manoury Giannina Jurado Grace Cornel

First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye is the most trusted in Mustang's circle of friends and his right-hand woman. In her own words, Hawkeye has joined the military because "there is someone I need to protect," that is, Roy Mustang (Episode 36). Hawkeye serves as Mustang's voice of reason, remaining cool and collected in sticky situations, constantly looking out for Mustang's well being, but also occasionally scolding him for his good-natured posturing and arrogance. She is a crack shot with a sniper's aim (Havoc referred to it as 'the eyes of a hawk' in Chapter 37: The Criminal's Body of the manga), and usually carries two pistols with her at all times. Although her dog training method is still an example of her no-nonsense ways, Riza's softer and compassionate side is shown through her care for her dog, Black Hayate, as well as through her devotion to Roy Mustang in a passionate form. She also appears to have a soft spot for the Elric Brothers.

At the time of her introduction in the anime, Hawkeye held the rank of Second Lieutenant and was stationed at Central, but like Mustang was promoted one rank and reassigned to the Eastern Territories early in the series. There she mainly played a role in solving Scar's case. Later in the series, she was reassigned back to Central with Mustang and was involved in Mustang's scheme after their discovery of King Bradley's true identity. She was last seen in Episode 51 tending to Mustang's injuries after his fight with Pride. She blamed herself for not getting to Mustang before Frank Archer, but was reassured by Roy that there was no such thing as a perfect world.

  • In the OVA "Chibi Party", Riza and Roy are romantically connected, and it is revealed that Roy has a real crush on Riza, but Riza (the party's host) truly dislikes Roy. She adds that she was planning on running away if they were forced together.


  • Second Lieutenant - introduced as this rank in the series.
  • First Lieutenant - Promoted to this rank when Yoki is dismissed from the military. Holds this rank for the rest of the series.
  • Captain - In the translation of the second novel, "The Abducted Alchemist," she is incorrectly called this

[edit] Jean Havoc

Jean Havoc in "Teacher".
Jean Havoc in "Teacher".
Japanese Cast English Cast Portuguese Cast French Cast Spanish Cast
Yasunori Matsumoto Mike McFarland Sérgio Corsetti Philippe Bozo Angel Balan

Second Lieutenant Jean Havoc likes to smoke, and is almost always pictured with a cigarette in his mouth. He is a fair shot with a gun, and one of Roy Mustang's loyal followers; he gives Edward a stern talking-to when Ed bad-mouths Mustang for only caring about promotions. Havoc is a strict man of duty, a very by-the-book soldier, even if he doesn't always agree with the orders.

Havoc's terrible luck with women is a running joke — Mustang is constantly stealing any potential dates away from him. In the lighthearted Episode 37 of the anime, Mustang orders his subordinates to find Havoc a girl to replace yet another one he stole from Havoc, and Major Armstrong volunteers his baby sister Katherine. When Armstrong claims that Katherine looks like himself, this worries Havoc a great deal. He worries more after seeing Armstrong's father being "large horizontally" and mother being "large vertically", Havoc imagines Katherine as an enormous woman who looks like Major Armstrong with a wig. Upon seeing the real Katherine, a petite and cute girl (with humorously large breasts, and only having identical eyelashes with her brother) he rejoices, only to have his hopes dashed when Katherine rejects him. As it turned out, she is only into guys who are strong and muscular like her brother. Havoc ends up in a comical catatonic state for the remainder of the episode, with a simple, yet comedic, whistle-like sound playing every time the camera focuses unto his face (which is done three times in the episode). Havoc is the tragic playboy of the group, always wishing he had that special someone to share the rest of his days with. If his streak keeps going the way it is now, he'll never reach that goal. As with all of Mustangs's men, those four men, his comrades, will follow Mustang until death.


  • Second Lieutenant - Holds this rank for the entire series.
  • Brigadier General - Holds this rank briefly while impersinating Mustang at the Drachma border. He was never promoted to this position.

[edit] Heymans Breda

Heymans Breda in "Teacher".
Heymans Breda in "Teacher".
Japanese Cast English Cast French Cast
Tomoyuki Shimura Josh Berry Tarik Mehani

Second Lieutenant Heymans Breda is good at chess and is one of Mustang's subordinates. He occasionally plays pranks on the other members of Mustang's group, such as impersonating Major Armstrong upon their transfer to Central. He also has a talent for other strategy games, including go and shogi. He suffers from cynophobia, the extreme fear of dogs, so much so that he refers to a puppy like Black Hayate as a 'beast'. Breda may be called a 'dog of the military' from time to time, but Breda would rather stare down an entire army than get anywhere near a dog.

Breda's use in the military is questionable; in the anime he was never shown to be carrying a side arm or rifle, though art book illustrations suggest that he is specialized in using a type of stick grenade. This seems likely as he has muscular arms, which would enable him to throw such a weapon quite far.

Breda is also notable for leaving his officer's coat completely unbuttoned (and being the only introduced member of the military to do so) in all but one Episode. His coat was buttoned while he was impersonating Major Armstrong in Episode 29. It is believed that he does not like to button his coat due to his stomach size, though he clearly can do so if he wants to.

Breda is named after Breda Meccanica Bresciana (often known simply as Breda), an Italian small arms company that produced weapons for Italian military during both World Wars.


  • Second Lieutenant - Holds this rank for the entire series.

