Star Wars fan fiction

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Star Wars Fan Fiction is fan fiction based on the Star Wars movies and the Star Wars extended universe.


[edit] History

1977 would be the start of one of the bigger fan fiction communities: Star Wars. The first movie, Star Wars: Episode IV, A New Hope came out in theaters. The fan fiction community, being built by people with experience from other fannish communities like Star Trek would quickly put out the first stories and fanzines. The first story to arrive on the scene was published in Warped Space or Scuttlebutt. Unlike the Star Trek community’s relationship with Paramount, Lucasfilms Ltd. would be involved and trying to maintain some control on the type of content which appeared, according to Verba, almost from the start. One of the earliest pieces of fan fiction was published this year. According to Langley and Verba, the story was most likely published in Warped Space.

By 1981, the community was actively publishing m/m material. It came to the attention of Lucasfilms Ltd. The company responded by issuing a letter telling Star Wars fen they could not publish any Star Wars related fanzines with out their permission. (Jenkins) This action caused some kerfluffling in the fandom. Some people left the fandom. Other people joined, in order to get away from fandoms which had much more sexually explicit material circulating.

Evidence suggests that the previous adult material situation was largely resolved internally, in the fandom by 1990. The community was on to bigger and better things. One such thing was the drabble, which had entered the fan fiction community by way of Doctor Who fans.

During the 1980s, multi-fandom fandom zines were circulating. If a fan wanted to read a story from their particular fandom, they may well have to read the story in a zine that contained stories outside their fandom. According to Langley, this would often gateway fans into other communities, creating in them an interest that would lead them to seek out the source material. This would help a number of fandoms including Battlestar Galactica, Blake's 7, Dark Shadows, Doctor Who, Man from UNCLE, Star Trek, Star Wars and others.

The term chan, in western fan fiction communities, dates to the Masters and Apprentice mailing list. In 1999, members of this Star Wars fan fiction list started using the term to mean any story featuring a sexual relationship between an adult and some one under the age of 18.

By 1999, people from the Gundam Wing fandom had migrated to the Star Wars fandom. They brought with them several new terms to their new fandom. Among the terms they brought with them was chan. Permissions

[edit] People

[edit] JJ Adamson

JJ Adamson was a member of the Australian Star Wars and Star Trek fandoms during the 1980s. She contributed to the second issue of the fanzine, Multiverse.

[edit] Jill Curtin

Jill Curtin was a member of the Australian Star Wars and Star Trek fandoms during the 1980s. She contributed to the second issue of the fanzine, Multiverse.

[edit] Jane Harmon

Jane Harmon was a Star Wars fan fiction writer. She was one of the first people to popularize the usage of Obichan and Chanslash. She spread the usage of these terms on the Star Wars mailing list, Masters-Apprentice, during 1999 and the early 2000s.

[edit] Jackie Marshall

Jackie Marshall was a British member of the Star Trek and Star Wars fan fiction communities during the 1980s. She contributed to several fanzines including Multiverse published by the Australian, Nikki White.

[edit] Betsy Vera

Betsy Vera is well known in fandom for her beta reading site. In 1998, Betsy Vera created a page called BEDLAM: About Writing – Beta Reading. Betsy’s page is notable for several reasons. Early on, in the late 1990s, this page was important in terms of defining how to beta read as the page contained examples of various beta reading jobs, giving different perspectives on how people actually went about the process. The story being critiqued and used as an example was from the Buffy: The Vampire Slayer community but the site was referenced in such communities as the Star Wars, Star Trek, Gilmore Girls and X-Men fan fiction communities.

[edit] External links

  • [1]|The Force:Fan Fiction