Star jelly

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Star jelly, or pwdre sêr, is a compound purportedly deposited on the earth during meteor showers. It is described as a foul-smelling, gelatinous substance, which tends to evaporate shortly after having fallen.

There have been reports of pwdre sêr (Welsh for rot of the stars) for centuries.[citation needed] A long article in the paranormal magazine Fate declared Star Jelly to be of extraterrestrial origin, calling it "cellular organic matter" which exists as "prestellar molecular clouds" which float through space.

There have been connections made between Star Jelly and unidentified flying objects — some UFO watchers believe that UFOs are not alien constructs, but living beings called atmospheric beasts, and that the Star Jelly is their remains once they fall to earth.

Many skeptics feel that Star Jelly is probably a naturally occurring material such as slime molds, nostoc or lichen, and that the extraterrestrial connection occurs when people see meteor showers, rush to where they think the meteors fell, and find the already-existing mold on the ground.


[edit] Recent documented cases

Disputed science:
Astrobiotic origin of star jelly


Core tenets:
  • A mysterious jellylike or slimy substance allegedly associated with meteor strikes arises from extraterresstial organic matter comprising interstellar molecular clouds
Year proposed: * c. 1979

Original proponents:

  • unknown

Current proponents:

  • unknown

In 1950, four Philadelphia, Pennsylvania policemen reported the discovery of "a domed disk of quivering jelly, 6 feet in diameter, one foot thick at the center and an inch or two near the edge." When they tried to pick it up, it dissolved into an "odorless, sticky scum." [1], [2]. The site was located (near 26th Street and Vare Avenue) within a half mile (800 m) of the Philadelphia Gas Works, leading to the possibility that it was some type of industrial discharge.

On August 11, 1979, Mrs. Sybil Christian of Frisco, Texas reported the discovery of several purple blobs of goo on her front yard following a Perseid meteor shower. A follow up investigation by reporters and an assistant director of the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History discovered a battery reprocessing plant outside of town where caustic soda was used to clean impurities from the lead in the batteries, resulting in a purplish compound as a byproduct. The report was greeted with some skepticism, however, as the compounds at the reprocessing plant were solid, whereas the blobs on Mrs. Christian's lawn were gelatinous. Others, however, have pointed out that Mrs. Christian had tried to clear them off her lawn with a garden hose[citation needed].

In December, 1983, grayish-white, oily gelatin fell on North Reading, Massachusetts. Mr. Thomas Grinley reported finding it on his lawn, on the streets and sidewalks, and dripping from gas station pumps[citation needed].

On several dates in 1994, "gelatinous rain" fell on Oakville, Washington. The story was featured in a 1995 episode of Unsolved Mysteries [3]. In 1997, a similar substance fell in the Everett, Washington area.

On the evening of November 3, 1996, a meteor was reported flashing across the sky of Kempton, Australia, just outside of Hobart. The next morning, white translucent slime was discovered on the lawns and sidewalks of the town[citation needed].

[edit] Scientific analysis

Godfrey Louis is a solid-state physicist currently studying "blood-colored showers" that fell in 2001 near his home in Kerala in India. He thinks they may come from space. He has isolated red 10-micrometre structures that may reproduce without DNA, but have not been extensively tested. [4]

Little scientific analysis has been done on Star Jelly. The Guardian Unlimited reported in January of 2005 that Welsh naturalist Thomas Pennant, writing in the 18th century, believed the material to be "something" vomited up by birds or animals. More recent scientific speculation has pointed towards frog spawn which has been vomited up by amphibian eating creatures, though no frog spawn has ever approached the size of some reported cases of Star Jelly.

The Massachusetts Department of Environment Quality Engineering examined the "star fall" which dropped on North Reading, but the only results were that the material was "non-toxic".

[edit] Star jelly in literature and fiction

Sir John Suckling, in 1641, wrote a poem which contained the following lines:

As he whose quicker eye doth trace
A false star shot to a mark'd place
Do's run apace,
And, thinking it to catch,
A jelly up do snatch

Henry More, in 1656 ,wrote:

That the Starres eat...that those falling Starres, as some call them, which are found on the earth in the form of a trembling gelly, are their excrement.

John Dryden, in 1679, wrote:

When I had taken up what I supposed a fallen star I found I had been cozened with a jelly.
Cover art from The Blob videotape
Cover art from The Blob videotape

William Somervile, in 1740, wrote:

Swift as the shooting star, that gilds the night
With rapid transient Blaze, she runs, she flies;
Sudden she stops nor longer can endure
The painful course, but drooping sinks away,
And like that falling Meteor, there she lyes
A jelly cold on earth.

Sir Walter Scott, in his novel The Talisman, wrote:

"Seek a fallen star," said the hermit, "and thou shalt only light on some foul jelly, which, in shooting through the horizon, has assumed for a moment an appearance of splendour.

Some observers have made a connection between Star Jelly and the movie The Blob, in which a gelatinous monster falls from space. The Blob was supposedly based on the Philadelphia reports[citation needed].

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Adams, E.M. and Schlesinger, F., "Pwdre Ser", Nature, 84, 105-106 (1910).
  • Nieves-Rivera, Angel M. 2003. The Fellowship of the Rings - UFO rings versus fairy rings. Skeptical Inquirer. Vol. 27, No. 6, 50-54.

[edit] External links