[edit] Alex Louis Armstrong

Alex Louis Armstrong in "Words of Farewell".
Alex Louis Armstrong in "Words of Farewell".
Japanese Cast English Cast Portuguese Cast French Cast Filipino Cast
Kenji Utsumi Christopher R. Sabat Gilberto Baroli Benoît Allemane

Major Alex Louis Armstrong, the Strong Arm Alchemist, was born into an elite family of alchemists and has mastered his family's techniques. Members of his family have, in the past, filled the highest military and political positions in the state. He acquired his alchemy titles for his skill of using arm strength in his alchemy. At the time of his introduction in the anime, Armstrong was tailing the Elric brothers as they searched for Dr. Marcoh (Episode 14). When Scar cornered the Elric brothers and Dr. Marcoh, Armstrong stepped in to buy time for them to escape. A very intimidating man at first sight, Armstrong is actually a sensitive man who weeps at the slightest provocation, and his sentimentalism prevents him from being promoted. Armstrong was also a part of the Ishbal War, but was badly injured and was not redeployed in a combat zone until the Northern Rebellion. After Edward and Alphonse's battle with Scar — which cost Al all of his lower right body, left leg and most of his chest while also costing Ed his automail arm — Armstrong volunteered to escort the boys back to Resembool in order to get Ed's arm replaced, and subsequently get Al's armor fixed (Episode 16). He has a strong sense of loyalty towards the late Maes Hughes and after the Lieutenant Colonel's death he assists Roy Mustang in Hughes' place.

Armstrong was eventually promoted, to Lieutenant Colonel, and sent to aid Mustang against armies in the north. In the movie "Conqueror of Shamballa" Armstrong is shown to be using his fortune and his alchemy skills in order to help restore Lior, building hundreds of colourful towers and statues of himself. Later in the movie, he initially led the military resistance to the Thule Society's attack on Central. During the Ishbal War, Armstrong received an incomplete Philosopher's Stone that allowed him to create larger, deadlier stone-spikes, as well as smashing city streets with his (almost) bare hands.

Armstrong without his shirt in "House of the Waiting Family".
Armstrong without his shirt in "House of the Waiting Family".

Armstrong is jokingly known as "Colonel Clean" among fans for obvious reasons — the resemblance to the cleaning product mascot is uncanny, including the pink sparkles. Armstrong randomly takes off his shirt and flexes his huge muscles to show off his "beautiful body" to great comic effect, and it seems that he is only ever fully clothed for two and a half minutes at a time. He is also shown, in a random point of detail, to possess skill with artistic talents like portraiture and sculpture. He also possesses many techniques, alchemic and otherwise, that (as a running joke) have "been passed down the Armstrong line for generations."

The other members in Armstrong's family (who also possess the pink sparkles around their heads) present in the anime included his father, a man of extreme girth, and mother, a woman of extreme height. Combined, they explained Armstrong's massiveness in both height and girth.

His younger sister Katherine had neither height nor girth, and was a very petite and beautiful girl. Despite this, she is freakishly strong, able to lift a piano overhead. Pound for pound that could make her stronger than Alex himself, though it is unknown exactly how much he can lift overhead. She was originally part of a plan to get Havoc a girlfriend, but she rejected him, saying she preferred someone who looked liker her older brother. Havoc simply didn't have enough muscle.

In the manga, Armstrong also has an older sister Olivia, a general who is stationed in the north.


  • Major - Has this rank when he is introduced in the series and holds it for the majority of the series.
  • Lieutenant Colonel - Promoted to this rank when he is sent with Mustang to guard the northern frontier until he chose to discharge himself from the military in Conqueror of Shamballa.

[edit] Hakuro

General Hakuro in "The Alchemy Exam".
General Hakuro in "The Alchemy Exam".
Japanese Cast English Cast
Jin Horikawa Phil Parsons

Major General Hakuro is one of the top-ranking officers in the military. Near the beginning of the series, he is held hostage on a train by Bald while he is returning home from his vacation, Bald and Mustang making a deal to swap Hakuro for an agent of Bald's gang. Hakuro has his left ear shot in half by Bald for criticizing his plan, but is saved by Ed, Al and Hughes. In return for being rescued, he proctored Edward's first Alchemist Exam, as his way of repaying the boy. Hakuro, along with the Führer and Colonel Mustang, were among the selected group of officers judging Edward's practical skills test during the alchemy exam. Shortly thereafter General Hakuro promoted Mustang and Hawkeye one level, and reassigned them to the Eastern Territories to help clean up Lieutenant Yoki's mess. He was later seen leading the military in Lior after Envy, disguised as the Prophet Cornello, rallied the people into a civil war. He was in command of the forces sent to suppress Mustang's military uprising in the north against King Bradley. An ambitious man of limited ability, Hakuro rose to the highest levels of the military because he would follow orders without question and was not capable of being a threat to King Bradley.

An English misspelling by FUNimation has his surname as Haruko along with a different voice over change in the early episodes. However, in later episodes the mistake was realized and the original pronunciation of Hakuro is used.


  • Major General - Holds this rank for the entire series.
  • Lieutenant Führer - Briefly holds this rank while King Bradley is in Liore.


  • General Hakuro was shot in the middle of his left ear by Bald during Episode 5, yet the semi-hole in his ear is never shown again.

[edit] Vato Falman

Vato Falman in "Teacher".
Vato Falman in "Teacher".
Japanese Cast English Cast Portuguese Cast French Cast
Takehiro Murozono Kyle Hebert Wellington Lima Thierry Kazazian

Warrant Officer Vato Falman escorts General Hakuro back from his vacation and works in the investigation department under Lieutenant Hughes, as well as aiding Roy Mustang at Eastern Headquarters. After Hughes's untimely death, Falman begs Mustang to let him join the team, and after thinking it through Mustang allows him to transfer with him back to Central. Falman is particularly known for his precision and data. Falman is overly formal, causing some of his comrades to wish he would lighten up.

As the names of all military personnel in Fullmetal Alchemist are army and aviation-derived (the P-51 Mustang, Howard Hughes, and Breda Meccanica Bresciana, for instance), it is possible that "Falman" is a mistransliteration of "Farman".


  • Chief Warrant Officer - Holds this rank for the entire series.

[edit] Kain Fuery

Kain Fuery in "Teacher".
Kain Fuery in "Teacher".
Japanese Cast English Cast French Cast
Tetsu Shiratori Kevin M. Connolly Benjamin Pascal

Master Sergeant Kain Fuery is a kind man who cares for animals and everyone else. He was the one who brought Black Hayate into the eastern Headquarters, though he freaked out about Riza's methods of training. He is part of Roy Mustang's group and is the youngest and lowest-ranked member. A common unofficial translation has his name as Caine Fury. In the anime, he gets injured in his forehead due to ricochet off Ed's automail hand. Fuery is extremely talented with radio signals. Fuery is the soft-spoken technical wizard under Mustang's command. He isn't used to much hand to hand fighting, but is handy enough in a pinch.

Fuery may be a mispronunciation. It is believed his name was to be Huey, like the army helicopter. There is no "hu" sound in Japanese; the syllable is transliterated as "fu".


  • Master Sergeant - Holds this rank for the entire series.


  • In Sealing the Homunculus he is told that he has athlete's foot and that it is affecting his brain. (An obvious gag.)

[edit] Basque Grand

Envy posing as Basque Grand in the "The Red Glow".
Envy posing as Basque Grand in the "The Red Glow".
Basque in action during the Ishbal War, in "Destruction's Right Hand".
Basque in action during the Ishbal War, in "Destruction's Right Hand".
Japanese Cast English Cast Portuguese Cast Spanish Cast
Shin Aomori R. Bruce Elliott Antônio Moreno Armando Volcanes

Brigadier General Basque Grand (the Iron Blood Alchemist) is an ambitious alchemist known for going to any lengths to complete an assignment. His alchemy title refers to Grand’s ability to transmute the iron in his blood to an assortment of guns and other weapons. Grand was also in charge of the "defunct" Laboratory 5 in Central, which he ran in hope of creating a philosopher’s stone for his own purposes.

During the Ishbal War Grand held the rank of Colonel, and was selected by Bradley to lead a group of State Alchemists into Ishbal to put an end to the war once and for all. The leading proponent for using the Philosopher's Stone for military applications, Grand was the one who had Marcoh's research used in the Ishbal War. With his power augmented, Grand could turn his entire body into an enormous pillar of cannons, raining shells down on enemies from every angle (Episode 15). After Marcoh went AWOL Grand was enraged for losing such power and decided to forge his own Philosopher's Stone. Among his underlings after the war was the Sewing Life Alchemist, Shou Tucker. Displeased at then-Lieutenant Colonel Mustang's recent achievements he strong-armed Tucker into showing immediate results, an order that led Tucker to take the drastic measure of using his own daughter in the creation of a talking chimera (Episode 7). After the incident Grand supposedly had Tucker executed, though he actually put him to work at Lab 5, making super-soldier chimeras for him.

After Ed and Al located Dr. Marcoh, Grand and his men arrived to take the Doctor into state custody to force him to resume work on the Philosopher's Stone. As they left Marcoh's residence, Grand's car was intercepted by Scar, who identified Grand by name and title. Grand was hailed as a fearless hand-to-hand combat specialist, but he made a fatal mistake. As he bragged about coming into possession of Marcoh's Incomplete Philosopher's Stone, Scar quickly closed the distance between them and clamped his right hand over Grand's face. Before the General could defend himself, Scar activated the power of his right arm and dispatched Grand as he had so many other targets: causing his skull to explode from the inside. With blood venting from every part of his head, Grand's lifeless body collapsed onto the street (Episode 14). Hughes would later note, with grim humor, that there would be promotions unless Grand could "survive having his brain turned into hamburger meat." Envy later poses as Grand during the events in Lab. 5. When Edward sees all of the convicts, Envy appears and asks what Ed is doing there, and as a reply Ed punches Envy, causing the Homunculus to reveal himself. It is presumed that Envy did not know of Grand's death, as Ed informed him of his death. Some believe that Grand is of Ishbalan heritage due to his darker skin. This is unlikely, however, as he does not share the other common Ishbalan trait - their eyes have red irises, while Grand's irises are more of a reddish-brown. It is more likely that he is from the Lior region instead.

A common unofficial translation has his family name as Gran, but official materials have consistently written his name as Grand, ending with a French silent "d."

Last Words: Your timing is too bad. Just as I got my hands on this!


  • Colonel - Holds this rank during the Ishbal Rebellion (flashback only)
  • Brigadier General - Holds this rank for the entire series.

[edit] Yoki

Lieutenant Yoki in "Be Thou For The People".
Lieutenant Yoki in "Be Thou For The People".
Japanese Cast English Cast
Kazuki Yao Barry Yandell

First Lieutenant Yoki was in charge of the mines in Youswell and is a very corrupt man who rose to his position through massive bribes. His influence on the people of Youswell was profoundly negative: not only did he levy heavy taxes on the people, he also lowered their wages, virtually bankrupting the city residents.

Edward was assigned to his second mission[25] as a State Alchemist in Youswell. While he and Al were staying there, Edward discovers that the city is in dire straits, and manages to depose Yoki by purchasing the title to the town with a large amount of gold (which later was discovered to be rocks). After Yoki's dismissal from the military, General Hakuro promotes Mustang and Hawkeye and reassigns them to the Eastern Command Center to help clean up the mess left by Yoki. Ending up at an Ishbalan refugee camp, Yoki gains the attention of the state military by informing them that Scar was living amongst the refugees, with the intention of being awarded back his position in the military. Secure in the hands of the State, he begins lording it over his old camp-mates only to be killed by Gluttony, who whispers gun-shot noises that in fact cause bullet-like holes, killing Yoki. This spectacle causes widespread panic and the soldiers fire at the Ishbalans.

In the manga, Yoki falls under the care of Scar after being discharged from the military. By the current chapter, he is still alive and traveling with Scar, Mei Chan, and Marcoh.

Last Words: You buffoons better back off! I'm protected by the-


  • First Lieutenant - Holds this rank until he is dismissed from the military.

[edit] Maria Ross

Maria Ross in "Fullmetal Heart".
Maria Ross in "Fullmetal Heart".
Japanese Cast English Cast Portuguese Cast French Cast
Mitsuki Saiga Meredith McCoy Suzy Pereira Laurence Bréheret

Second Lieutenant Maria Ross is put in charge of taking care of the Elric brothers during their stay in Central. She and her partner were assigned the task of guarding the Elrics due to Scar's return in Central and his previous attempt on Ed and Al's lives. Almost immediately, she takes on the role of a parental figure. She tries to give guidance to the brothers whenever she can. She took a liking to Ed and Al, and risked her life to calm Ed down when he was absorbing the red stone material inside laboratory 5. Both she and her partner Denny Brosh work under Major Alex Louis Armstrong.

Envy disguised himself as Ross when the Homunculi lured Maes Hughes into a trap when he was getting too close to discovering the truth about their conspiracy to make a Philosopher's Stone. Assuming Ross's form and mimicking her voice Envy "rescued" Hughes from Lust, Gluttony and Sloth and led him away to a secluded area of Central. During the "rescue" Hughes realized that it was Envy he was really with because he had noticed that Ross was mysteriously missing the mole under her left eye. Envy mockingly apologized for his carelessness and Maes slashes Envy's throat open with one of his hidden knives. Unfortunately, that didn't kill Envy and he simply rose up again and shot Hughes with his side arm after taking the form of Hughes's wife Gracia (Episode 25).

Later, Ross recognized Winry as she attempted to spy on the Führer's secretary, and eventually followed her to Resembool. Then, she had a short-lived crush on Hohenheim.

Toward the end of the anime series Maria Ross and her partner become involved in the fighting in Central during the uprising against Führer Bradley. Ross and Brosh first freed Russell Tringum and Fletcher Tringum after they were mistaken for the Elric brothers and sentenced to death by the Führer for their alleged treason. Later, Ross and Brosh led a small contingent of soldiers against Frank Archer after he cornered Izumi Curtis and began cutting down soldiers whom he felt were not loyal to the Führer. (Episode 49)

As many of the military personnel in Fullmetal Alchemist are army/aviation-derived, it is possible that she is named after the Canadian Sir Charles Ross of the Ross Rifle.

  • In the OVA "Chibi Party", Maria can only say "Chu Chu". She's also seen taking pictures of Breda as he strips. She is later seen smacking Denny.


  • Second Lieutenant - Holds this rank for the entire series.

[edit] Denny Brosh

Denny Brosh in "Marcoh's Notes".
Denny Brosh in "Marcoh's Notes".
Japanese Cast English Cast Portuguese Cast French Cast
Masao Harada Jim Foronda Márcio Araújo Benjamin Pascal

Sergeant Denny Brosh, almost always seen with Lieutenant Ross, is rather nosy and lazy. He has an enormous infatuation with Maria Ross, and has a resemblance to Ed. Like Ross, he also works under Major Alex Louis Armstrong.

Brosh is one of the minor characters in the anime series—he is not seen a lot and has very few speaking parts. After following Maria Ross to Risembool (Shezka freaks out and gives him a nosebleed) he becomes comically upset over Ross’ apparent crush on Hohenheim. Both he and Ross are present when Edward and Alphonse return to Risembool, and help Mustang deceive the military as to the true whereabouts of the Elric brothers while they were in Risembool.

Toward the end of the anime series Denny Brosh and his partner become involved in the fighting in Central during the uprising against Führer Bradley. Brosh and Ross first freed Russell Tringum and Fletcher Tringum after they were mistaken for the Elric brothers and sentenced to death by the Führer for their alleged treason. Later, Brosh and Ross led a small contingent of soldiers against Frank Archer after he cornered Izumi Curtis and began cutting down soldiers whom he felt were not loyal to the Führer. (Episode 49)

In the FUNimation English anime, his name is romanized as Bloch and pronounced as "Block".Bloch is the former name of the French Dassault Aviation Group that was adopted by the company in 1949.


  • Sergeant - Holds this rank for the entire series.

[edit] Sheska

Sheska in "Marcoh's Notes".
Sheska in "Marcoh's Notes".
Japanese Cast English Cast Portuguese Cast French Cast
Naomi Wakabayashi Gwendolyn Lau Raquel Marinho Isabelle Volpe

Private Sheska was a librarian who was responsible for organizing and keeping records of all of the books in the First Branch of the Central City library. Sheska is a bibliophile in the mold of Read or Die's Yomiko Readman, and frequently spent more time reading books in the library than organizing them. She is also known for her tendency toward hysterical panic as a coping mechanism. By the time the Elric brothers had arrived back in Central she has been fired from the library for lackluster performance. Sheska has a photographic memory when it comes to books, and her ability to recite them verbatim was a great help to the Elric Brothers for recreating Tim Marcoh's book after Scar's battle with Lust and Gluttony destroyed the library. She also helped Hughes recreate State Military files lost in the library until he fired her to save Sheska from the military's higher-ups.

After Hughes' death, she tried investigating his death herself, and succeeded in learning the strange discrepancies about King Bradley's secretary Juliet Douglas, which is the same information that Hughes discovered before he was killed. Sheska explained her theory to Winry while Winry was in Central, and both decided to tap the phone lines to King Bradley’s secretary. This confirmed the discrepancies regarding Ms. Douglas, and Sheska subsequently fled to Resembool with Winry to escape Maes Hughes’ fate. Eventually, in Resembool, she revealed the fact of Hughes' death to the Elric brothers as well (which quickly, and obviously shocked them to the point that Edward furiously tried to leave in order to see if it was actually true).

Sony's Aniplex anime DVDs and website spell her name as Sheska, although FUNimation's anime DVDs and television closed captioning spell her name as Scieszka (similar to Polish term Sciezka standing for "path" or "trail", specifically one well-traveled). She made a small cameo in the last episode of the anime, where she is seen working as part of the military, going over various documents and receiving more from Maria Ross. She is also the one corresponding with Winry (and the audience) about what has happened since the fall of Führer King Bradley.


  • Private - Holds this rank for the entire series.

[edit] Frank Archer

Japanese Cast English Cast Portuguese Cast French Cast Spanish Cast
Show Hayami Troy Baker Leonardo Camilo Constantin Pappas Ledner Belisario

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Archer, although seen as an extra during numerous military events (such as the burial of Hughes), is formally introduced halfway through the anime series as a replacement for the then late Brigadier General Maes Hughes (Episode 30). Archer is in charge of Military Intelligence, and is very cool, calm, and collected; unfortunately, it would seem he is also a ruthless sociopath, with no semblance of moral fiber. Archer thoroughly enjoys war and all his actions are aimed towards preparation for future wars. Archer could easily be compared to Brigadier General Basque as far as morality goes. He is obsessed with becoming a war hero as a means of advancing his position. His actions are always aimed at pleasing his superiors and creating as much positive publicity for himself as possible. Archer is officially put in charge of the investigation of Lab 5, but quickly diverts his investigation into recovering the results of the Lab 5 research for his own ends. Originally looking for the Elric brothers, Archer quickly becomes far more interested in the Homunculi Greed and Wrath and the survivors of Lab 5. Striking a deal with Kimblee, Archer obtained Greed's skull and then managed to storm Greed's headquarters at the Devil's Nest, where he found Tucker as well.

After reinstating the two "ghosts of the past," he travels off to Lior in pursuit of Scar. Overeager to prove himself in battle and hell-bent on becoming a military hero, Archer disregards Edward Elric’s warning not to send troops into Lior, and orders the army to seize the city and capture Scar. In doing so, Archer and the soldiers under his command walk right into a trap, and in the ill-fated "battle" that follows, half of his body is destroyed and most of the 7,000 soldiers under his command are killed as a result of Scar's transmutation. What was left of Archer's body underwent heavy automail modification (including a mechanical automail arm/auto-cannon, leg, and half of his head, which now contains a mouth gun), resulting in an Archer that was more machine than man. Moreover, Archer’s ordeal in Lior and the subsequent life-preserving but tremendously painful procedures left him mentally unstable to the point that he would kill even his own men in the Führer's name. During Mustang's military uprising in the north, King Bradley put him in charge of defending the military headquarters at Central where Edward and Izumi were. Archer overpowered Izumi until Maria Ross and other members of the military turned on him. Hearing of the attack on King Bradley's home, he rushed to be at the Führer's side. At the sight of Riza in a car being taken back to Central, he opened fire indiscriminately into the cars which also contained King Bradley's wife and son. Eventually, he makes his way to the Führer's residence and attempts to kill Mustang as he emerges from the front door, but Hawkeye arrives to protect the already wounded Mustang, killing Archer with numerous shots from her gun. Archer dies without a word.

Archer is exclusive to the anime, and does not exist in the manga.

Last Words: There are rebels everywhere! There's no time for questioning! Let me kill her [Hawkeye]!


  • Lieutenant Colonel - Holds this rank upon his introduction to the series.
  • Colonel - Promoted to this rank when he is put in charge of the Lior campaign.

[edit] Zolf J. Kimblee

Zolf J. Kimblee in "Holy Mother".
Zolf J. Kimblee in "Holy Mother".
Japanese Cast English Cast French Cast
Yuji Ueda Eric Vale Benoit Rivillon

Major Zolf J. Kimblee (the Crimson Alchemist) is an ex-war criminal and a veteran of the Ishbal War. His alchemy title refers to his use of sulfur in the human body to create explosive fluids, turning people into living bombs. A sick, sadistic and perverse man, Kimblee loved to kill numerous civilians, women, and children just to hear the sound of them exploding, with the nihilistic view that human lives - even his own - were without substance and therefore worthless. With the Incomplete Stone provided by Marcoh worn around his neck, Kimblee's ability to create explosions was dramatically enhanced. Kimblee's bloodlust was not satisfied with the initial assault on Ishbal so he pursued the escaping Ishbalans, killing some while inflicting inhuman torture on Scar, by creating an X-shaped scar on his face and blowing off his original right arm. It was by the interference of Scar's brother absorbing his incomplete stone that Kimblee was forced to take his leave, with Basque Grand destroying most of the landscape via his own enhanced alchemy. From that moment on, Kimblee was marked as the prime target on Scar's list (Episode 41). For killing some of his superior officers prior to going after the Ishbalans, Kimblee is sent to the prison next to the 5th Laboratory, sentenced to death. He was one of the prisoners the Homunculi and Shou Tucker tried to trick Edward Elric into using as an ingredient to create a Philosopher's Stone, but Zolf blew up another prisoner to escape, exposing the truth to Edward. Lust later berates Envy for this incident, particularly for his "not checking the ingredients thoroughly enough."

Kimblee’s transmutation circles.
Kimblee’s transmutation circles.

Kimblee is unique among the State Alchemists in the anime in that he only has to clap his hands together to activate his alchemy, but has not seen the Gate of Alchemy. The ability to clap his hands to activate his alchemy stems from the fact that Kimblee’s transmutation circles have been tattooed into his palms, effectively giving Kimblee a similar kind of alchemic freedom that Edward, Izumi, and Wrath have. The difference is that Kimblee can only use alchemy that utilizes the transmutation circles tattooed on his hands — namely, the creation of high explosives — whereas those who have seen the gate can substitute a hand clap for any type of transmutation circle.

Zolf joined Greed temporarily, only to betray him in order to be re-enlisted in the military under Frank Archer with a full pardon and a promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. He is seen in the OVA movie Alchemists vs Homunculi assisting the Military and State Alchemists fighting the Homunculi, a job he relished for it gave him the chance to "make fireworks" in a long time. After re-joining the military, Kimblee is haunted by a "ghost" of the Devil's Nest - a vengeful Martel (dub: Marta). She finally catches up to him and assaults him just before the battle in Lior. Having not only betrayed Greed, but being at least partially responsible for the deaths of her fellow chimeras and friends, Kimblee remains calm, embracing the possibility of death as if even he agreed that he deserved it. The battle is never concluded but Kimblee swears revenge on Alphonse Elric after the boy assists the chimera and humiliates Kimblee by using the man's alchemy against him. A short while after, Kimblee and a troop of chimeras Shou Tucker had engineered are sent in secret to Lior to cause massive upheaval and lull its people to retaliate and strike first, absolving the military from any public wrongdoing as had been the case in Ishbal. It was during this action that Kimblee encountered and remembered Scar. As they battled through the streets of Lior, Kimblee waits for a moment when Alphonse Elric distracts Scar to transform the Ishbalan's left arm into a bomb. When Scar removes his own arm, Kimblee realizes he is outmatched and attempts to escape. Scar moves faster, however, and stabbed through Kimblee's chest with his right arm, fatally wounding him. As his life slipped away, Kimblee made one last effort to turn Al into an armored bomb, grabbing onto his armored leg and turning it coal-black. This effort would prove futile as Scar's transmutation of Al into the Philosopher's Stone nullified his alchemy. Kimblee's body was later thrown from a rooftop in full view of Archer and his military contingent by Scar (secretly aided by Lust) as a lure to get them to enter the city in pursuit. Supposedly, his body was not transmuted into the Philosopher's Stone made by Scar, but simply buried under the rubble on the outskirts of Lior.

Occasionally, Kimblee's name is spelled as "Kimbly" since the double "e" in English shares the same sound as "y"; however, official material has consitstantly written the name with the double "e".

[edit] Alchemy

Alchemy Techniques

  • Explosives: Zolf uses elements found in humans to create organic bombs and then detonates them.

Last Words: My work is so intricate, only an explosives artist like myself could defuse [Alphonse], but you'll have to find somebody else because I'm about to retire. No need to hurry: you still have plenty of time left. I've made his armor react slowly with the oxygen in the air, gradually spreading until he's completely black. I want him to have time to think about his death and reflect on how meaningless his efforts have been.


  • Major - Held this rank during the war in Ishbal until he was arrested
  • Lieutenant Colonel - Given this rank when he is reinstated into the military.

[edit] Grumman

Grumman, in the episode "Teacher"
Grumman, in the episode "Teacher"

Lieutenant General Grumman was the commander of the Eastern Headquarters, and Mustang’s superior officer during his three year tour of duty in the Eastern Command Center. An old man with gray hair and a moustache, Grumman was a General who took a lighthearted approach to command. Inferring from scenes in the anime, Grumman was an excellent chess player who frequently played against Mustang. When Mustang received orders to transfer back to Central, Grumman gave Mustang his chessboard and pieces as a parting gift. As a final favor to Mustang Grumman authorized the transfer of Mustang’s subordinates (Jean Havoc, Riza Hawkeye, Heymans Breda, Kain Fuery, and Vato Falman) back to Central with him (Episode 27).

After the incident in Lior Grumman was summoned to Central to hear Mustang's briefing on the Lior incident. Since Edward Elric was stationed at the Eastern Command Center when he first went to Lior, Grumman was summoned to review Edward's reports of the uprising there. Grumman was willing to give Mustang a chance to explain the incident in Lior, since he had performed exceptionally well at the Eastern Command Center. He had a cameo appearance in the movie.

In the anime, no specific mention was ever made of Grumman’s involvement in the Ishbal War, which suggests that Grumman was either ordered to remain at the Eastern Command Center for the duration of the war or that he assumed command of the Eastern Headquarters after the war.

Grumman was the highest ranking General to appear in the anime series, as there were no characters introduced with the rank of a full General.

Grumman is named after the Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, which made fighter planes during World War II.


  • Lieutenant General - Holds this rank for the entire series

[edit] Black Hayate

Black Hayate in "Fullmetal vs Flame".
Black Hayate in "Fullmetal vs Flame".

The true dog of the military, Black Hayate was a little puppy that Kain Fuery picked up on a rainy street one day out of pity. Since he couldn’t keep the dog himself (since he lived in a dormitory that did not allow pets), the puppy was eventually adopted by Riza Hawkeye; unfortunately, Riza was a rather stern owner, who then proceeded to scare the puppy (and all of Mustang's staff) by shooting an outline of bullets around him (while not injuring the dog, proving her marksmanship ability) when he urinated on the office wall.

Despite Riza's harsh methods of discipline, Hayate is a way for her to show her more compassionate side, as opposed to the cool, stone-faced officer that she usually is. Roy has also tried to interact with Black Hayate, with varying degrees of success. Hayate did manage to get on Mustang's bad side at least once: when he unwittingly wasted Mustang and his company's time at what they thought was a murder scene. Mustang and his men had begun excavation of the site searching for the bones of a dead man, only to discover that the lot was where Black Hayate buried the bones from his meals (Episode 37).

"Hayate" means "Hurricane" or "as swift as the wind", most likely meaning "Black Hurricane" in English. Black Hayate doesn't have a defined breed, though it is assumed that he is either a Shiba Inu or a husky, but it is likely he’s just a mutt.

  • In the "Chibi Party" OVA, a team of bigger Black Hayates run over Ed and Al when ordered to by Riza Hawkeye, a joke on the fact that live action movies frequently use multiple doubles for animals.

[edit] Tim Marcoh

See also: Dr. Tim Marcoh

Dr. Tim Marcoh was the Crystal Alchemist and is a former member of the Military. He was involved in the experiments at Laboratory Five and performed research on the incomplete Philosopher's Stones for the military.


  • Major - He holds this rank during the Ishbal War but deserts the military after realizing the destruction his research has caused.

[edit] Shou Tucker

See also: Shou Tucker

Doctor Shou Tucker, the Sewing Life Alchemist, is a former member of the State Military. He is the only person ever to create a talking chimera; however it only said four words: "I want to die." He later became a chimera himself.


  • Major - As all state alchemists are admitted to the State Military with this rank, it can be safely assumed that Shou Tucker held it during his military career.

However, it is unknown if he was ever promoted in the anime or manga, but we will probably never know, as the anime is concluded.

[edit] King Bradley

See also: Pride

King bradley is a man with an eyepatch. At first Al didn't know that he was the Fuhrer and received information of the Philosopher's Stone from him. Even though King Bradley himself always said that the stone didn't exist. Fuhrer King Bradley is secretly the Homunculus Pride, created by Dante to control the military, and with it, Amestris. He works alongside Sloth.


  • Fuhrer - He holds this rank for the entire series.

[edit] Juliet Douglas

See also: Sloth

Colonel Juliet Douglas is Führer Bradley's secretary and is secretly a Homunculus named Sloth. She is responsible for orchestrating the murder of Maes Hughes, as well as for coordinating the activities of the Homunculi "in the field."

Juliet Douglas is actually a false identity; the real Juliet Douglas died long before the beginning of the series. Years ago, Führer Bradley altered military records to make it appear as though one Juliet Douglas, who had in fact died two years earlier, triggered the Ishbal War by accidentally shooting dead an Ishbalan child. This was done to cover up the fact that the Ishbal War was actually started on purpose by a covert military secret ops unit. Bradley, never expecting anyone to notice the inconsistencies, later arranged for Sloth to assume the identity of the same Juliet Douglas, allowing her to enter the military as his secretary.


  • Colonel - She holds this rank for the entire series.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ After the disappearance of King Bradley, the military abolished the rank of Führer and gave all the political power to the Amestris parliament.
  2. ^ During the Ishbal War Grand held the rank of Colonel, and was referred to as a Colonel by Tim Marcoh
  3. ^ Before being ordered to guard the northern frontier, Mustang was promoted to Brigadier General.
  4. ^ In the movie, it is revealed that Mustang refused to use alchemy after the bout with the Führer, and was demoted to Corporal. Despite this, his former subordinates still address him as "Colonel". (movie only)
  5. ^ Before being sent by King Bradley to Liore, Archer was promoted to Colonel.
  6. ^ Hughes received a posthumous double promotion for dying in the line of duty. He was buried as a Brigadier General.
  7. ^ Kimblee was a Major prior to being court-martialed and arrested for his crimes during the Ishbal war (before the anime) but due to Archer's influence, he was reinstated and promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.
  8. ^ Before being ordered to guard the northern frontier, Armstrong was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.
  9. ^ In the movie, it is revealed that Armstrong left the military to help in his family's business.
  10. ^ Dr. Marcoh deserted the military during the Ishbal War (before the series began), and hence is not considered a State Military character.
  11. ^ After his schemes in Youswell were foiled by Ed and Al, Yoki was dismissed from the military.
  12. ^ Havoc received Mustangs Brigidier General uniform while impersonating him at the North Border, but was never actually promoted to the rank of Brigadier General.
  13. ^ Loa was part of the special forces team covertly inserted into Ishbal in an effort to entice the citizens to rise up against the military. He was improsoned after the outbreak of the Ishbal war and transformed into a chimera; when rescued by Greed, he was shown in a military uniform with the shoulder bars of a Private.
  14. ^ Original Japanese cast for the TV series/movie.
  15. ^ Funimation's dub cast for English speaking nations, originally broadcasted in Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block in the United States of America, also broadcasted in Canada, United Kingdom and Australia.
  16. ^ Álamo's dub cast in Portuguese for broadcasting in Brazil, at Animax channel and Rede TV!.
  17. ^ Studio Chinkel's dub cast for broadcasting in France, at Canal +.
  18. ^ Estudios Lain's dub cast for broadcasting in Spanish speaking Latin American countries, at Animax channel.
  19. ^
  20. ^ Original Japanese cast for the TV series/movie.
  21. ^ Funimation's dub cast for English speaking nations, originally broadcasted in Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block in the United States of America, also broadcasted in Canada, United Kingdom and Australia.
  22. ^ Álamo's dub cast in Portuguese for broadcasting in Brazil, at Animax channel and Rede TV!.
  23. ^ Estudios Lain's dub cast for broadcasting in Spanish speaking Latin American countries, at Animax channel.
  24. ^ Original Cast in Filipino for broadcasting in Philippines, at GMA 7.
  25. ^ Edward’s first mission in the anime was sorting through Shou Tucker’s chimera research in Central. Displeased at this assignment, Edward nearly quit the military, but stayed on to pursue information pertinent to the Philosopher's Stone. (Anime only)

[edit] Miscellaneous

  • In the Hagaren Kids OVA, a child resembling Mustang can be seen playing card games with other children resembling Breda, Falman, and Havoc.
  • According to fan polls, Mustang is consistently the second most popular character while Hughes is consistently in the top ten most popular characters. Despite his early death, he has a very strong fan base.
  • The General who played chess with Roy in the Eastern Headquarters is General Grumman, Riza's grandfather.[26] General Grumman said that he will give his granddaughter to the "future president of Amestris."
  • Hawkeye has short hair when she is still a Second Lieutenant, but had grown it long after encountering Winry Rockbell.
  • In a conversation with Edward Elric, it is revealed Hawkeye was in her last year of military training when sent to the battlefield of the Ishbal War.
  • Riza's mother died earlier than her father. However, relatives on both sides of her family seem to have kept their distance.
  • On occasion Hawkeye’s name is translated as Liza or Rise, but official materials have consistently written her name as Riza. Undercover missions also had her taking alternate identities, two of which are Elizabeth (manga chapter 37) and Margot Orange Peko (Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel).
  • In the manga, Riza's father was Roy Mustang's flame alchemy mentor.
  • Riza's favored side-arms are the Browning Hi-Power and FN Model 1910; she switches back and forth between them often, and she used both of them simultaneously on one occasion.
  • According to Japanese polls, Hawkeye is constantly one of the top ten favorite characters.
  • Havoc resembles the main character of Shanghai Youma Kikai, an early manga from Hiromu Arakawa. Ironically, his boss, a nine-tailed fox, looks exactly like Lust.
  • Four of the Japanese voice actors who voiced the officers also voiced characters in the Get Backers anime and drama CDs.
  • In continuation to the Cosmic Era link, 3 of the characters here also voiced characters in Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny.
    • Toru Ohkawa (Roy Mustang and Uzumi Nara Athha)
    • Tetsu Shiratori (Kain Fuery and Sai Argyle)
    • Michiko Neya (Riza Hawkeye and Hilda Harken, Abi Windsor in GSD)
  • It was seen in the episode "The Ishbal Massacre" that Marcoh's uniform had the same shoulder-decor as that of a Major, indicating that he held the rank of "Major" when he was a State Alchemist.

[edit] External links

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Fullmetal Alchemist
Common characters: Edward ElricAlphonse ElricRoy MustangMaes HughesWinry RockbellScarIzumi CurtisHohenheimMinor characters of Fullmetal Alchemist
Anime-only characters: DanteState MilitaryHomunculiMinor anime characters
Manga-only characters: FatherState MilitaryHomunculiLing YaoMinor manga characters
Media: Anime (Episode listVoice casts) • MangaOVAsConqueror of ShamballaVideo games (characters) • Trading cards
Items/Concepts: AlchemyAutomailChimeraEquivalent ExchangeGate of AlchemyPhilosopher's StoneState AlchemistTransmutation circle
Locations: AmestrisIshbalLab 5Lior